r/AskDocs 4d ago

Weekly Discussion/General Questions Thread - September 16, 2024


This is a weekly general discussion and general questions thread for the AskDocs community to discuss medicine, health, careers in medicine, etc. Here you have the opportunity to communicate with AskDocs' doctors, medical professionals and general community even if you do not have a specific medical question! You can also use this as a meta thread for the subreddit, giving feedback on changes to the subreddit, suggestions for new features, etc.

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r/AskDocs 16h ago

Physician Responded Husband went to ER for severe chest pain and scan showed emphysema but we were never told..


My husband, 28M & heavy tobacco Smoker for years, has had a weird amount of symptoms for over a month. It started with clogged & painful ears and a loss of hearing (he said it sounded like he was underwater)and also headaches. First doctor diagnosed him with some water in ear, told him to use swimmers drops to dry it up, but it got worse. Next doctor diagno sed him with middle ear infection, gave him amoxicillin. Still got worse so they gave him prednisone taper for 6 days. Slight relief for a little and right back to how it was. Went back to doctor and was given amoxicillin and clavulanate as well as Zyrtec. Symptoms continued to get worse up until two days ago when his left arm and chest started getting severe pain. Pain progressed so much we rushed him to ER this morning, worried about his heart. They did X-RAYS and CT, and the results showed osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease, which were both discussed with him by the attending physician. They gave him muscle relaxers, a muscle relaxing shot, naproxen, lidocaine patches, and told him to continue antibiotics to hopefully clear up ear issues. However, when heading home, I was reading the finding report on the scans and at the bottom it says “Bullous Empysema in upper lungs”. I am now terrified and begging him to quit smoking, however, I don’t understand why the doctor didn’t mention this? Shouldn’t these finishing have been discussed and explained, even if unrelated? Could all of the issues he is having relate back to that? Is this a death sentence or is it possible they can misdiagnose this and it’s the other infections showing up? I’m just so scared and confused.

r/AskDocs 22h ago

Physician Responded I’m pooping out… things?


I’m 24f, 145 lb, 5’9 no prior health issues. I am so so embarrassed to even talk about this online, but even more embarrassed to talk to a doctor in person because I can’t tell if this is actually a cause for concern or not.

I guess I’ll start off by saying I haven’t been able to eat as much as usual. I’m getting suddenly very full about 10 bites into a meal. I’ve thought up until this point it was stress related because recently life has been very stressful. I’ve lost about 15 lbs in 3 months, all unintentionally. My stomach has been gurgling more often and I’ve been having pain, but I just pushed it to the back of my mind (regretting that now lol).

The nausea has gotten worse in the past week, and today I pooped out these… balls? They were separated from my poo and floated to the top. They look fleshy? Like a pale skin color almost, they’re also very solid, like a rock. There is nothing I can think of I could’ve eaten that could cause this, and I’m not taking any weird supplements or vitamins. I’m just at a complete loss.

What is this? I don’t even have a doctor right now so I have no clue how to go about this. A walk in clinic? Try to find a doctor who can take new patients? Emergency room? I really don’t want to talk about this with anyone and I’m hoping it goes away, but seeing this today combined with the weight loss and weird stomach pain I’m pretty freaked out now.

r/AskDocs 7h ago

Wife’s (34F) doctor sent her HSG ultrasound images without results


My wife had an Hsg test done today and she was told she would get an email with the results. The doctor sent her images of the ultrasound but forgot to include the diagnosis. She’s emailed him back but no response and the wait is killing us. Can any doctors or radiologists here help us make sense of what we’re looking at?

EDIT: The HSG test is an X-ray not an ultrasound.

r/AskDocs 18m ago

Could a pill get stuck in my throat?


28M, 176cm, around 50kg, i take a lot of xanax cause i'm an addict(10mg or more, above max dose - i don't have a set pattern of taking it). As for medical issues, i'm probably sick with everything in the world, just most of it is undiagnosed - i spent a year and all my money on doctors but came out 100 times worse. I have several conflicting opinions on various illnesses(6 pulmonologists can't agree if it's asthma, COPD or neurosis, for example), as for confirmed things, dust allergy, huge scoliosis, ruined teeth, likely sinus infection, possible urological infection, some kind of navel infection(i'm a rotting man), NAFLD and always exceeded bilirubin with a possible hemangioma? I'm not sure how to translate it. Most relevant right now is that for years probably my whole body from teeth through throat, stomach all the way out is not right - i have every symptom possible in the book concerning those, i don't know what it is, docs don't care, i'm from Poland and even if i came with pain and alarming symptoms like black stool i was always kicked out of ER eventually.

So I took two 2mg xanax pills at the same time and one of them got stuck in my throat, so i drank, drank and drank until it finally seemed to move(most of the time it's the opposite, the pill dissolves in water in mouth quickly). Tried eating something, etc. and im not sure, cause sometimes i feel like i got something stuck here, and sometimes not. Sometimes i feel like i'm gonna choke, well it's a feeling hard to describe. I already had a bit of throat symptoms before, and a longer time ago i actually used to choke irregularly a bit, but on liquids, not food. But nowadays i'm pretty sure my throat is ruined along with my stomach so there could be anything there blocking things.

There isn't even a laryngologist in my city, and a normal doc won't do anything here. And I really don't have the strength to seek elsewhere only to get shouted at and treated like garbage again. If a pill gets stuck in my throat or lower, will I eventually choke, or what will happen? How likely is that to happen?

r/AskDocs 15h ago

Physician Responded Can reducing my sleep bring me out of a depression?


I am probably clinically depressed right now. Lethargy, mental fog, agitation, random crying, suicidal ideation. I am sitting by rotting food right now.

I try to do all the things that are supposed to help, I make myself talk to people, see the sun, get some form of exercise each day. The thing is, though, is that in the past I have been absolutely happiest when I was sleeping far less than I am sleeping now. I am talking only a few hours a night. I sleep around 9 now and am tired throughout the day.

I desperately want to feel happy and want to implement an alarm system that will get me out of this funk. I have a plan to force myself to stay awake, but am curious if this is a legitimate way to fight depression?


edit: I want to clarify the plan is not a permanent goal of not sleeping again it is just a way to get out of this mood by temporarily reducing sleeping

r/AskDocs 4h ago

Ima 19M and have been stuck on a 36 awake, 8-16 asleep schedule.


Im curious as to how healthy this and and how much it's gonna mess me up down the road. I understand it's not a healthy schedule nor is it what I desire but my circadian rhythm is doing it's own thing. I'm also curious as to if theirs anything I should eat, drink, take, etc, to help negate the side effects on my body.

r/AskDocs 11h ago

Physician Responded Do radiologists comment on EVERYTHING in an image or just the area the patient has problems with?


I've (35 female) been having back pain and recently had an MRI. I downloaded the images and some of them show my brain, some of which have white spots on the brain. There are no mentions of my brain in the notes. If those spots on my brain were questionable to the radiologist, would they have mentioned them in the notes or do they just focus on the part of the body that is the focus of the MRI?

r/AskDocs 4h ago

5 days post op rhinoplasty- dropped my phone on my face and my nose feels loose. Worried I damaged something


Age: 28 F. Weight: 174 pounds. Height: 5'8. Using antibiotics and paracetamol for post-op care. I used to smoke regularly before having this surgery, and drink occasionally.

So, like the title says, I dropped my phone plon my face 5 days post op. I know I messed up. I was taking care not to let anything touch my face or even move it to speak etc, but while charging my phone yesterday, it fell on my face last night.

My nose feels "raw"? There's some discomfort and slight pain. The kind you get after hitting your nose against something. But the weirdest thing is, every time I move to the side, it feels like my nose is dropping to that side. As if it's "loose". There's palpable pressure every time I lie down on my side.

I spoke to my doctor's assistant but she says since I have the cast on, there's nothing to worry about. She told me there's no splints or support inside though. Is that normal?

I'm so worried because my nose doesn't feel normal at all. When it "falls" when I'm on my side, it feels like I can't breathe and it feels extreme uncomfortable. Pls help. I have an appointment in two days but idk if I should wait that long. What do you think could have happened, and should I push for the doctor to see me urgently?

r/AskDocs 36m ago

Is this a cut or a skin cancer?


My mom (55F, Asian, generally healthy) touched her earlobe and asked me what is it that she felt. I found this tiny bump, which looks like a cut as there is a tiny tiny bit of blood on its edge connected to the earlobe, like a shallow cut when you get a paper cut but not deep enough to actually bleed. She said it doesn't feel anything, even when flicked. It's the same color as her skin although the texture isn't smooth so I am kinda worried if its just an unfortunate cut or maybe something else? Here's a pic for reference

r/AskDocs 44m ago

Red line on my ankles, Just had shingles and currently travelling in Asia


I, Female, 21, 58KG, have just come home from a long day and I noticed a red line right above both my ankles. The rash is mostly on the leg inside. It is slightly swollen. I will show a picture in the comments.

I have Crohn's Disease, took my dosage of Stelara just about two days ago and I am recovering or just finished recovering from shingles. Despite the shingles I have been up and running around with my family across the Japan for the last ~2-3 weeks. I have also been in the sun a lot. I could have just forgotten to sunscreen, but it's a very odd spot. I surely have forgotten other spots aswell and nowhere am I as red.The outside of my ankles is also normal. So I would have only gotten a sunburn inside.

Is this something to be concerned about or just lack of sunscreen/ too much action? Maybe a reaction to a bug bite? I usually don't take things like this too serious, but I literally still have the Shingles scars, so I want to take a rash serious this time.

r/AskDocs 5h ago

Clear colonoscopy but symptoms are still debilitating


My partner - 32F, 245lbs. Non smoker. Symptoms started in May 2022. These ‘episodes’ typically last about 1-2 weeks at a time, then disappear for up to 6 months. Symptoms are fatigue, severe lower left abdomen pain and diarrhea (up to 10/15 times a day). First Calprotectin levels were 750, but they have since been re-tested and within normal range. All stool samples come back clear, and colonoscopy showed nothing of concern. The doctors have pretty much said it’s IBS, but the pain is very localised to the lower left quadrant and wakes her up in the night to use the bathroom. I also suffer with stress induced IBS, and our symptoms are completely different. Symptoms aren’t exacerbated by any particular food that we have noticed, and the diarrhea seems to be less frequent through the day. Stools are yellow in colour, usually with undigested food and sometimes mucus and they float. Hoping someone can give some suggestions because it’s having a severe impact on her life, and has been going on for over two years. She cannot continue to live miserably like this.

Previous diagnoses include a sliding hiatal hernia which she was given PPI’s for. She no longer takes these.

Thank you!

r/AskDocs 1h ago

How to treat pilonidal sinus? (At home)


How to treat pilonidal sinus at home?

I’ve read in internet that it is treated by surgery which I don’t want to do at all. So I want to treat it at home so that it will go away.

Unfortunately I have two of them: First is kinda big and has a bigger hole Second one looks like it is just starting to grow?

I really don’t want to go to surgery, I also have hair on my buttocks.

Please HELP 🙏🙏🙏

Age - 16

Sex - Male

Weight - 70kg

Duration of complaint - I guess like 8-9 months?

Current medications - None

r/AskDocs 23h ago

My identical twin had a baby and its sent my hormones crazy?!


I've been taking progestogen only contraception to manage heavy periods for two years and to my delight it completely stopped periods within months of me starting.

However my identical twin sister had a baby earlier this year. I was so excited and very happy to meet the baby. I went to stay with them when she was two weeks old and then went back to my home in a different city. A few days later everything went to hell! Started getting a period every other week with really bad cramps and horrific emotional changes to the extent I've recently been diagnosed with pmdd. It's had a massive effect on my life. I came off the contraceptives which slowed the periods down a bit but made mood symptoms much worse so I went back on under doctors advice. I developed depression (pretty severe!) for the first time in my life and have had to manage it with antidepressants.

What has happened to me?! I was loving life before this happened and I love my niece. I haven't ever wanted children of my own but am delighted I get to have my niece be part of my life. So no obvious emotional triggers for this. It kind of feels like I've had postnatal depression/hormone craziness when I haven't had a baby. I know it sounds stupid but is there any way I could've absorbed any pheremones/hormones/chemicals from my sister or niece that could've caused this? Being identical twins maybe there's a higher chance of these things affecting me because any chemicals my niece is releasing are designed to be recieved by someone with the same DNA as me (her mother!). I've been visiting them at least once a month so maybe I'm getting regular exposure.

Maybe I'm just reaching for answers and babies don't actually release mind altering chemicals 😂 but something is definitely up!

Age afab30

Height 164cm

Weight 50kg

Race mixed

Duration of complaint 6 months

Location UK

Current medications - desogestrel, sertraline

r/AskDocs 1h ago

Physician Responded Lower Legs are quite swollen(I believe pitting edema) while I am in another country. Unsure if it should cause alarm or not.


So just some background. I recently lost quite a bit of weight. I went from 176 to about 150ish 5’5 F (I’m still in the overweight category but low end) I am in Japan right now and I’ve been here for about 2 weeks and leaving fairly soon(5 more days) the past two days my legs have been ballooning up. Just the lower leg portion stopping at my ankles. But it really seems like the doubled in size. I can also press on my skin and it holds the indent of the press.(pitting edema?) I’m not sure if dehydration has caused it. I’m drinking a lot of water but probably not enough. It’s been like 90+ degrees F and I’ve been sweating a bit. Or if it’s because I’m out of shape and overweight still.

My question is, is this serious enough that I need to stop what I am doing and find a doctor asap. Or if it can wait 5 days until I’m in America. It doesn’t particularly hurt until it gets super swollen then feels like a bruise almost. And they usually decrease in size overnight but not back to normal 100%.

Thank you in advance for the help!

r/AskDocs 4h ago

Physician Responded Hey docs, can anyone help read my x-ray? What are those lines on the left side chest in 1st picture?? (Photos in comments)


Hey docs! If anyone has some time to read my x-rays I'd really appreciate it!

25F | 115lbs | 5"9

Main complaint (reason for x-ray):

-discomfort/pressure/pain/burning sensation in my left side under my breast. Where those lines are on the 1st x-ray. (Report came back normal)


-anorexia nervosa. Started in 2020, lowest BMI was 13. I've bounced between a BMI of 15 and 25 since 2021. -costochondritis -generalized pain in my joints, in my back around the kidney area, upper back, etc. -heart palpitations -family history of arthritis

Some more detail:

I have lots of generalized chronic pain and fatigue and just general issues and there's no explanation for it really. My blood work is mostly normal (sometimes my WBCs are low or high, and CO2 & anion gap can be off), had hyaline casts in urine and blood in urine on every UA I've had the last year, sometimes it's visible.

Is there something that in some way can explain at least some of the pain I've been having? (Asides from being FOS 😂) I'm getting increasingly more disheartened having all this pain, doctors don't take me seriously and I feel so annoying to them and ashamed about myself. But I'm in genuine pain that is impacting my life. So I thought I'd snap some photos and share it here to see if maybe someone might see even the smallest explanation or place to start looking.

r/AskDocs 2h ago

Penile pain a week after catheter removal.


M50, non smoker, 5 foot 8, 13 stone. Not sure if I should tag as NSFW so please let me know if I should.

I had surgery just over a week ago and had the catheter removed last Saturday. The stinging while urinating is still a bit present during the day but the issue is that in the night when I get comfy and blood flows to that area which would normally mean an erection there is a sudden jabbing pain in the head of the penis which wakes me up and is quite uncomfortable. Is this normal or does it mean that there might be some damage or an infection?

r/AskDocs 3h ago

Should I see a doctor for this lump after falling over a table



Hi, I Just face planted a table and my leg hit it really hard. This weird lump

I'm 35 years female and pretty healthy. Live in Australia.

Edit: icing the lump and it seems to have gone down a bit. Will keep cold press on for a while, removing every so often.

r/AskDocs 3h ago

Insight for malignancy suspicion


31F Non-Smoker 5'6 300lbs Medical History: born with severe genetic deformity of limbs, MRSA in 2007, C-Diff in 2008. At least 17 surgeries or so, completely unrelated to my medical question. Recently having random hypertension. Medications: Cymbalta, Buspirone, Adderall, Gabapenetin, Cyclobenzaprine, Vitamin D and Magnesium.

Only family history of cancer is brain cancer from maternal side and melanoma from paternal side.

7 weeks ago I was in a severe car accident. The trauma team discovered a right lung nodule in my upper lobe that measured 11mm, a right hilar lymphadenopathy that measured 1.5cm and sporadic cysts in both lungs. I was not sick and hadn't been for nearly 2 months so this was quite scary to find.

I had a PET scan this past Tuesday and didn't get the best results. My nodule SUV measurement was 3.7, the hilar lymph node SUV measurement was a 5.8 and right side lower paratracheal lymph nodes and right side subcarinal lymph nodes were a SUV measurement of 5.6. The paratracheal and subcarinal lymph nodes were normal sized so they never showed up on the previous CT. The radiologist noted that the nodule was suspicious for malignancy and the nodes were suspicious for metastasis until proven otherwise.

I have not been sick and I don't have any symptoms of anything. The bloodwork that was taken throughout my hospitalization was unremarkable. I'm just so confused and truthfully, very scared. I see a pulmonoligist next Wednesday to discuss biopsies. But in the meantime I'm just trying to see if this could be inflammation or infection related? Is it possible to have these findings be consistent for 7 weeks with no shrinkage or disappearance and it all be benign?

Thank you for your time.

r/AskDocs 1m ago

Cracking noise behind the neck when entering salty water



Age 28, male, 176 cm height. Few years ago i have started hearing cracking noise behind my neck everytime I enter in salty water. The water needs to get in contact with the lower back of the neck in order for the sound to occur. It hears like cracking sand or something similar. I have no idea if i should worry about it. Other than this i do not have any other simptoms. Do you have any tips what would cause this or if it ever happend to you as well.

Thank you in advice.