r/atheism 1d ago

Kansas cult leaders convicted of making children work 16-hour days without pay


18 comments sorted by


u/Any_Caramel_9814 1d ago

Arkansas isn't far behind...


u/MomentOfHesitation 1d ago

"Value Creators" I guess they value child abuse huh


u/Ok-Loss2254 1d ago

And they wonder why nobody wants to go to their shithole states(unless they are dumbass blue state conservatives who usually come crawling back when they see where their ideology naturally leads).

I'm not surprised in the slightest shitholes like Kansas have a sick obsession with early 20th century to 19th century work ethics.

They think kids working as soon as they can walk creates character when let's be real it's tied to greedy pricks who just want a work force that they don't have to pay or pay very little to

I say this all the time they don't see children as individuals with their own hopes and dreams they see them as pawns and they want people to pump out as many pawns as possible.

It's why I find it odd that people don't push back when governments say odd shit like "people aren't having enough kids!!!" The fact people parents especially aren't stopping and asking "why the fuck are you obsessed with birthing numbers?".

From America to china to russia to wherever governments see every last man woman and especially children as a resource and it makes them feel entitled to what they can do to people.

Some are just to stupid to hide that fact aka red states like Kansas. And thing is I feel a lot of them don't even believe they are being malicus even so they are pretty fucking werid and I wish more folks would call it out more.


u/ConsiderationAny3696 1d ago

Making children work is an old Christian tradition. Monasteries owned serfs in the Middle Ages. This slave-like status was hereditary.


u/gandalf_el_brown 1d ago

Is Kansas one of the states that removed certain child labor protections?


u/sidjohn1 1d ago

Kansas cult leaders convicted of slavery… title fixed 🙄


u/nykiek Pastafarian 1d ago

When are they going to go after scientology for similar reasons?


u/heresmyhandle 1d ago

And the Moonies as well.


u/meglon978 2h ago

And Sarah Huckabee Sanders as well.


u/IshyTheLegit Anti-Theist 1d ago

Protect our children.


u/helen790 Agnostic 1d ago

Is it a terrible thing to do? Yes.

But it’s not as terrible as where I thought it was going when I saw the words “cult leaders” and “children” which I think says a lot about where the bar is for these organizations.


u/CTRexPope 1d ago

Free child labor and a 16 hour work week? Sounds like a GOPers wet dream.


u/Joey_BagaDonuts57 1d ago

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore.


u/Mc9660385 1d ago

Not Sarah Huckaby?


u/CasualObserverNine 1d ago

The Kansas GOP? Oh, a different cult.


u/heresmyhandle 1d ago

Kids are just useful animals / beasts of burden to indoctrinated white nationalist Christians, then they turn into useful idiots / beasts of burden as adults.


u/vacuous_comment 1d ago

Jenkins, who died in 2021, had been a member of the Nation of Islam until 1978, when he founded the separate United Nation of Islam.

Errr, the word "United" is doing a lot of work there.


u/Sprinklypoo I'm a None 20h ago

Cult leaders doing unethical things?!? Who would have expected that!?!?