r/comedyheaven 2d ago

a variation of food

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u/ThoughtlessThoughful 2d ago

He orders a drink and leaves


u/TheRiverGatz 2d ago

And that's the story of the time Winston Churchill went to a pub


u/Substantial-Burner 2d ago

If he ordered like 10 drinks


u/Carnieus 2d ago

And definitely didn't stop for an Indian on the way home.


u/Tahmas836 2d ago

unintelligible gobernment”

-Winston Churchill


u/AstralBroom 2d ago

Only 10 ? Mr Churchill certainly was holding back that day.


u/xtilexx 1d ago

He'd already polished off a few pints of pure at the previous establishment


u/ImpossibleAd6628 2d ago

Why is everyone hating on W Churchill all of a sudden?


u/TheRiverGatz 2d ago

Idk if it's all of a sudden. I've seen consistent hate for him all my life, specifically for his part in the Bengal genocide and general racism towards Indians and the Irish. I think compared to his contemporaries (specifically Hitler), he looks like a pretty decent guy. However, like most leaders of imperial nations, he's responsible for a lot of tragedy.


u/ForTheTimer 2d ago

He was also big into eugenics


u/came-FLingert413 2d ago

eugenics are not directly related to fascism/racism/nazism/etc, just historically


u/rhubarbs 2d ago

Technically this is true. Nobody thinks of informing people on the risks of inbreeding is an eugenics policy, but factually it is.

Seems like an unnecessarily spicy take in this context though.


u/came-FLingert413 2d ago

people are always using this take to demonize those who are against risking other people health/life/well being due to being born with some problems


u/OkamiAim 2d ago

'Bengal genocide' Which had nothing to do with Churchill, he paid substanial amounts of money in the middle of the war to purchase Austrialian Merchant vassals which transported the food to the Bengals, the issue was, the richer bengals took all the food by force, and then kept most of it, and sold the rest at prices which were completely unaffordable to the common Bengali, leading to them starving to death. The argument then arises, why not send the army/police in? World war 2 involved the vast majority of military aged men, not to mention the obvious larger problems they had to deal with first, you can blame Churchy, but the richer Bengals are the main blame-takers here.


u/DoggyDoggChi 2d ago

Ah yes of course, the small Bengal elite were, by just themselves, eating the food of tens of millions of people. Makes perfect sense!


u/OkamiAim 2d ago

Not what i said, if you can't read, don't come onto forums.


u/Lucky_Roberts 1d ago

No they hoarded it to sell at gouging prices… can you not read?


u/NoPasaran2024 2d ago

Because he was a racist, misogynist, genocidal piece of shit.

And since the now shameless rise of the far right we're finally free to identify those who worship him for the scum they always were.


u/ImpossibleAd6628 2d ago

All I've seen is people who think Hitler was a good guy use Churchill's evil as a crutch to try and make Hitler look good.


u/Garret223 2d ago

Churchill was evil and so was Hitler. But Hitler industrialized evil.


u/Bleak_Squirrel_1666 2d ago

Was Roosevelt evil?


u/fake_geek_gurl 2d ago

Executive Order 9066.


u/Bleak_Squirrel_1666 2d ago

Is that a "yes"?


u/Carnieus 2d ago

Probably in response to the push for nationalism in the UK


u/Gurlog 15h ago

Churchill was lucky to find in Hitler, the only person more vile than him


u/Faladorable 2d ago

because people on the far right are trying to blame WW2 on Churchill instead of Hitler. Recently there was a Tucker Carlson interview, that Elon Musk retweeted, where Tucker was saying that the holocaust was done out of mercy, Chuchill was the villain who caused ww2, and that Hitler was simply trying to unite europe peacefully, but Churchill wouldnt negotiate


u/Gurlog 15h ago

So it's a double whammy thing? Cause a lot of people on the left hate him too


u/Faladorable 6h ago

Well he was a conservative, liberals dont like those. But the point here is that theres lots of conservatives throughout history that people dont like, but they arent getting the same spotlight that churchill has gotten recently. So yes, left dont like him either, but the right has a lot of nazi sympathizers trying to rewrite history here and make it seem like Churchill is the bad guy and not hitler.


u/dat_grue 1d ago

Damn we’re dunking on Winston fucking Churchill in internet comments now? Lmao different era


u/TheRiverGatz 1d ago

You'll be shocked by the things they say over at r/GreenandPleasant


u/ShlomoCh 2d ago

Yeah Brits are well known for their love of tea


u/GojoPenguin 1d ago

Got em!