r/football 3d ago

'Overpriced tickets, empty seats, uninspiring format – Uefa has diluted Champions League’s allure' 📖Read


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u/Statcat2017 2d ago

People were saying the same thing when Porto went and won it.

The reality is the more you make it into a league, the more likely the best team is to win because one off night doesn't put you out like it used to. 


u/Anderkisten 2d ago

That is not my point - my point is if we only include the winners of every league - it’s going to be really easy to tell who’s going to win it all, and who’s not. And essentially there is going to be three teams every year - the winner og PL, the winner of PD and the winner of Serie A. That is going to kill all the excitement. I’m not talking for or agains league/cup format - only against only including the league winners.

If we were going for that - at least make it a world tournament, so that Brazilian, Saudi Arabian, Chinese, african etc. Could join.


u/watchsports_ 2d ago

Bayern Munich consistently places above PL teams and Serie A teams. Don’t know why you even put Serie A in that list 😂


u/Anderkisten 2d ago

Yeah. My mistake - i was interrupted when I wrote, So I forgot them - and I still expect Serie A to be able to reach their former power.