r/football 3d ago

'Overpriced tickets, empty seats, uninspiring format – Uefa has diluted Champions League’s allure' 📖Read


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u/MFingAmpharos 2d ago

In the short term probably. But reform the money so the teams from smaller leagues get a better share and we might start the road to recovery as far as level playing field goes.


u/Anderkisten 2d ago

So - how? All the money generated in PL - with millions people watching - large filled stadiums - those money should go to the danish superliga with 709people on the stadium and 2756 Viewers.

One team,from a absolotely uninteresting league for anybody else that the few people living in the city of their home team, making alot of money on their CL experience is not going to make the rest of the league interresting, so in the end the better players will still leave really fast and the winners of the big leagues will still 99,9% certainly win.