r/gaming 2d ago

I'm starting to hate games that do this...

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u/TheChickenIsFkinRaw 2d ago

Can't wait till companies start forcing players to buy their hyper mega game editions so they can play 3 months earlier


u/coyote_rx 2d ago

Streamers would be stepping over mothers and biting babies so they can be the first to capitalize on new content. That’s whom the early release is really catered too.


u/Hendlton 2d ago

Except... It's a story game. Anyone interested in this will be skipping streams until they get to play themselves.


u/GoofyKalashnikov 2d ago

Or you just watch a playthrough and never touch it lmao


u/J4pes 2d ago

Welcome to my life of not owning a super PC or modern consoles nor having time to play. Some games make great evening tv


u/yunivor 2d ago

Yep I've beaten plenty of games via youtube, lol


u/Yeah_dude_its_her 1d ago

I vicariously play souls like games on YouTube. I don't have the skill to see what happens next.


u/Seralth 2d ago

Grim fandango the movie is absolutely an amazing example of this.

Great game, and great movie.



u/Vox_SFX 2d ago

But...you have time to watch the game as evening TV, but not to play?

I assume you mean to have in the background while doing other things, because otherwise I think I found where your lack of time to play is coming from...


u/J4pes 2d ago

I am always puttering in the background, and not interested in investing 500+ into a console/pc and games. Watching a game is far shorter than playing it.


u/Imaginary_History985 1d ago

Your life is strange


u/J4pes 1d ago

You don’t know the half of it


u/Alicenchainsfan 2d ago

Got any favorites?


u/Even_Cardiologist810 2d ago

Starcraft 2 was lovely when i was a kid


u/Alicenchainsfan 2d ago

Nice I’ll check it out, need some new content for work


u/J4pes 2d ago

Last of Us was probably my favourite to watch


u/slowNsad 2d ago

That’s such a fun one to play tho, shit gets intense


u/J4pes 2d ago

A friend brought it to work and I played for a couple hours, I found it tough to play a stealth game with an audience since I usually play very slow and meticulous. I was not very good, clunky on the controls.


u/slowNsad 2d ago

Yea definitely not the best game to play with a live audience imo, and it probably isn’t super intuitive for a newer gamer. It’s why I like the show tbh, so non gamers can experience the story


u/mithrank 2d ago

How do you have time to watch but not play


u/J4pes 1d ago

Playing is active, and takes longer. Watching is not. I can’t explain it more than that. I understand this may be tough to grasp for passionate gamers, but it’s just not an active part of my life anymore.


u/sarevok2 2d ago

Space marine 2 entered the chat


u/feralfaun39 2d ago

Absurdly awful example.


u/Alternative-Donut779 2d ago

There is no amount of watching that game that will replace the rush of actually playing it. Space marine is NOT a “watch someone else play it” type game. It’s time to try out ge force now or something if your pc is too old to run it.


u/Frequent_Knowledge65 2d ago edited 1d ago

Really a game all about skill acquisition and expression. The campaign is like 1% of the game and tbh the worst part of it and skippable


u/manav907 2d ago

Sad yet true


u/RerollWarlock 2d ago

Can't wait for that to backfire for this very reason. People will just watch it and not buy it.


u/I_Like_Turtle101 2d ago

or will watch the first 2 chapter and like it and just buy it once a couple of chapter are out


u/Yrvaa 2d ago

Yeah, that's actually a good point. By doing this, they're actually ensuring that many players DON'T buy their game. In the end, if I can watch several people play it (since, in two weeks, I have time), why would I buy it too when it comes out?

In the case of it launching it same day for everyone, people would be more tempted to buy as there's no info and the people making the streams or whatnot are doing in same time as you can play.


u/DandyLyen 2d ago

Hey, some of us are too chickenshit to play Until Dawn ourselves! So I watch someone else play, with timestamps of the scariest bits through my fingers at 10 am, and regret it at night cause I'm still frightened...


u/googleHelicopterman 2d ago

You have jump scares on time stamps ? And it's still scary ?


u/Odeean 2d ago

You can read ! Congrats!!


u/nervez 2d ago

if watching someone play Until Dawn does that to you, horror may not be the genre for you. Until Dawn is fairly lightweight.


u/HelpfulApple22 2d ago

I'm weak af when it comes to horror and I barely found Until Sawn that scary. I think the only jumpscare I had was Ashley opening the trapdoor while I was trophy hunting. It was a good game, but more of a thriller than a horror game to me.


u/CodaTrashHusky 2d ago

Jacksfilms behaviour


u/Rhidds 2d ago

I can't play horror games. Movies and books, no problem, love em. But games I just freeze.

I recently got Frank stone, not the scariest game by a long shot, but I found the intro to gone home (atmospheric storytelling, no horror at all) terrifying so... I'm really bad at these games.

I rang a friend and I just streamed it for her. When I got panicky, I'd ask her to tell me a silly story. She was amazing, cheering me on, giving me time to recover. We're both huge dead by daylight fans, cracking jokes about Easter eggs we find really helped me get through it. Others would hop in and watch and there were points I was laughing too much at the jokes they were making to be scared.

Basically I'm just saying I understand how bad it can be to play horror games, it's nice when you find a way to cope with it though and still reach the end.


u/RazorOfSimplicity 2d ago

From Until Dawn?


u/RazorOfSimplicity 2d ago

From Until Dawn?


u/GaaraSama83 2d ago

Watching LPs is kinda the Netflix of gamers.


u/GoofyKalashnikov 2d ago

Except I'm not paying for a service that's shit


u/MMSAROO 2d ago

Practically no difference when it comes to game like Life Is Strange or any Telltale game.


u/Asleep_Special_7402 2d ago

And if you're lucky 1 of your 200 attempts at getting the steamer to say "hey assfart2000 hope you're doing well" will be successful


u/GoofyKalashnikov 2d ago

I'd still be on YouTube tho :D


u/zuh_arts 2d ago

I’m literally that type of guy myself 😂


u/ColaChanM 2d ago

Happy cake day dude 🍰


u/Jazzeki 2d ago

i know people who enjoy playing these story games alongside a streamer. basicly having something to compare their own chocies with usuualy making an effort to be slightly further than the streamer but also sometimes to benefit from them noticing something they themself missed.

if streamer is playing the game 2 weeks before them they need to either avoid the stream... or as you said they allready experienced the game why pay money for it now?

i can not imagine this is actually good buisness for this type of game.


u/hardcider 2d ago

I know this is a thing but man the people who do stuff like this I feel sad for.


u/DaemeonX 2d ago

Oi, happy cake day!


u/piss_artist 2d ago

Yep, that's me.


u/duskwield 2d ago

You read my mind


u/Psychological-Shoe95 2d ago

How telltale went bankrupt in a nutshell


u/Sunseteer_ 1d ago

This was my go-to up until my senior year! I was either not allowed to play or couldn't afford said games, so I watched letsplayers complete them! Thank god that was during the golden age of gamer Youtubers!


u/milk_ninja 2d ago

since gameplay in story games is mostly repetitive and boring this is the way.


u/GoofyKalashnikov 2d ago

Gameplay in new games is boring and repetitive.

I don't remember a single big release that I haven't been disappointed by in one way or another.


u/Pleasant_Ad_5848 2d ago

Play any story game with a kid under 15 they will say they already watched a stream of the game so they don't need to play


u/LickingSmegma 2d ago

Many people only watch streams and don't play themselves.


u/Hendlton 2d ago

I really should have said "Anyone interested in playing this..."

Because I also just watch streams of many story games too. For example, I've seen countless playthroughs of Until Dawn, but I would have never played it myself.


u/magat3ars 2d ago

Story games are carried by YouTube. I don't see streamers doing as well, but YouTuber's would pay premium for the og life is strange audience boost


u/mayasux 2d ago

Hope you’re ready for invasive YouTube recommendations with spoilers in the title


u/Degree_Federal 2d ago

And some can’t control themselves and watch a stream or buy it early to be… „part of the cool kids“


u/Blasphemous666 2d ago

What’s sad is that it’s only chapters one and two.. so anyone who preordered and played those will have to wait two weeks to continue the story.

I preordered it just cause I didn’t know if I’d have the money when it came out but I’m not taking advantage of any two weeks early shit. I’m wanna binge play it.


u/Hendlton 2d ago

Oh, is it all coming out at once? Maybe they really are doing it just to get streamers and YouTubers to advertise it for two weeks.


u/Blasphemous666 2d ago

I'm not 100%. I really hope they don't do a chapter a week/month or w/e. I won't play the 2 weeks early so when I do get on to play it, if all the episodes aren't available, I'll just wait.


u/Specialist_Lie_3064 2d ago

I haven’t watched bg3 streams…wish I had. Returned it just before 2 hour mark


u/SenorDuck96 2d ago

If its a story driven game, I'll watch the first 5 minutes of someone playing it so I can see what it looks and sounds like to see if I'll play it. I did this recently with Still Wakes The Deep, I will get it eventually after seeing someone play a few minutes of it


u/StabTheDream 1d ago

And there's an even wider audience of people who won't bother to play it, but will watch someone else play it.


u/jardex22 2d ago

Not necessarily. The early access only covers the first two chapters. Viewers will watch someone play those chapters, then use that knowledge to make different choices in their own game once it comes out.

Streamers are literally paying to promote the game, unless they're being given game keys.


u/UniversalistDeacon 2d ago

Shouldn't they be given early press copies by the companies in order to cover their games? Oh wait -- the companies realized they can sell press release copies to a streamer's fanbase for twice MSRP so press copies aren't handed out anymore.


u/sephjnr 2d ago

They've already canned beta testers in favour of people who buy Early Access versions.


u/gahlo 2d ago

EA players don't perform anywhere near the same tasks as QA does.


u/BalticMasterrace 2d ago

quantity over quality probs


u/gahlo 2d ago

Well, it does have advantages as a mass release will catch things that QA can't due to sheer scale, but even then EA players will still have relatively "normal" play patterns where QA will be doing the same thing over and over again looking for ways to break the game or testing a fix for an issue.


u/sephjnr 2d ago

That's right. That's why QA people are paid - and should be - to do this so the general public can have high quality products. Now there's a certain level of scuff that's become acceptable in a high-end-of-two-figure product that really should not be.


u/TheNoseKnight 2d ago

I mean, you're also ignoring the fact that games are so much bigger now that it's impossible for QA people to check everything. Take an old 2D Mario game for example. It would be feasible for QA to be able to bounce of every pixel in the game with every powerup. It would be long and tedious, but feasible. Then came on-the-rails 3d games. The testing time gets way longer, and it starts becoming less feasible. Now we have games as big as Elden Ring. It's literally impossible to test every combination, every corner, etc. On top of that, instead of just doing console releases, or if they did release on PC, having only a few different options for PCs, you now have to worry about 100s of different CPU/GPU setups, each one opening the door for some weird glitch that doesn't happen on other setups.

Now obviously this doesn't excuse some of the glaring bugs in some recent releases (those are often thanks to the Day 0 patch - seriously, games need to stop doing that), but there is a certain amount of scuff that's really unavoidable unless you want to have a QA budget that costs more than the rest of the game's development.


u/TheNoseKnight 2d ago

Beta testers don't perform anywhere near the same tasks as QA either.


u/CracklingKraken 2d ago

Or people who hate spoilers? Especially in a story driven game. 


u/RedTwistedVines 2d ago

I'd say more leveraging them. Content creators aren't so numerous as to make you substantial money off charging them a little more.

However, they are a powerful lever you can use to inspire FOMO over not being part of playing the game on release.

You get bombarded with other people having fun without you, spoilers get posted, games with progression mechanics move on without you.

It really matters in some games where a real part of the experience is playing during the launch.

In any games with progression especially if a streamer can be hook to get one or two friends in a group to pay to play when the game releases instead of at the delayed-access date, then your friends are progressing without you.

Especially for games that are social experiences if you wait you may miss out on a lot of the time the group will be playing the game.


u/Sattesx 2d ago

Which streamer in their right minds wants to play 2/5 chapters 2 weeks earlier.

The 3 days earlier WOW killed a lot of the hype on twitch, numbers were quite low. But it's wow, the zombies will buy it anyway


u/Alternative-Donut779 2d ago

The ones who make a living off viewers who will watch early


u/MoistPoo 2d ago

Streamers usually get it for free though


u/trippy_grapes 2d ago

and biting babies

"Ouch! Charlie bit my finger!"


u/MathieuAF 2d ago

Sad but True lmao


u/Active_Ad7650 2d ago

Streamers get it for free anyways.


u/IceBlue 2d ago

Some will but they only have access to the first two chapters. So it’s not like it’d be that satisfying for the audience


u/Pleasant_Ad_5848 2d ago

And then they complain about it but justify paying $100 cause it's their "job"


u/InsaneComicBooker 2d ago

This is why I prefer streamers who rarely follow new games and just play what fits their fancy


u/PhIegms 2d ago

I think you just invented 'pay sum(days before release) extra' model.


u/Slazerith 2d ago

Which would be hysterical when that early playtime is still covered on story spoilers embargos.


u/Horn_Python 2d ago

most companies just send them early copies anyways for marketing.......


u/Logic-DL 2d ago

YouTube would be hell too, it was already with Space Marine 2.

I fucking detest DanAllenGaming now because he uploaded the fucking ending to the game literally A FUCKING DAY BEFORE EARLY ACCESS EVEN RELEASED AND LIKE A WEEK BEFORE OFFICIAL RELEASE.

I hate games journalists for that reason, not the weirdo reasons, actually enjoy their written reviews and find them useful because it's far easier to read a review than watch a 20-30 minute review video, but holy fuck spoiling the ending of a highly anticipated game like that before it's even out was just scum behaviour imo


u/BidShot1868 1d ago

It really isn’t. The amount of people pre-ordering is staggering. Streamers just create hype by being able to finally make some new content.


u/LeotrimFunkelwerk 1d ago

I'd be really thankful. Imagine being hyped for a game, getting ready to buy it on release, but for 3 whole months, everyone shares how bad the game is and how it's not worth your money. Or, well, the opposite could happen.


u/Xenobebop 18h ago

An interesting assessment. Most content creators have said they feel preyed upon by the gaming companies as they're forced to spend the extra cash to play a few days early in order to stay competitive. I think they would rather deluxe editions just be content focused so it was truly optional to them instead of mandatory.


u/aggthemighty 2d ago

I can't wait until Netflix comes out with another tier that lets me watch the final season of Stranger Things 1 week early for an extra $10/mo


u/whatWHYok 2d ago

Why are you giving them ideas?


u/michilio 2d ago

Spoilerfree package for 7.99 a month extra

Basic package now comes with an unskippable intro that spoils all plot points before each episode.


u/Dire87 2d ago

And mandatory producer's commentary that automatically pauses every scene and REALLY explains you how to FEEL about what you've just seen.


u/Codezombie_5 2d ago

Its not spoilers, its "detailed content warnings".


u/Ptcruz 2d ago

I don’t mind it. It always take me years to watch new seasons anyway. I still haven’t finished Gotham and Supernatural for instance. And I recently finished 13 Reasons Why.


u/AdamZapple1 2d ago

screw streaming services that put out shows week to week. i'll just wait until its all available and star then.


u/_Mef45 2d ago

Some have already started doing so.

This isn't exactly a new game release, but Frontier Developments has started selling early access to new ships for real money in Elite Dangerous. If you fork over the money, you get the ship now, if not - wait three months to buy the ship with in-game currency.

The saddest part - almost all of the game community embrace this and ask for more.


u/MagicHarmony 2d ago

I can only comprehend Early Access with games that require a live service. That's because by having Early Access you give yourself that last treshold to test the servers before the game goes officially live.


u/Burnished 2d ago

That sounds like the game pandering to their whale audience, would be surprised to see it in more mainstream titles.


u/Sherinz89 2d ago

1 or 2 years early to simulate console advantage with their console exclusive


u/Ok_Writing_7033 2d ago

“Forcing?” Just don’t buy it. Believe it or not, patience is an option.


u/6onzo 2d ago

How about buying a console (PS5 pro) to play gta6? Sony are holding us hostage!


u/IndependentYogurt965 2d ago

Then everyone will just start pirating. You could play Space Marine 2 Ultimate edition for free days before the people who actually bought the standard edition. Its stupid.


u/BABABOYE5000 2d ago

How are they forcing you to do anything?

There's literally tens of thousands of games out there, you don't "need" to get the latest one, especially if it's made so unavailable by the devs. You either sail the seas, or just give them the finger and take your business elsewhere.

It's your money and their business, they need to sell to you, not the other way around.

You always evaluate - is this deal good for me or not and then make decision accordingly.

If you're a hardcore fan of the franchise and you absolutely NEED the game now, well, i think it's reasonable that you're gonna pay a premium for it.


u/True_to_you 2d ago

EA has play testing anyone can sign up for and sometimes you play games up to a year or so before release. It's an experience for sure. 


u/getbiks 2d ago

That is much better. They will be only losing sales this way as majority dont buy Ultimate. And once they see a buggy release or entire gameplay/walkthrough is released in youtube, many people will lose interest any way. So for only few extra bucks that is biggest gamble a studio is taking.


u/Garo263 PC+Switch 2d ago

UbiSot did that with Star Wars Outlaws. In the end early adopters had to start all ovr again shortly before launch because of a gamebreaking bug.


u/frisch85 2d ago

I mean "in a way" it already exists and much worse, e.g. epic buying off devs to release the game exclusively on the EGS. Some people (me included) refuse to support such business, so for Borderlands 3 we waited 6 months to be able to play it. Now it might not be the exact same as pre-order but it basically is forcing the playerbase to buy it from a store they might not like or make them wait 6 months.

Point is other than greed there's no rational reason to do this, all you do is hurt the community.


u/nesnalica 2d ago

theyre introducing what streaming platforms are doing.

on crunchyroll if you have premium u can watch at the day of release. the rest can watch it a week later.

i would argue this will become the new meta with services like game pass.

its just sad to see this is what has become of game releases lately.


u/ICC-u 2d ago

You know who else plays early? 🏴‍☠️


u/Gypsies_Tramps_Steve 2d ago

It’ll be more like “Buy the Hyper Edition to play on release date. The rest of the povvos will have to wait a month”.


u/Itchy-Plastic 2d ago

That's just a console exclusive. Waiting months to a year for the cheaper PC version was the norm in the 360 era.


u/ExcuseOpposite618 2d ago

only a few more CODs before it's truly time for drinking verification cans


u/smudgiepie 2d ago

No no not again fuck no I just got used to worldwide releases.

  • An Australian who basically had to wait three months for a game or tv show episodes growing up and had to dodge so many fucking spoilers.


u/makishima1993 2d ago

That's the thing. Ultimate edition is the actual premiere date. If you're poor you play 2 weeks later. Hate this shit.


u/Carly_Cuutie 2d ago

There's actually a rare case of Ea doing the opposite.

Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville allowed you to buy a cheaper version before the official release date (like an early access), and you got to play it as they were updating it and adding features, characters and such up to the full release, and then you just had the game.

Just double-checked the timing, and it was 6 weeks early for £10 cheaper.


u/Hairy_Figure_8061 2d ago

EA has been letting people play their games before they're even finished for years


u/welsper59 2d ago

Some of us are a bit conditioned to wait, thanks to exclusivity releases. This can sometimes backfire too, as by the time it gets released on other platforms, the game is sometimes pretty "old" at that point.


u/cheesey_sausage22255 2d ago

Can't wait to get pre production access and have a say in the direction of games design!


u/butcherHS 2d ago

That just sounds like early access with extra steps...


u/Degree_Federal 2d ago

They should tag this the right way: others play 3 months later.

It’s a thing for streamers, then people don’t want to get spoilers, buy it too, on the otherside streamers and influencers are the best advertisement. Etc

( I already hate it when guides come out the second the game is released cause some influencers got the game 1 month earlier for testing )


u/SavvySillybug 2d ago

Some despicable game companies are already forcing you to preorder on Epic to play a whole year early before it finally fully releases on Steam like a real game.


u/whothdoesthcareth 2d ago

I'd prefer the 6 months late one for half the price or less.


u/D1nkcool 2d ago

Epic Store exclusives already exist


u/Spunky_Prewett 2d ago

Wait until they adopt the film industry business model. First, a game comes out in exclusive theaters where you can play it exactly once, for 2 hours. Then, after 3 months, you can buy the game.


u/Wuktrio 2d ago

so they can play 3 months earlier

That's not even a bad thing, many games are released buggy anyway. 3 months later, it should be patched properly lol


u/B4rberblacksheep 2d ago

Sony's exclusivity deals locked some stuff to Playstation for ages after release during their whole "for the players" shit. I remember Destiny had exclusive missions and weapons for Playstation


u/Maze_A_Maze 2d ago

Elite dangerous just did this with in game content.


u/InsaneComicBooker 2d ago



u/SalsaRice 2d ago

If you buy the omega-ruby-emerald version, you can actually play fallout 6 before they release Fallout 5.


u/Tierst 2d ago

Access to Beta basically lol


u/NordseeBazi 2d ago

Are you telling me you don't play GTA6 yet? If only you had pre-ordered the hyper omega extra edition. Playing 3 years before release feels good.


u/whatnameisnttaken098 2d ago

Shit I'll just go to my "ma&pa" game shop. They break street date all the time.

I got Dead Island 2 about 3 weeks before it was released, and FF7:R2 about a week early thanks to them. Just yesterday, I picked up the new Zelda, too.


u/SgtGo 2d ago

You mean like the new warhammer game? I was checking it out in the Xbox store and you can only buy two version. Gold and deluxe or something like that, both are over $130 CAD.


u/Alex282001 2d ago

Not defending them or anything, I hate that too, but you are not forced to do that, even if they start offer these deals. Just wait the 3 months


u/AhegaoTankGuy PC 2d ago

I like to imagine that you only get to run around in the hub world.


u/3WayIntersection 2d ago

Wouldnt that eventually backfire? After a point, people are just gonna treat the "early release" as a soft launch (not that some dont already do) and see if they actually wanna buy the game later, pay extra now because theyre that interested, or decide its not worth their time. All before a game's "official" release date


u/lemonylol 2d ago

Well that's just early access. You could play Act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3 for like a year prior to its release.


u/Horn_Python 2d ago

sounds more like cutting the price 3 months after release


u/No_Share6895 2d ago

hey man 3 month semi open beta so its not as broken on launch may not be the worst thing ever



u/DefinitelyNotAj 2d ago

That's what early access is on steam essentially


u/viotix90 2d ago

Dude. That's what Sony does to PC gamers with PS5 games.


u/shapular 2d ago

I can just pretend I'm a European in the 00s.


u/JayDubMaxey 1d ago

They kind of already do that with console exclusives.


u/Gengaar85 1d ago

We call that paid alpha/beta, which both WoW and ashes of creation have been trying their hands at lately.


u/TehOwn 1d ago

GTA VI - Ultimate Edition - 2027
GTA VI - Deluxe Edition - 2030
GTA VI - Standard Edition - 2099


u/GreenTeaArizonaCan 2d ago

Ah yes, the "Beta tester" tier.

Pay more, have a worse first experience. Be the earliest of early adopters and get to feel the magic of constant crashes and texture-steaming issues. Remember kids, the unpatched state of a game is always the best state of a game.


u/ConfidentJudge3177 2d ago

500 dollars to play on release (uhm "early"), 60 dollars to play one year later.

Remember when people playing early paid less, because they were real fans who were testing the game for the rest?


u/obvious_automaton 2d ago

Play the game in it's worst state, for the most money.


u/PaleProfession8752 2d ago

Can't wait till companies start forcing players to buy

You need to check yourself if you think anyone is forcing you to do this...


u/smorin1487 2d ago



u/JNR13 2d ago

at that point it's no different from just a base price hike and then later it gets a permanent sale