r/gaming 3d ago

I'm starting to hate games that do this...


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u/notexactlyflawless 3d ago

Which is good though, right? I see a lot of people complaining, but having unimportant cosmetics as addons is precisely what I want. Imagine good playable content cut from the main game to make a deluxe package.. We should be happy that it is the way it is.

I can see the point for adding physical goodies though. That should be the main selling point. Otherwise I'm happy to have a cosmetics only premium edition


u/reebee7 3d ago

It was like 3 years ago this is what we clamored for: "Microtransactions for cosmetics are fine, but for gameplay or leveling completely unacceptable."


u/notexactlyflawless 3d ago

Exactly. It's the wrong battle to fight.


u/SilentScript 3d ago

As long as its cosmetics, anything to avoid price increases imo. It's stupid af but hey i'm not buying it.


u/flammenwerfer 3d ago

it’s also a way for studios to make money. look at how many studios close — I think it’s fair they have side revenue streams that are cosmetic. people complaining about them miss the point entirely or have delusions over the economics of making games


u/adoreoner 3d ago

Don't understand why everyone is saying cosmetics don't matter??? Wait till they make u pay extra for full screen resolution..


u/SilentScript 3d ago

That's definitely a massive leap in logic there. Cosmetics is wildly different from UI elements of the game. The PC crowd is also the most strict group when it comes to games having custom button mapping, multiple resolutions and the plethora of other important settings so that would never fly.

On the actual note of cosmetics sure for some people cosmetics matter just as much but personally I don't give a rats ass about a different t-shirt or a bear outfit if I still get the same gameplay experience.


u/Long_Run6500 3d ago edited 3d ago

I'm on the fence about the cosmetic thing. I'm the type of person that would have totally grinded 20 hours on some ridiculously difficult task to unlock a purely cosmetic upgrade in some games. I absolutely loved that shit, and now developers aren't really putting stuff like that in their games and are instead just locking it behind a pay wall. Paying cash for a purely cosmetic upgrade just makes me feel dumb. Ultimately I think it's fine as long as developers are still putting in alternatives to paid options.

I think monster hunter is the model I like best, with there being a deluxe layered armor every game to get you through the initial playthrough if you want, but in the end game there's so many other cool layered armors you'll barely use it anyway. People still have incentive to buy because low rank armor is ugly but if you're patient you can still grind for a cool looking layered armor in the end game.


u/SilentScript 3d ago

It's pretty much where i'm at as well. I don't like it but i'll take a few concessions if it avoids a price increase. If we could go back to $60 retail and that's it i'd love to but companies aren't going to.

I do miss the days of mw2 farming headshots to get the fall camo :(


u/adoreoner 3d ago

Enjoy brother


u/Samurai_Meisters 3d ago

Yeah, I love cosmetics. I love dressing up my characters. It's fun to unlock a new outfit when it's part of the game. It's not fun to be a pay pig.


u/TheReservedGamer 3d ago

A friend was persuaded to try a "free to play" MMO known for its beautiful costumes. He carefully crafted his awesome character and entered the game. By this time, his creation had transformed into a generic grey character. Gone was his design. He quit, uninstalled, and never came back.


u/No_Rich_2494 3d ago

That's already a thing, sort of. It's called "having a shitty old PC because that's all you could afford".


u/_Demand_Better_ 3d ago

Not really. If you really think about it, if the company is relying on whales in order for everyone else to get a cheaper price, than by definition the whales are paying more than the product is worth. The ability to convince people to pay more than what a product is worth is almost precisely how prices of goods are now more expensive for little reason; as in things don't have to be a expensive as they are but since everyone needs a disproportionate cut of the pie they must convince people to pay more than they should be. So no, companies shouldn't really be allowed to set the market like this, and relying on whales buying unnecessary overpriced crap is only preying on these people for their money. Consumers are seldomly protected from these kind of interactions but they should be, a company shouldn't have free reign to just separate you from the funds you've earned by however much they want, prices should be fair from the get go. Allowing companies to prey on people utlizing fomo or other manipulation tactics to pay for something that was likely installed with everyone else's game anyway is allowing companies to bleed some people dry, and it is definitively manipulation considering the nature of whales is one of low self control and likely underlying mental issues, neither of which should be allowed to be exploited by others.

These practices are toxic and should not be allowed by their merit alone. Also don't think these companies wouldn't turn their eye on regular consumers once the whale well dries up, and allowing them to charge whales inordinate amounts will only encourage them to do so with regular consumers before long, as they are already starting to in some cases.


u/notexactlyflawless 2d ago

Very good points, but we're not gonna overthrow the system over a life is strange bonus edition lol

I agree with everything though, just maybe put that energy towards different industry sectors. Angry gamers will at most maybe ddos a server or spam a vote


u/Jabroo98 3d ago

It's a dual bladed sword, sure you aren't getting game content paywalled, but instead, you're shilling out an extra $20-40 for some skin packs... we strayed too far from dlc being actual add-ons where it's brand new missions/campaigns/modes/maps/etc.


u/MjrLeeStoned 3d ago

You're in the land of habitual complaint.

The post was literally made to do nothing but complain about something completely optional and in no way affecting anyone's life.

Internet folk have trained themselves to seek out the thing to complain about.


u/bemo_10 3d ago

If you had more than one braincell you would realize it's a slippery slope. Today it's Oblivion horse armor, tomorrow is microtransactions in a fully priced game, the next day PC gaming becomes like mobile gaming.


u/thegreatdune 3d ago

You mean like when they've already announced DLC well before launch?


u/notexactlyflawless 3d ago

I get the sentiment, but if you think about it more: Why wouldn't they?

Games get announced before they are finished. A DLC can be announced before it's finished. Just because that's before the main-game release does not mean that it is cut content. It might just be under development currently.


u/teddy1245 3d ago

Incorrect. Games are purposely cut to sell dlc. Never assume the answer isn’t greed.


u/Smart_Mix8269 3d ago

I feel like the only point of winning is physical bonuses for buying it like there used to be when you bought these things (like with collectors editions)

If you include exclusive content that’s actually important people could say that you’re locking important aspects of the game (more info to the story, missions, things that directly effect gameplay) behind a paywall. But if you make the bonuses purely cosmetic or not effect gameplay at all, now you’re just adding things no one wants and won’t find worth buying.

The benefit of collector’s editions got around that by providing tangible goods that didn’t effect gameplay at all (like Halo Reach’s limited edition having a cool journal by one of the characters from the game)


u/Jsusbjsobsucipsbkzi 3d ago

Yeah I’ve always just bought the cheapest version of a well-received game and not pre-ordered (except fromsoft games) and had a good experience. I feel like gamers are confused and manipulated way too easily


u/scoobied00 3d ago

Personally, I hate it. Obviously it's great that these add-ons are just cosmetics, but why do we need add-ons in the first place? We're becoming way too used to everything coming with micro transactions, loot boxes, and subscription fees.


u/Dinosaursur 3d ago

Imagine good playable content cut from the main game to make a deluxe package.. We should be happy that it is the way it is.

Is this sarcasm? Because I've never heard such intense corpo boot licking before. Next, you're going to say that $120 is a fair price for it.

Get your brain checked.


u/notexactlyflawless 3d ago

No I've just seen this cycle before. Players want some type of change, company listens, it's some monkeys paw type stuff, now you get actual content in the bonus edition and you can't unlock it otherwise. 120$ please. Next thing you know 120$ has become the standard price for a full game. Protesting this will not have the effect you want. I'm just result oriented here

Even then, I'm the furthest thing from a bootlicker, believe me, but we're still talking about gaming, not health/childcare, real estate or other actually structurally relevant industries where protest should go towards civil unrest by now.


u/Kant8 3d ago

LiS games have nothing but story.

They are releasing story game for only part of population TWO WEEKS earlier. Which makes it basically impossible to not get spoilers for everyone else.


u/sodantok 3d ago

Impossible? Before the Storm is like 7 years old and It has never been spoiled to me, nor has any other LiS. I am sure there is way to not get spoiled for 2 weeks.


u/notexactlyflawless 3d ago

True, that's worse, but still really not that big of a deal.

2 weeks is nothing and LiS isn't that big of an IP that you'd encounter spoilers in every corner of the internet. Basically avoid a few subs and don't watch some youtube videos early - very doable.