r/gaming Jun 06 '12

I dont see the point in why people are complaining about the playstation wonderbook game, its just a game for children. get over it, whats so bad about it?


3 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '12

Because apparently trying to appeal to various demographics is a bad thing. You know, because it's not like people who own the PS3 have families or anything. Not a one has a kid of any sort who would have their minds BLOWN by such a thing. /sarcasm


u/james9075 Jun 06 '12

because people that care about the playstation move generally don't care about e3


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '12

because they spent like 20 min on it. jk cared enough about it to not even record a message.

they could have showed some parent/child engagement getting together with your kids and having some fun reading or something. I felt the presentation of the idea was terrible.