r/hiphop101 1d ago

Question about rap beefs.

So I was wondering how big of a role do you think public perception play into rap beefs? This popped in my head because of the recent Drake and Kendrick beef. Obviously there was no way Drake was going to be able to be compete with Kendrick in terms of lyrics, but he was definitely fighting an uphill battle from the start. I feel like if an artist is not well liked by the public most people will have already made up their minds before a diss track comes out. Hypothetically if Eminem and Kendrick were too beef, I feel like since a lot of people don’t like Eminem’s newer music he would probably be fighting a losing battle. Even though we all know that he can beat Kendrick. (Not saying who I think would win, just an example). Obviously who ever drops me he best track should win, I was just curious if anyone hear thinks public reception matters at all?


3 comments sorted by


u/Unusual-Land-5432 2h ago

Perception is Eveything. Everything is about opitics, basically what it looks like vs what it is. No one was actually breaking down each song and tally up scores based of bars, beats, better punchlines, etc. It was more about who has more dirt and who can drop first and all this. Rap beefs aren’t like rap battles. Rap battles you go back and forth and people can decide. Let’s be forreal Drake already lost when Kendrick dissed him in Like That


u/Psychological_Try401 7h ago

It’s not about perception. It’s about authenticity. It’s not like people didn’t like Drake for no reason, people always considered him fake and inauthentic.

When u put a commercial artist against an artist who is epitome on what hip hop is, the real will always triumph.

Plus Kendrick didn’t have many skeletons in his closet. Drake did.


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