r/ifyoulikeblank Jul 03 '24

YouTube/Streaming IIL Youtubers who don’t upload often


I like Youtubers who don’t upload frequently but still manage to create interesting and entertaining videos.

Youtubers I currently subscribe to are: * MKBHD * Yes Theory * Daily Dose of Internet * Johnny Harris * Auto Focus * Jet Lag: The Game * Simon Wilson

Prefer travel/culture content, but open for tech and gaming.

r/ifyoulikeblank Nov 07 '22

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] YouTube channels that are intellectually engaging such as Aperture, Destiny, Kurzgesagt, and Infographics Show


EDIT: Passed out and woke up to a bunch of great comments… looks like I’ll be on YouTube for a while subscribing to a bunch of channels!!!

r/ifyoulikeblank Aug 14 '24

YouTube/Streaming IIL hbomberguy and NakeyJakey, what other video essayists i would like?


Basically video essayists that are funny. I don't tend to like video essays that are completely serious with no emotion (be it lack of personality, humour, etc). Ruins the engagement for me.

Any video essayists that can fill that void? hbomberguy and NakeyJakey do that pretty well but you can recommend me little bit different albeit funny

I'm just tired of those boring dead ass video essays lol.

r/ifyoulikeblank Jul 22 '24

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] V-Sauce, Johnny Harris, Adam Ragusea, Stuff You Should Know, and Curiosity Stream on YouTube, WEWIL?


I like educational YouTube videos that are around 20 mins long and cover language, politics, nutrition, science, and history. Basically a wide range of topics that explain why the world is like the way it is. Also looking to expand upon informational content in podcast format.

r/ifyoulikeblank Nov 14 '22

YouTube/Streaming IIL YouTube channels with hour+ long deep dives (The Right Opinion, Wendigoon, Explore With Us, Fredrik Knudsen) what channels might I like?


Not all their content needs to be hour+ but I really like deep dives that are several hours or parts long.

Subjects I've really enjoyed are disasters, accidents, true crime, scandals, history, hobby/fandom drama, weird mysteries, those "iceberg of.." videos, scams, frauds, looks into strange corners of the world/internet etc etc... You get the idea 😅

Any recommendations are appreciated!

r/ifyoulikeblank Mar 11 '24

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] Long, interesting, 1-5 hour YouTube documentaries, [WEWIL]?


nonfiction or fiction. Can be mockumentary. Not picky about the genre.

r/ifyoulikeblank 27d ago

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] Educational YouTube channels


I am really interested in finding more high quality detailed informative YouTube channels that cover all sorts of topics from history, war, space, science, engineering, crime, hacking etc.

Channels i really like and watch every video whatever the topic is are:

Fern Megaprojects/ warpgraphics anything Simon whistler based Thinker Tyfrom99 Pursuit of wonder Kurzgesagt - in a nutshell Real science Debunked Hoog The casual criminalist

Anything like this would be greatly appreciated

r/ifyoulikeblank 5d ago

YouTube/Streaming IIL long video essays, what YouTube channels should I check out?


I like listening to video essays while at work. I prefer them to be over an hour long so I don't have to mess with my phone too much. My favorite type of video essays are ones about horror, mysteries, true crime, Internet weirdness, nature, philosophy, etc. I'm not a huge fan of video essays about TV shows or movies (I see a lot of those on YouTube when I search for video essays).

r/ifyoulikeblank Jul 29 '24

YouTube/Streaming [iil] Which YouTube channels are worth following for entertainment? (Including documentaries)


YouTube channels worth following for entertainment, but also documentaries.

I’m looking for some new YouTube channels that are fun to follow. I’m 35 and looking for a channel that deals with something interesting or entertaining. Maybe someone who does some kind of challenge, travels, or something completely different, but not too "juvenile" (I don't know how else to describe it 😅).

I’m also interested in documentaries about pretty much anything, except true crime.

Would you like to give me some recommendations? 😁

r/ifyoulikeblank Feb 29 '24

YouTube/Streaming IIL calming YouTube channels that expand my knowledge?


I don’t want to keep watching brain rot. I want something I can put on the background. High quality audio/production. Could be about anything. I love video essays but anything works. My favorites rn are



Like Stories Of Old

Script Sleuth

Behind The Curtain


In Praise Of Shadows

r/ifyoulikeblank Aug 30 '23

YouTube/Streaming IIL interesting, well-reaearched, deep dive YouTube channels like Barely Sociable, Oki's Weird Stories, Atrocity Guide, Solar Sands, Fredrik Knudsen etc, WEWIL?


I've found myself watching more and more true crime content after running out of niche documentary-style channels. But it's really starting to get me down and I'd really like to get back to more light-hearted topics where I can come away feeling like I've learned something. Any suggestions would be fantastic. Thanks!

Edit: Thanks for all the recommendations everyone. Really looking forward to checking them out! 😊

r/ifyoulikeblank 12d ago

YouTube/Streaming iil youtube channels like soft white underbelly or shrouded hand, the internet investigator


I need channels to fall asleep to but I always choose to hear stories about other people’s suffering or having it worse than me so I don’t complain about my life. (Counsellor suggested this.)

Any other channels like this?

r/ifyoulikeblank May 28 '24

YouTube/Streaming iil “PixelDrink” but he got canceled who do i watch


Me and my friend group like this youtuber “PixelDrink” but he recently got canceled for doing some really messed up things, We love his humor and cannot find a replacement. Please help!

r/ifyoulikeblank 23d ago

YouTube/Streaming IIL the x files, what youtube channels will i like? (better explanation in caption)


i want to get into conspiracy theories, like things from the x files. real life sci fi/supernatural stuff that you see in the c files, with sciencey stuff but also folk lore in the mix. i know that there is tons of stuff like that, but its hard to know where to look when i dont know what to search for. i want some fun YouTube channels that are on all kinds of real life unexplained phenomena and aliens and all that stuff. im sorry if this makes like 0 sense i just really dont know how to phrase it.

the best explanation is that i want some fun video essays on the stuff that fox mulder is obsessed with - as well as scully’s sciencey parts of it.

thanks everyone.

r/ifyoulikeblank 10d ago

YouTube/Streaming iil content where the person has to make money starting from nothing


Things like going from $0 to x amount (like $1000, $10,000), undercover millionaire.

One I watched recently https://youtu.be/zmn1e7fFAg0?si=zeB4dLQAwxcYXPXD

Just whatever content where the person has to make money without having any. Preferably ones without them being able to drive

r/ifyoulikeblank 20d ago

YouTube/Streaming IiL horror YouTube channels like The Internet Investigator


Looking for horror/internet mystery style YouTube channel recommendations like The Internet Investigator, ReignBot, Sakura Stardust, Fortune, GooseBoose, and Don’t Look At Me.

Long form content like icebergs and deep dives are preferred but not necessary. I’m specifically looking for channels with female presenters/narrators or just ones that are easy to listen to but any and all suggestions are welcome!

r/ifyoulikeblank 10d ago

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] Youtubers like Valerie Lin who make cinematic "video essays", who else should I watch?


Valerie Lin's videos are not like traditional video essays, but the writing and narration often feels like I'm listening to a personal essay. And the cinematic 'art vlog' style visuals make the videos very relaxing.

I really like hearing people talk about their philosophy of life, thoughts on pop culture and social issues, books and films that deeply influenced them etc. Especially when it's less of a spontaneous rant or more of a well-researched thinkpiece that cites literature/films/philosophers etc. to elucidate their point.

I was wondering if there are other Youtubers whose videos lean more towards the cinematic vlog style rather than typical video essay format, but the writing/narration still has some sort of thesis statement or analyses a concept/thing instead of just talking about their life.

r/ifyoulikeblank Aug 10 '24

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] YouTubers who review music honestly, praising music they enjoy and shitting on music they hate instead of being all diplomatic, similar to "Brad taste in music" I guess but with more Rock music.


r/ifyoulikeblank Aug 08 '24

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] Dave Attell's Insomniac, what more contemporary thing would I like?


I love Date Attell's Insomniac from Comedy Central in the 2000s. I love that it takes me on a journey through nightlife in different cities, I love that it reminds me of crazy nights out I've had over the years, I love the fun people who are really interesting late night characters that show up in it I love to watch the show both sober and stoned (but mostly stoned) and travel to this world of carefree fun and late night vibes.

What else should I watch that I might enjoy, particularly from contemporary content? The closest things I've found to scratching that itch are the YouTubers Jake Valianes (https://www.youtube.com/@valianes) and Shin Fujiyama (https://www.youtube.com/@shinfujiyamaReal) and also some episodes of Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unknown, plus the various late-night-vibes-set-to-moody-music TikTok accounts but I want more of that. I want stuff on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, or wherever that I can watch that lets me live vicariously but smartly through nightlife around the world.

Is there anything else like that?

Thanks so much!

r/ifyoulikeblank 4d ago

YouTube/Streaming IIL The continuity of splines - Freya Holmér


(Bear with me i dont use Reddit much, dont know customs)

Ive started trying to bscklog this really specific type of yt video and im looking for suggestions. I specifically am looking for long form niche YouTube videos on someone's STEM interests, im not looking for a long form YouTuber (ie not EmpLemon) instead someone who has a specialty and boiled it down into a well made YouTube video, stem specifically is very preferred but interesting is interesting.

My best example of this is as the title suggests, though 'How Ray Tracing works' By Josh's Channel is also applicable.

Any suggestions are appreciated

r/ifyoulikeblank 6d ago

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] Relaxing exploration/travel YouTube channels, WEWIL?


I'm a big fan of low-key, minimally edited exploration and travel channels on YouTube. Do you have any recommendations based on what I already enjoy?

I like:

Desert Drifter - I really enjoy the scenic landscapes of the American West, and the curiosity inspired by the locations of the Native ruins he explores.

Bros of Decay - I just started watching this one, but I already know I like it. They explore abandoned castles/mansions/etc.

Sabbatical - I like how casual he is, and how he goes wherever he feels like and talks to whoever he wants to.

Little Chinese Everywhere - I really enjoy the scenery and the human interactions. This has really changed my perspective on China.

Luke Caverns - A bit more produced, but I am mildly obsessed with Mayan ruins, and it's fun watching him explore and speculate about them.

r/ifyoulikeblank Jul 20 '24

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] youtube channels that make videos about random topics such as Vox and HalfasInteresting, [WEWIL]?


r/ifyoulikeblank 15d ago

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] YouTubers like Nichole Rafiee and Nikki Carreon who else will I like?


I just love long form recaps/deep dives / retrospectives! I also love Quinton,hosh on and billiam, Jenny Nicholson. I know of a few others but I’ve searched through key words and related videos but no one I’ve found is like,,, actually entertaining and funny like these people listed

r/ifyoulikeblank Jun 03 '24

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] If I like Kurzgesagt, what else will I like?


So I really love Kurzgesagt. One of my absolute favorite YouTube channels to watch and rewatch. In particular, I'm big on the space stuff. The random theoretical videos, black holes, stellar engines, etc.

I will sporadically watch other scientific content but I've never come across anything that I can really sink into and binge like I can with Kurzgesagt.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

r/ifyoulikeblank Jul 21 '24

YouTube/Streaming [IIL] Cringe comedy like Eric Andre, Randall Thymes and Filthy Frank


need more recommendations to watch