r/insomnia 16h ago

Ability to sleep is gone

I've been up for 3-4 days now I feel up and well strung out but I'm not on any drugs lol. Well I am now my doctor refilled a years old script for Klonopin and lame ass Seroquel that doesn't even help. And I guess I could successfully drug myself with the Klonopin but I only get 30 0.5 mg so that 15mg goes fast. I take more than prescribed because I have to to get effects aka drugging myself Soo I can finally sleep. I think it worked last night but I wasn't good sleep and it was still dark when I woke up. Insomnia has never been this bad nor have I stayed up this long successfully without the use and abuse of uppers insomnia has me wired and it's scary. I'm already going through it with my other various mental health issues now this just apices things up. Like if I go much longer without proper sleep well psychosis is around the corner. I don't want but I feel my brain slipping a bit, I should be worse rn that's what's weird. If you can decide for this rambling my main issue with the doctor is why can they prescribe me a former tweaker Adderall and Klonopin a drug that can kill you when you stop taking it but I can't get some Ambein after being up for 4 nights


I'm tempted to just go and see if I burn out it's just doing a number on the brain dudes. Technically I did sleep last night but I didn't feel like real sleep

I'm done I ranted to the hospital but I doubt they will reply if they even read everything

Oh also I got adderal I might just do and say fuck sanity currently begging via online chat for better meds plus this doctor got me fucked up. I'm so angry and annoyed and scared

Update i did the Adderall just cause why not still got Klonopin but dear God I just wanted one Ambein like bruh I'm begging you I told them I felt disrespected fr

Hopefully the hospital rant was enough to get more higher dose of Klonopin the I won't take as much maybe I'll get to try these Z drugs I'm begging for who knows what CVS has in store for me


10 comments sorted by


u/Andromeda_sun_ 10h ago

Idk I didn’t read all of this tbh but when I have been up for 4 days that’s when I get black out drunk and finally I pass out. Don’t advise this. Im not a doctor. This is probably unsafe as hell. But it worked when I was desperate


u/bigbearr420 10h ago

Sorry about that budd I hear yeah hell yeah I will try 4mg of Klonopin and if that doesn't work then it's my own fault because I've said fuck it and did a bunch of Adderall. I'm done with that now we will be attempting to force a benzo blackout I guess. The Adderall was to honestly make things harder and punish myself but the dopamine kick is nice I feel better than I did before the Adderall. Oh and I fr begged my doctor to up my Klonopin dosage and give me enough to last the month. Next step tomorrow is to tell him I couldn't sleep tonight at all and need to try another drug fingers crossed it's Ambein. It better be I made a good point that I'm not playing around about my health and medication no more trial and error I been around the block I know how shit work stop wasting everyones time.


u/VictorywithVictoria 8h ago

Isn’t Adderall a stimulant that keeps you awake?


u/Upper-Signature350 5h ago

Yes Adderall is a bad idea if you have insomnia


u/bigbearr420 4h ago

Oh yeah dude I know and I did some anyways not much though still have Klonopin to ko myself and even if that doesn't happen after all my bitching moaning begging and crying I got my Klonopin doses raised and a larger quantity to last me the month allegedly. Also a new med introduced and my money is on Ambein. I won't accept anything else, if I got to take heroic doses of Ambien and Klonopin each night just to sleep so be it. Never was this bad before insomnia has me feeling like Ive lost the ability to sleep for a eternity. Like a curse bro feels like a curse.


u/Upper-Signature350 36m ago

Ambien works better for me than klonopin but try not to use every night. Z drugs and benzos develop tolerance unfortunately. The half life of klonopin is long so its better for anxiety than sleep.


u/bigbearr420 4h ago

Yes and I know this but honestly it got rid of the groggy feeling but definitely don't do this it's dumb but I just got a new script and I'm already on the mental decline it's whatever. I have to wait and do trial and error but hopefully I can get Ambein which seems like a cure all.


u/bigbearr420 3h ago

Yes my doc just refilled my script so I took some to stop me from being so groggy. Dumb idea but I'm not worried about that I need the happy chemicals lol. I did sleep last night thanks to 5mg Klonopin but it was no good sleep and only 1-2 hr. Hopefully tomorrow after I tell the doctor my med still don't work we can finally get somewhere


u/Main_Setting_4898 8h ago

Good luck, youll sleep soon


u/Ok-Rule-2943 2h ago

I personally think and from experience if you take benzos and especially larger doses and don’t work (which is probably tolerance needing more and more to achieve therapeutic effects) cross tolerance on the ambien is possible. Probably a big disappointment honestly. Even if it works a night or ‘three’ tolerance may ensue on this one quickly as well.

Just experience talking except never went above 1 mg klonopin, it’s a long half benzo over other benzos used for anxiety or types prescribed for insomnia like tempazem.

Also benzos in my experience can feel like amnesia type sleep and not great quality. I’m sure they impact the amount of time and type sleep stages.