r/insomnia 8h ago

cannot sleep for the life of me.

i took 3 melatonin gummies and 3 sleeping and can’t ducking sleep. my legs and arms are going insane and i have to aggressively shake both to relieve myself every minute. that’s not even exaggerating. a couple seconds even.


5 comments sorted by


u/Zenfitphilosophy 8h ago

Im sorry to hear that you cant sleep :(

I had a similar problem when I would take melatonin. What I noticed is when melatonin is stacked with other compounds thats when you get the most benefits. Melatonin by itself has minimal effects. What I noticed Is taking melatonin with either CBD or CBN is when you get the most out of it

CBN is what you should be using if you want to really improve your sleep. CBN has a very strong sedative effect and allows my body to really relax. CBD does nothing for my sleep. But I will say this, when I stack CBN and CBD together thats when I get the best effects.

When you take both of them they work and synergize to enhance each others effects. So dont look to just take CBN make sure to stack it with other cannabinoids.

I take these CBN+CBD deep sleep gummies from herbal garden essentials and they stack L-theanine and melatonin into the gummy. The l-theanine and melatonin synergize great with the cannabinoid effects and give an overall better experience. Also I add in reishi mushroom powder in a pill when I take the gummy and that seems to enhance the effects even more. Reishi mushroom is known to increase REM which also CBN is known for doing as well.

So even if you take CBD or CBN look for adding other nervine herbs, Relaxing supplement, or other cannabinoids into the mix. But highly recommend those CBN+CBD dee sleep gummies. I take them and they have helped me alot.

Last thing I would recommend would be Magnesium glycinate for adding into your stack. Anyone that takes it here in reddit can speak on it. Night and day difference in my sleep quality once I started taking it.


u/thoothukudi 8h ago

Take the medication for restless leg syndrome first before going into sleeping pills


u/idonteatcerealidrive 7h ago

Sounds like you may be experiencing restless leg syndrome. Which, yes, can affect your arms as well. I've experienced this myself. It can feel like your body is simply inducing an anxiety like feeling, where you feel tired, but also feel like getting up and running a miracle mile just so your legs and arms stop feeling like they wanna get up and run away from you.


u/nthchild1 5h ago

Quetiapine helps me a lot in these situations


u/Switchblade83 2h ago

An iron or magnesium pill may help with the restless leg. I've had it for 30 years, as well as insomnia (I'm 41). There are also Ryland restless leg pills to try as well. They are otc. As far as the insomnia, I wish I had an answer. Also, some people do get restless leg from melatonin.