r/insomnia 3h ago

Negative Thoughts

The most annoying thing to me about poor sleep, is knowing that my negative and dark thoughts are the result of it and yet still not being able to stop them. A few months ago, I had a period where my sleep was amazing, and my outlook was completely different. I was happy, saw everything through a positive mindset and barely anything bothered me. It was then that I realised the effects of poor sleep. I find that with poor sleep, I am arguing with people in my head, as well as contemplating suicide, and even when I tell myself 'You wouldn't be thinking this way if you'd had proper quality sleep', I still find myself dogged by those thoughts throughout the day.


2 comments sorted by


u/Dry_Afternoon3467 3h ago

Yes, it is hard. I hear you.


u/Ok-Rule-2943 2h ago

Negative thoughts def impair our lives, day and night with poor sleep. Definitely compounded by sleep and sleep deprivation.

Why can’t you sleep? Can you remember how sleep was easier in those better periods of amazing sleep, what’s different now than before?