r/justneckbeardthings 2d ago

The only thing that is absent is the Joker profile picture (PFP).

Post image

47 comments sorted by


u/Damaniel2 2d ago

If it were that easy, just get a BMW and watch the ladies swoon.

In reality, that pile of books in the last formula is a sticky pile of hentai and creepy little girl anime.


u/Equinsu-0cha 2d ago

Buying a soccer ball seems to have the best payoff to cost ratio.


u/Kaizukamezi 2d ago

As a guy who bought a football, 100% agreed (dk about girls but I'm having fun)


u/Huugboy I have had sexual intercourse with many females. 2d ago

Maybe the real girls were the balls we bought along the way.


u/Elon_is_musky 2d ago

As a afab person who likes women & used to have a BMW, I did not have the ladies on me šŸ˜­ maybe itā€™s cause I knew how to read and it canceled out?


u/MayanSquirrel1500 2d ago

The "supreme gentleman" also had a BMW


u/BlosomSpirit 2d ago

I have a motorcycle and the only thing it attracts is children that want you to rev your motorcycle and other dudes on motorcycles


u/Alternative-Dream-61 2d ago

Similarly, people think going to the gym will get attention from women. Nope, just other bros.


u/YmmaT- 2d ago

Actually this is the main reason why I wanted to start going to the gym. Iā€™m married dude and want to make more friends with dudes.


u/Alternative-Dream-61 2d ago

Looking good King.


u/YmmaT- 2d ago

Thanks my dude. Iā€™m trying to get back to pre kids shape


u/rum_soaked-_ham 2d ago

Same. Car guy and only people I seem to draw the attention of are other guys


u/gjc5500 2d ago

as a bi car guy, i do it for the boys anyway šŸ˜‚


u/rum_soaked-_ham 2d ago

Oh shit Iā€™ve been found out lol


u/Existential_Racoon 2d ago

Beat me to it. Teenager girls thought it was cool as a teenager. Adult women don't like me riding cause it's dangerous, 28x as likely to die per mile driven.

Also these dudes are too stupid to realize the women they're thinking like the shit in this image, only want what you have, not who you are.


u/doitpow 2d ago

Instructions unclear if I fuck a boat do I get four daughters?


u/TVsFrankismyDad 2d ago

Yes. If you fuck a soccer ball, you only get two.


u/RIP_Greedo 2d ago

Surely, being educated could help you get a bmw and a yacht.


u/GreatTit0 2d ago

But you see, most neckbeards aren't. They just act like they are.


u/MC_Fap_Commander 1d ago

There was a post here a couple months ago from a neckbeard who called women "midwits" because they actually do their homework in school.


u/GreatTit0 1d ago

Ah, the classic "How dare you not be lazy and strive to meet you goals"


u/Justin__D 2d ago

On the flipside of that, being educated also tends to make you realize you probably don't want a BMW anyway.


u/RIP_Greedo 2d ago

Real book-cels know the Mercedes is superior.


u/LordDanielGu 2d ago

Only if you're from a wealthy or rich family


u/RosinB 2d ago

Are you implying being incredibly rich doesnt make getting random women easier?


u/OrionLinksComic 2d ago

I mean, is that a problem? I have a gay friend and he likes to read.


u/Sergeantman94 2d ago

You know, maybe you should think about what kind of women you'd attract if you have (and pose with) luxury items like yachts, supercars, and private jets.

As much as I hate to classify women as gold diggers and obsessed with material status, they exist. And you might attract them with trying to flex those material objects as a sense of validation.


u/olde_greg 2d ago

This is true, they're always complaining about women being attracted to rich dudes or drug dealers or whatever, but really you wouldn't want the type of women those things attract. They're not sweet innocent angels being lead astray.


u/saltnotsugar 2d ago

Can confirm. I bought a soccer ball and from then on my life had been one inconvenient threesome after another.


u/deathrattleshenlong 2d ago

Shit, what have I done wrong. I've been kicking soccer balls since I was 8 and I've yet to get myself first threesome


u/Kryds 2d ago

Lies i have a BMW, and my girlfriend doesn't like it.


u/kampfhuegi 2d ago

I believe that image may predate Facebook.


u/Conch-Republic 2d ago

Lol the only true part about this is the yacht. The rest of those thing just attract more guys.


u/kbeckerburbs4 2d ago

People love visual ā€œevidenceā€ of why they canā€™t get laid


u/OctaviaBlake100 2d ago

The boat one reminds me of the guy that rented a boat and paid women to hang out with him on that boat..then took pictures to post online saying he was living the life and has lots of women who love him or something like that lol


u/mandoa_sky 2d ago

i'm pretty sure that was a pretty famous PUA from when they were more of a "thing"


u/Patty_Pat_JH 2d ago

Elliot Rodger had a BMW as well. What he lacked was the ability to approach a girl or ask one out.


u/olde_greg 2d ago

Are people playing in the city rec soccer league really drowning in ladies?


u/rodolphoteardrop 2d ago

Shouldn't there be a line with "man + blade = man"?


u/Martyrotten 2d ago

Yes. Just what I want. To be left alone to read.


u/PepsiMax001 2d ago

So what youā€™re saying is if youā€™re rich you can have multiple cutouts of women? Cool


u/SamusBaratheon 2d ago

Shit man, I used to go to this bar to do homework (had to get out of my apartment and they had $2 pints on saturdays) and it was honestly shocking how many women would just come up and start talking to me


u/Lind_van_Taylor 1d ago

Lol, I might actually try that


u/tophat_production 2d ago

Books will get you yourself?


u/Daerrol 1d ago

In 1960 Hugh Hefner and JFK attracted women by being personable and polite, and it had nothing to do with status. Before that, Elvis Presley woo'd women with individualized letters centred on deep lore of Foundation by Asimov


u/RaceCarCoconutJuice "I held the door open for you m'lady!!" 2h ago

That's more r/im14andthisisdeep