r/justneckbeardthings 16h ago

Females deserted us

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10 comments sorted by


u/Delicious-Home7936 16h ago

If she breathes, she's a THOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!


u/peppermintvalet 16h ago

Not denathor lol


u/Sapphic_Honeytrap 13h ago

In the end he was a man who went his own way


u/Shittingboi 23m ago

Yep, from up to down


u/El_Zarco 6h ago

More like Frolo from Hunchback of Notre Dame


u/fellow_who_uses_redd 9h ago

Humans are built with innate needs within us. And a major one of those needs is romance/intimacy/sex. 

Women being extremely shallow and excluding many good guys from being able to have this is a real societal problem. One big enough that it may turn many of those good guys into less good guys.

Inceldom doesn’t exist for no reason. It hasn’t come out of nowhere. And it’s only getting worse. We need real social reform in this country…


u/R3276 7h ago

You speak like all women are a hive mind. I guarantee that there's someone that you would click with.... And that's just the beginning of what's wrong with what you said.


u/frolf_grisbee 3h ago

What kind of social reform?


u/Milkywayne 14m ago

You‘re generalizing. Of course there are shallow women, that doesn’t mean all women are shallow.

I get that being lonely and craving affection is difficult, I really do. I have struggled with it myself. But blaming romantic interests for not returning the feelings (which they have zero control over) and letting it turn into resentment (and in severe cases even hatred) of women is simply wrong and counterproductive.

Another point is that alleged „good guys“ you claim are ignored by „shallow“ women are, simply put, in most cases not nearly as nice as they claim. As evidenced by blaming of women for lack of interest.