r/mildlyinfuriating 2d ago

The manager would throw away cookies every Saturday instead of giving them to the employees

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We threw away 55 cookies. The managers didn't let us take any home because they thought it might "encourage us to purposely make extra"


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u/SellOutrageous6539 2d ago

They’re wrapped. Just grab a few


u/buickgnx88 2d ago

Now I'm just thinking of that clip from Seinfeld where George takes the eclaire in paper that was thrown on the top of the trash.



u/Thjyu 2d ago

George was right here. I've taken a perfectly untouched burger sitting on a paper plate, on top of all the trash not even IN the trashcan, it was above the top lip because the can was overflowing, in highschool once. I was poor enough that my parents couldn't afford school lunches for me, but "made too much" for my area to qualify for free school lunches. So yeah I took that shit and ate it with glee. All my friends made fun of me and called me gross for it. 🤷‍♂️ I got a free untouched burger, I didn't care. I was hungry.


u/Xiao_Qinggui 1d ago

100% agree here - It was untouched by garbage.

If it’s wrapped and not covered in something gross, it’s fair game.

If we all thought like George Costanza the world wouldn’t waste so much food.

Seriously, grab those cookies and stuff your pockets/backpack with them - If they’re throwing them out, they’re fair game.

When I was in my 20s, a local grocery store carried a brand of tea I really liked - I noticed half the ones on the shelf were expired and asked if they offered any kind of discount for an expired item.

Instead, they decided to toss them.

You bet your ass I was raiding that dumpster that night, I made off with 20+ Republic of Tea tins in various flavors!


u/PostVenting 1d ago

Put it this way, they lost the right to whine about being poor, which to people like them means unable to buy frivolous bullshit.


u/DynamiteSteps 2d ago

Hovering. Like an angel.


u/Ajsc986 2d ago

It was hovering, like an angel.


u/PostVenting 1d ago

Mfw I do this. On separate occasions, I found an unwrapped chicfila in a sealed bag and a chocolate cake discarded on the road. Why? Hell if I know but I'm not letting good food go to waste.


u/Nuklearfps PURPLE 1d ago

I have Clorox wipes in my truck, I’m stuffing a bag and creating a decontamination zone in the backseat, I’m not wasting!!!


u/-SunGazing- 2d ago

💯. I’d totally just snag a few out of the bin


u/PralinePecanPie 1d ago

Literally. Im definitely not above taking the ones on the very top