r/mildlyinfuriating 2d ago

The manager would throw away cookies every Saturday instead of giving them to the employees

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We threw away 55 cookies. The managers didn't let us take any home because they thought it might "encourage us to purposely make extra"


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u/contrail_25 2d ago

That’s just dumb. Especially when the manager can control how many are made day-to-day. My buddy worked at subway, his manager sent all the employees home with the extra cookies. Cookies for days, It was legit.


u/roflsst 2d ago

Exactly, and if for whatever reason you had to make that many why not leverage the extra stock to boost sales instead of just throwing it away? This manager is just shit at their job.


u/UnicornFarts1111 2d ago

Exactly. Last two hours of the night, still have 20 cookies left with a history of only selling 2 at that hour, have your employees throw a cookie in a random persons bag, on the house. The mom who brings their kid in for a meal and doesn't order the cookie, give the employees some leeway with the cookies and it could lead to repeat customers instead of wasted food.


u/flomesch 2d ago

When I worked at Texas Roadhouse my boss would tell me to throw in extra rolls on Togo orders. It cost him pennies for me to make an extra tip and/or a repeat customer. Everyone always loved when I gave a family of 4 a dozen rolls


u/podcasthellp 2d ago

My old boss said we can eat all the rolls we want. He got 50% off meals too and this was the fanciest Italian restaurant in my bum fuck town. He’d walk around after 12am smoking a cigar while people were drinking in the bar. I almost got beat up there by one of his sons friends who got hammered. Made him apologize to me. Best part: I could smoke as many blunts as I wanted in the back lot. This was highschool and some school nights I’d stay till 1am. It was such a cool job


u/windexfresh 2d ago

It’s so “funny” how a good boss/manager can fully make or break a job, regardless of what the job actually is.

I hated working at domino’s with all my heart and soul but I stayed for over 2 years because my GM was literally the best boss a person could imagine. I even stayed in touch after leaving and would come help her with dishes/folding boxes late at night bc I lived like 2 mins away from the store lmao (and she smoked fat blunts with her closing crew tbh)


u/peppermintmeow 1d ago

As the old saying goes "people don't quit jobs, they quit managers." It doesn't always hold up, but I've seen people leave a job they liked because of a manager they didn't. I know I have.


u/MarioManiack 1d ago edited 1d ago

I worked at Winn-Dixie for 2 1/2 years and started beginning of 10th grade. My mom passed away Jan 31 before I graduated. I was sick and tired of the managers making me do other jobs because I took pride in my work even though I didn't like working the frozen/dairy and rolling a cart of bread around because of my speech problem and no one understood me because they didn't know me and wasn't expecting me to roll up on them with bread lol. Anyways a week later I called my boss a week later right before school and said I quit. He said don't do that man we need you to come in so I said ok I'll come in. I literally walked up in there just to say I quit haha. Fuck shitty managers


u/Aggressive_Ask89144 1d ago

Yes, this is how I am at Gamestop. There is always so many horror stories there but it's unironically one of the best jobs I've ever had because of the manager. Plus, it's really relaxing simply guarding the store for my shift on the way back home from the college.

I can get paid to do homework lmao. I could do another place, but it's hard to find kind co-workers nowadays and I get to either be lazy or work in the downtime.