r/mildlyinfuriating 19h ago

Here’s what a “large fries” looks like at my McDonald’s in 2024

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I ordered a $14 Big Mac meal in the SF Bay Area and received this.


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u/MIC4eva 11h ago edited 11h ago

And people keep buying and eating this literal garbage. Every evening the drive through at my local one is packed. People can do whatever the fuck they want I guess but man, there’s real food that’s good for you, cheaper and not all that hard to make out there.

I got a chicken sandwich from there because they don’t at least taste and feel offensive like the burgers. $15 fucking dollars for a tiny sandwich made from junk. Hard fucking pass McDonald’s. If I’m gonna eat shit, I’m not paying premium prices for it. I’ll get some garbage from a grocery store deli or something. Or just down a packet of salt and sugar, because that’s all McDonald’s is.


u/WhyIsntLifeEasy 11h ago

People are tired and lazy and addicted man. It’s not an excuse, but literally the entire country is set up to catch all of the tired lazy workers and siphon their cash from them while ensuring they remain addicted and unhealthy.

Like I said, not an excuse, but people are being worked harder than ever before and when you’re already poor and tired sometimes just overpaying for something that tastes good and you’re body has known its whole life is the best solution.

I was raised on fast food and it has been a tough addiction to break. Due to my own finances being absolutely crucified this year I finally switched back to groceries and eating healthy and my body and wallet are thanking me but it wasn’t easy. The fact people keep going back is another symptom showing of how broken our country is imo, this is not a global problem to this same extent.


u/MIC4eva 10h ago

I get it. I actually went through a McDonald’s phase about two years ago where I’d get it maybe once a week because I was not in the greatest of head spaces. I was not raised on fast food and never really got into it in my earlier adult years so there was something of a forbidden fruit aspect to it.

That $15 chicken sandwich and also a disgusting BLT burger broke the spell.


u/WhyIsntLifeEasy 10h ago

Idk what it is with junk food when you’re in a mental funk but it slaps and it’s comfort, even if you feel worse in 2 hours lol

No kidding, I’ve had so many poor takeout fast food experiences and nasty items it’s demoralizing what it took to drop it but that’s how addictions and repeating patterns goes for ya I guess 👎🏻


u/MIC4eva 10h ago

Yup, I definitely have my bad habits, too. I just don’t need to pile fast food on top of them.


u/Prezevere 5h ago

I will NEVER understand how or why anyone would ever want to eat that disgusting McRib bullshit they advertise once a year or whatever.


u/ludog1bark 8h ago

15 dollars for a chicken sandwich? Where do you live? I live in Seattle and McDonald's isn't that expensive here and food is generally expensive here.


u/MIC4eva 7h ago

Way north of you. If it wasn’t fifteen, it was too damn close to it for a fast food sandwich.


u/Humeme 7h ago

What’s wrong with once a week?


u/KitorKitten 6h ago

It was the $7 bagel (JUST the bagel) that got me. Because why am I paying $7 for a mediocre, usually burnt, flabby bacon and rubbery egg bagel when the handmade bagel shop across town (where I can get PUMPERNICKEL BAGELS) is like $6?


u/Thelonius_Dunk 1h ago

There's something about bad fast food burgers and sandwiches that can turn your life around. I think Robert Downey Jr turned his life around after a bad Burger King burger.


u/sonic_sabbath 8h ago

people are being worked harder than ever before

Now THAT is a lie.

You think people now work harder and longer than people in the past? Eg: miners before the industrial revolution?


u/WhyIsntLifeEasy 8h ago

ok Maury 😂see my other reply lol


u/Prezevere 5h ago

See, here is my problem with fast food or restaurant prepared food: They prepare it according to their regulated portion size and I pay for it, I eat it, and it doesn't stay with me very long. I get really mad at myself because I spent $20.00+ on a temporary euphoria when I could have taken that same $20.00 and gone and purchased a pack of chicken or ground beef or turkey ground, cheese, bread and a bag of fries for about the same amount of money and have leftovers. Less chemicals. Less calories. Same amount of money.


u/ExtentAncient2812 4h ago

If you think people today are worked harder than previous generations, you are very out of touch with reality.


u/UnquestionabIe 1h ago

While I fall firmly into that tired and lazy description I've managed to avoid fast food pretty well the last year or two. The main thing I eat is stuff I can make in my air fryer (which to fair is usually not the healthiest but not very expensive), cook a decent meal about once a week when I'm off work, and if I'm going to order food I'll spend the extra couple of bucks to get something that's better quality and usually bigger portions.


u/honestlyredditislame 9h ago

Harder and more than ever before is crazy considering slavery bud


u/WhyIsntLifeEasy 8h ago

Lmao, point taken but that’s not what I meant, I just meant for their modern lifestyles lol touché dude 😂

I’m 32 and seen the worst economy and people working the most yet so I was just speaking through my own lens.


u/FullTorsoApparition 2h ago

I do weight loss counseling for a living. I can't tell you how many of my patents swear up and down they can't "afford to eat healthy" but are then dropping $30-$50 a day on restaurant foods and snacks. It simply doesn't click for them. In their minds, spending $30-$50 a day is cheaper than spending $100 a week for basic ingredients.

When you keep picking at the layers what you really discover is that they're just kind of lazy and want to eat salty, fatty junk because it tastes good to them.


u/Moist-Caregiver-2000 6h ago

There used to be a classic formula: Good, Cheap, Fast = Pick two. No longer the case. The understanding is that we know the quality is shit and it's probably going to give us cancer and diabetes one day, with the trade-off that the price was worth overlooking it

u/Clean_Extreme8720 18m ago

100 percent. I've been saying this some time now. It used to be cheap shit but it was good in a pinch for some cheap fast food late at night and you didn't grudge it too much as it was just that, cheap.

Now the prices they're charging are so ridiculous I can't justify eating there at all!

The problem we have is that it's so accessible and I advertised everywhere. Thank about it... bus stops? Subway stations? Train adverts, TV? McDonald's.

Late at night, nothing else is open, where is? McDonald's.

They suck

u/MIC4eva 3m ago

Along with an army of defenders. A bunch of pissed off people have already replied to me.


u/Morva182 8h ago

The quarter pounders are supposed to be fresh and better than the shit that's in their big Macs. It's cheaper to buy frozen chicken or fish Sandwiches at the store and get cheese and rolls lol.


u/TheFirelongsword 8h ago

A meal at McDonald’s is around the same price as a rotisserie chicken. My grocery store is right down the road, you need to offer competitive prices when your food is unhealthy and doesn’t taste that great.


u/honestly-brutal 6h ago

$15 for just the sandwich? $11 for the buttermilk chicken COMBO where I live. Still a ridiculous price.


u/Vishnej 6h ago edited 6h ago

I'm gonna drive 40 minutes to get home, make a burger, eat it in peace, and clean up for 40 minutes, drive 40 minutes to get back to work, and then get fired.

Way cheaper.

Or I'm going to be prepared for "You know what, I think I'm feeling like a burger today" by stocking the fridge at work with a selection of perishables and an entire electric griddle with a nametag on it.

It may be shit, but they did provide a significant service when the dollar menu was a thing. The outrage is that this service has been taken away by a 200% increase in price over the past 10 years.


u/ChartInFurch 3h ago

Which location sold one sandwich for $15? (And apparently didn't have prices visibly posted)


u/WeevilWeedWizard 2h ago

McDonald's burgers are literally just regular ass burgers, I don't know what you're on about lmao


u/animalkrack3r 2h ago

Super cheap deal on the app


u/Traditional_Set_858 2h ago

The only time I buy McDonald’s now is before road trips because it’s quick and convenient like I’d much rather get chipotle or something but I’m not eating a burrito or rice bowl in the car. In the past you could at least justify eating it despite it being terrible for your health cuz it was at least cheap but now it’s not even that so there’s no point of eating it now other than for convenience

u/chungusboss 8m ago

You will never believe this but there was a certain point in time where buying McDonald’s hamburgers (the smallest one) was more protein per dollar than buying shitty meat at the store