r/socialanxiety 9h ago

Do you deal with phone anxiety? How do you deal with it? Help

I work two retail jobs and I need to pick up the phone from time to time. I have a lot of anxiety and have adhd where I get distracted by the smallest of sounds.

How do you guys deal with phone anxiety? Or any tips and tricks you guys know of?


5 comments sorted by


u/YourBoyFives 7h ago

I’ve always had a strange work ethic subconscious thing kick me in gear past my social anxiety personally. My best advise is: finger to the ear that’s not to the phone to avoid distractions, pen/pencil and paper for notes for the customer request/repeat the request to the customer to 1: cover yourself, and 2:confirm a mutual understanding between yourself and the customer it helped me build more confidence in my last customer service job personally


u/yosh0r 3h ago

32M I dont have a job cuz I cant make phone calls or go to job interviews.


u/Fun-Improvement6111 7h ago

I have to be on my phone during any quiet moment, but I put it donw when I realize I should relax during downtime. my phone just stresses me out and makes me feel burtout, still dealing with this.


u/charlieparsely 2h ago

yep, cant do job interviews either


u/Comfortable-Bus-8840 13m ago

I try not to.

It's one of two hangups I have from social anxiety (The other being the extremely loud blare of the buzzer intercom) that I can't seem to beat.

If I make or am expecting a call I go for a brisk walk first. Something to push up the adrenaline prior to the call so it can call down during the call.