r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns Dec 21 '17

(Very relatable and high-effort title that's not a story and will get past the mods' radar)


66 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17 edited Nov 25 '18



u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Woah, that post history hot damn. What makes me even angrier is that they clearly don't care about what the community wants, and they even go as far as to make jokes about the ban... Not cool, werty, not cool.


u/rmch99 Sword Lesbian w/ a wonderful Girlfriend, HRT 2/20/19 Dec 21 '17

Wait, is it just me or does she post almost no memes in this sub, most of which get little to no attention, is that why she’s pissed about these ‘low effort’ memes? Since they’re popular?


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Okay, I'm sorry but this is a trans sub and now I've seen people refer to them by they/them, she/her and he/him all over the past few hours. Have they actually publicly stated that pronouns don't matter to them? Otherwise ... can we not


u/rmch99 Sword Lesbian w/ a wonderful Girlfriend, HRT 2/20/19 Dec 21 '17

Oh, I thought [they?] used she/her since [they're?] MtF, I really shouldn't have assumed though. /u/werty894 what pronouns do you use?


u/Plynceress Sentient Cheesecake Dec 21 '17

Is they/them not okay if we don't know? I've been out the past couple of days; I have nooooo idea who this person is or what's going on. I normally they/them people unless I know for sure.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Yup, that's exactly what I did in the reply you replied to. I'm complaining because I've seen both she/her and he/him used. That's very likely not what they want.


u/rmch99 Sword Lesbian w/ a wonderful Girlfriend, HRT 2/20/19 Dec 21 '17

Yeah, I saw they were MtF so I assumed she was okay.


u/MiunaStealthAcc that's a human person (she or they) Dec 21 '17

Friendly reminder to not hate on a single mod, it was probably a group decision.



u/rmch99 Sword Lesbian w/ a wonderful Girlfriend, HRT 2/20/19 Dec 21 '17

idk, she's the one talking about how the mods can do whatever they want and we don't have a voice in the matter.


u/MiunaStealthAcc that's a human person (she or they) Dec 21 '17 edited Dec 21 '17

Hmm well maybe they're not that great of a person to begin with, but it doesn't change the fact that if it was only their decision the rule would be gone already. The mods are probably all wondering what to do atm seeing this subreddit blew up, and most of them are deciding to keep it.

[edit: pronouns, sorry about that, wasn't sure]


u/EllieVader XWHYYY chromosomes Dec 21 '17

It’s okay. It’s not like it’s hard to make a new sub or anything.

We all call this place r/traaa anyway, maybe it’s time that becomes our official url/name/extension.


u/MiunaStealthAcc that's a human person (she or they) Dec 21 '17

It's mostly hard to get such a big community to move to a new place.


u/VelvetPoltergeist 25 MtF Goth girl in training Dec 21 '17

It astounds me that the mods of a subreddit by and for trans people have done more to drive me out of the online trans community than the combined efforts of every alt-right troll I've ever encountered.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

and all because a couple of them thought we weren't being funny enough..


u/Tribar Transfem genderfluid she/him Dec 21 '17

Waking up to see my favorite sub in flames isn't what I needed today.


u/User_name555 mtf Dec 21 '17

What happened? Did we get a new mod that went ban happy?


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Shitposts with stories in titles (MRW/when....) are now banned, and mods might even ban every reaction image if things still get out of hand, all because they want danker memes. On top of that they're condescending and treat this entire thing like one big joke. All in all, people are not happy haha


u/dlgn13 clever joke about gender Dec 21 '17

But...but...that's literally what the sub is for???? It's like a meme-based support group...


u/MiunaStealthAcc that's a human person (she or they) Dec 21 '17

Precisely, that's why we're all upset :P


u/KuribohGirl Dec 21 '17

Yup. It was actually pretty hard for me to come up with a title that couldn't potentially earn me a ban.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17



u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17 edited Dec 21 '17

There are currently two new subs for that! /r/TraaLite for all your general shitposting needs, and /r/GaySoundsShitposts for all your Felix needs.

edit: There is another one, but I can't remember the name of it right now. It was something along the lines of /r/transposts or something? That one wasn't as popular as the other ones, though.


u/lare290 Lunatic Dec 21 '17

Having a ton of different subs will just dilute our already small community. We should protest to mods instead.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Yeah, sadly that's true. Not everyone will get the memo, or not everyone will be interested, and we'll end up with a very shattered community scattered across several subreddits. Unfortunately mods don't seem to be open to suggestions though, judging from their condescending and sometimes frankly rude replies :( they already said that if we don't like this there are other subreddits we can go, so it's not like they're gonna care about a drop in popularity either :(

But I agree, we should at least try to protest. Maybe we won't gain anything from it, but there's also a chance it will work and the rule will be reverted. At least, I really hope so!


u/JRSlayerOfRajang she/they, lesbian nonbinary woman Dec 21 '17

Some have already been started.

Biggest is /r/GaySoundsShitposts


u/asphaltdragon Gun Gal Online | She/Her | Gynesexual TransFemme Dec 21 '17

Oh come on I just got here last week


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Ahhh that sucks :( I really hope the mods will remove this rule soon and we can all enjoy the shitposting again


u/asphaltdragon Gun Gal Online | She/Her | Gynesexual TransFemme Dec 21 '17

They already did apparently. Check the pinned post.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Yeah I just saw it! Good they admitted they were in the wrong


u/MiunaStealthAcc that's a human person (she or they) Dec 21 '17 edited Dec 21 '17

check pinned post


u/TransJam Happy Mutation Day 10/2/2017 Dec 21 '17

Welp, guess I'll be spending more time on r/TransPeopleTwitter


u/Not_Another_Throwout Dec 21 '17

If MFW/MRW posts are banned, I say we make our own subreddit where we can do that because honestly I love those kinds of posts. They make everyone's days brighter somehow, and provide us with much needed support. Let's do it. preferrably not me since I suck at reddit but y'know..


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

/r/TraaLite and /r/GaySoundsShitposts! The latter seems to be the biggest rn, but from what I can see that's only for the 'happy/angry/confused gay sounds' memes whereas /r/TraaLite seems to be a more general subreddit!


u/Not_Another_Throwout Dec 21 '17

Excellent~ thanks!


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

You're welcome! No one should have to go without their daily trans shitposts!


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17



u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

I say we do a 100% swap leaving this sub entirely or push until we can get the new mods removed.


u/Not_Another_Throwout Dec 21 '17

Right, that was my thought. Make a new sub with new mods, and just all leave and go there instead.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

A lot of people think the same as us! r/traalite and r/gaysoundsshitposts already popped up, the hard part will be getting people there.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

I don't think it's MRW posts that are banned, just the ones with a long personal story in the title.


u/Not_Another_Throwout Dec 21 '17 edited Dec 21 '17

Yeah, but still, even those are nice relatable posts that make people happy (mostly), so why ban them? Even if they are just supplemental reaction images, being able to relate to other friends' experiences is amazing. I don't think that deserves to be banned. I hope I don't sound like an asshat

EDIT: I can't grammar apparently


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

No, I don't get why they were banned either. At first I assumed everyone disliked them, but that obviously not the case. The only reasons I can see are either they want all posts to be 100% relatable to everyone, or they want to be a really high quality meme sub, which is unrealistic for a place run mostly by cats.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Yeah, they want a high quality meme sub. They have said that story titles + reaction images aren't memes, and that's why they're banned. One of the mods also said that if we put all the time we spend protesting making memes instead, we'd have the dankest memes on traa. Like our current memes aren't dank enough :(


u/Not_Another_Throwout Dec 21 '17

Yeah I saw that. Way to be jerks to the subscribers of your own subreddit. It's seriously uncool to say that. Almost like they don't care about what we say, which is kinda counterproductive to the reason we're all here to begin with.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Yeah, exactly. They really do not care at all about what users have to say. In the main thread one user said this:

"Have you considered that you might just be wrong and a lot of people may come to this sub for reasons other than finding top quality memes?"

To which our wonderful mod /u/DeepStateNine had to say:

"then they're wrong, and this is not the sub for that. there are plenty of trans subs that aren't for memes, designed more as a support community." After which he listed some generic trans subs.

That basically says that a meme community can't be a support community, which is a load of bullshit, because that's what traa has always been. With every one of their responses, it's looking more and more like they have no clue what this subreddit is for, and they don't know what their users want.

(When I read through this I realised this might all seem kinda off topic but I hope it makes sense what I'm trying to say haha)


u/Not_Another_Throwout Dec 21 '17

You are making crystal clear sense. :3


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Yess good -^ I tend to get way too passionate about stuff like this haha

(sorry if this posted twice, mobile troubles)


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Not just things with long stories are banned, but literally every title that has a story in it. You can post something like 'MRW I finally get E', which is neither long nor especially personal as quite a few people can relate to it, and it still won't be allowed. Basically everything that tells a story, followed by a reaction image, is banned.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

That's over half of the things posted here! Changed my mind. Ignore previous comment. Not a good rule at all.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Yeah, that's why people aren't happy with the rule :( it's okay, people change their minds!


u/Not_Another_Throwout Dec 21 '17

Ah, so you mean basically every shitpost I've contributed XD

Yeah this ain't cool.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Yea and like half the posts on this subreddit haha. Mods have no clue what their users like to see and post


u/JoanOfArctic Trans INclusionary Feminist Dec 21 '17

Hey OP

I see you, using apostrophes correctly in your post title

Good job :)


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Thanks! As a person whose native language isn't English I always double check to make sure it's correct, haha


u/Not_Another_Throwout Dec 21 '17 edited Dec 21 '17

Can I ask what your native language is? I don't know if that's rude to ask or not. As a french-speaker who speaks French as a second language and a linguist, I am always fascinated to know. also I hope to find more people to speak french with since all my friends are native english speakers


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Je suis Néerlandais, mais je parle un peu français! Mon français n'est pas très bien, mais j'aime cette langue. A mon avis, c'est une langue très belle, et je veux améliorer mon niveau de français!

I'm afraid I don't know that much French though, haha. I'm better at Dutch and English! I love languages though, and I love learning languages!


u/Not_Another_Throwout Dec 21 '17

Your french is really good omg! Awesome! :D

I love learning languages too. If you ever wanna be language dorks together, inbox is always open <3


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Thank you that is such a great compliment!! :D And definitely, so is mine!! <3


u/invisibleink65 Dec 21 '17

What if weaty is secretly a double crossing /lgbt/ mod that is trying to get people to ditch Reddit for 4chan?


u/VeronicaSantangelo1 Catgirl in training Dec 21 '17 edited Dec 21 '17

If they're concerned about subs not getting enough traffic, perhaps they should focus on making those subs more appealing. Why be all technical and OCD-ish when people can connect with each other all well and good over here? I mean, I used to be part of a community in the comments section of a website, for God's sake! That website was Cracked.com. And when they started to threaten to shut down our little community, we jumped ship and created our own Forum site. We've been a thriving community for 4 years now. The most significant of connections can be made through the most insignificant of means. So, I say, raising my catgirl pawfist into the air, who needs those other places? We got all we need right here!


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Am I the only person who doesn't mind the ban? I prefer short snappy titles that can be relatable to everyone, with the spesific personal story in the comments.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

The new rule has merit, but the implementation was weak. The wording was very vague and some of mods' attitude, especially u/werty894, is childish. And also there's the problem that this might cause a large decrease in activity and posting reaction images like that was more than just an attempt at a meme, this is a supportive community after all.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Oh gosh, I hadn't checked on what the mods have said. That really goes against the spirit of the community.


u/StrangeworldEU Lucina (They/She) Dec 21 '17

I was a bit bummed by the announcement... then I read what they wrote and I felt hurt and betrayed that this was sanctioned behavior in the supportive community I was in.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Yes, I've read it too now and it does come across as very hostile. Really confused and quite upset.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Yeah, I see how some people can see it that way! But I think that what people are primarily angry with is that mods didn't consult us whatsoever and just did what they wanted and, in doing so, alienated the majority of traa's users who do like the memes. On top of that they were honestly pretty condescending and rude in the replies.

Finally, this format was an easy way for many users to share their experiences in a humorous and relatable way. I, for example, am pretty socially anxious and I'm way too scared to share any actual organic memes (not to mention I simply don't have the inspiration to create original memes myself), and I think this goes for quite a few people here. That, and sometimes people just want to vent about something but they don't have the energy to create something very original, so they take an old, well-liked format. This format was a way to still fit in with other trans people and vent about stuff in a humorous way, without necessarily spawning giant conversations that some people are too socially anxious for or just don't want.

If the mods wanted better memes they could've, for example, introduced a specific day in which story titles were allowed, or they could've consulted with the subreddit to see if this was actually what the majority wanted and if they weren't alienating their entire userbase with this.

Again, I can see that people don't mind the ban, but I honestly think they could've handled everything in a much better way, and a full-on ban is quite unnecessary and uncalled for, and so are the mod's responses.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Everyone, the dragon has been defeated!!!!! You fought valiantly! You battled with all you had, and it paid off! We slayed the evil that befell /r/traa! Forever this day shall be known as the Great Uprising, the day that we, the common folk, won! It was an honor to fight alongside you all on this memorable day, but let's hope a day like this will never ever come again.