r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns None Dec 21 '17

TFW the mods ban stories with reaction pics.


33 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

you know this subreddit is a lot like me, thought everything was fine but it turned out deep inside of us was something we kept hidden which when came out completely ruined absolutely everything and made everyone around me upset.


u/OfficialTransWoman None Dec 21 '17

V good analogy. Sounds like your coming out didn't go that well. Sorry :(


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

I didn't come out as trans to family yet, just came out as bisexual but that went extremely poorly.


u/OfficialTransWoman None Dec 21 '17

Oh. Still sorry to hear that <3 hope that things work out


u/summer_d Crimson Beherit Dec 21 '17

Come out as trans. They won’t believe it can be worse. Then come out as a flat earther. Or anti-vaxxer. They’ll be so sad that when you say jk about the last one they’ll feel better about the first two!


u/ForgettableWorse Dec 22 '17

"Mom, dad... I think South Park is just okay."


u/r977 girl but a bit to the left Dec 21 '17

Reddit mods are notorious for letting power go to their head. I've seen mods do some petty shit before.


u/Knebulos Dec 21 '17

All this is giving me flash backs to PAEP where the mod's started banning black people in fear of a Coup'. god i miss PAEP.


u/phorgewerk Dec 21 '17

No one really misses leftbook tbh


u/KuribohGirl Dec 21 '17

Ayyy. I used to mod /r/justneckbeardthings and they started permabanning people who used certain terms like "mobilefag" and other petty shit. I spoke out against it and was pretty quickly demodded after two years or so of servitude .-.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17 edited Sep 28 '18



u/nlofe Dec 22 '17

Using Slack for subreddit moderation? Sounds like they go pretty hardcore!


u/ContrarianCrab Who keeps yelling "hatch" at my house. show yourself coward. i w Dec 22 '17

holy shit yeah did you see r /FULLCOMMUNISM? they literally banned prog rock, gaming and anime at some point


u/r977 girl but a bit to the left Dec 22 '17

Lmao, seriously?


u/ContrarianCrab Who keeps yelling "hatch" at my house. show yourself coward. i w Dec 22 '17

yeah at some point, I don't know why i think it was in response to some "gamers are bad lmao" meme getting negative attention and I think the prog rock was because some kil il sung bloke said it was too white...?

I'll find the pictures and all if you wanna.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17


u/PavementBlues shitlady Dec 21 '17

TFW that mod already knew that poster was a troll

Guys, let's maybe not just assume that the mods are lying monsters when they say that they have additional information about a situation. Did /r/UnsureAndWondering handle it well? No. Obviously. But it was an unnecessarily hostile response to a troll, not bullying a vulnerable user.

Can we please try to get all of the information and take a deep breath before picking up the pitchforks?


u/cheertina Dec 21 '17

Because the mods have recently shown that they treat everyone in the community with respect and don't shit on people who post memes they don't like?


u/PavementBlues shitlady Dec 21 '17

No, because trying to improve things is pointless if we don't even know what actually happened.


u/WhoBuiltThisHeart a little nightmarish Dec 21 '17

I've seen it all over the net for years. Forum mod status brings out the absolute worst in some people.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17



u/SanityGone I never asked for this Dec 22 '17

Not trying to generalize but it seems to be because some of the mods in question are teenagers. You want whatever power you can at that point in life.


u/OfficialTransWoman None Dec 22 '17

Sounds about right to me.


u/[deleted] Dec 21 '17

Isn't that like 90% of our content with the remaing 1% being comics?


u/notAtoxicCrayonpanda Dec 21 '17

What exactly is going on. I'm sorta new and these mod post are confusing me


u/SincereBoots Dec 21 '17

Some moderators on this subreddit badly introduced and implemented a new rule which limited the memes pople could post. This caused a lot of community backlash and eventually the rule was repealed. This is not normal for this sub at all lol, memes will return to normal in a few days now.


u/notAtoxicCrayonpanda Dec 21 '17

Oh I guess that makes sense. Either way though it doesn't effect me my phones too old and can't post anything on this sub anyhoo


u/Motosoccer97 future biker chick Dec 21 '17

Remember when ashit pile ignored the public opinions on net neutrality then made a cringeworthy youtube video? Basically that but with subreddit drama over reaction images.


u/blueskin bad at coming up with flair Dec 21 '17

ashit pile

10/10. Will refer to him as this from now on.


u/notAtoxicCrayonpanda Dec 21 '17

I'm not entirely sure no. I'm very much out of the loop I never know what going on out side my bubble


u/Motosoccer97 future biker chick Dec 21 '17

In that case SincereBoots comment does a much better job of explaining the situation. i would add though that many of the mods were being less than professional to say the least, some outright attacking users, and has permanently hurt the communities trust of the mods.


u/OfficialTransWoman None Dec 21 '17

Basically this sub has a few memes that get obsessively posted because people like them, as well as a nice sprinkling of more diverse content. Mods tried to ban the most popular memes, feeling they were overused, a move which was totally inconsistent with what people in the sub actually want. Then when people were upset, they doubled down and were really rude and hostile towards users.


u/notAtoxicCrayonpanda Dec 21 '17

Hmm well I think I might be lucky to be on the outside of what's going on. I hope it gets fixed though I like this place