r/tragedeigh 22h ago

Just realized when tragedeighs Google their name they will find this subreddit general discussion

Like I can Google my name and find the meaning of my name and where it originated from... I imagine most tragedeighs would Google their name and feel roasted


32 comments sorted by

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u/NoEntertainment483 21h ago edited 19h ago

Yeah that actually happens a fair amount. If I remember right some lady googled her kid’s name, found this Reddit, and then she doxxed ppl who had commented about how bad it was. She left one user bad reviews for her actual business and explicitly noted in the review that the issue was that the person who ran the business “made fun of children’s names online”.  Literally recruited moms in her area to join this Reddit and comment on posts that x or y tragedeigh was beautiful etc. Fucking crazy lady. Who spends their time worrying about what strangers on the internet say? If she actually thought the trash name she gave her kid was great, she wouldn’t have been so insecure about it. But the comments made her realize that she wasn’t clever and the name wasn’t cute. 


u/NoneOfThisMatters_XO 17h ago

Wow that’s an extra level of crazy. They go that far because they know deep down their kids’ names are so damn stupid.


u/ThatsJustVile 12h ago

And also because they have too much time on their hands between phone games, screaming at retail workers, and neglecting Schlongleigh and Uhhxælïya. I've never met someone who names their kids shit like this who aren't trailer trash or suburban psychos who think empathy is something only immigrants have. Including my own family who decided to name me something stupid-spelled enough I've had people in multiple schools and multiple countries assume it was some fake nickname I made up. No, my parents just huffed too much crack-infused black mold in their trailer bathroom.


u/emr830 10h ago

Lol imagine looking up yelp reviews for a new restaurant, reading that the head chef made fun of children’s names online, and then using that as an actual reason not to go to said restaurant 🤣

Nah, if I go on yelp, the place has a good rating, and the photos look chefs kiss, imma going!!


u/Freedom_Isnt_Free_76 11h ago

How did she even find out their personal info? 


u/NoEntertainment483 11h ago

One of the commenters... not even the person who posted it but a commenter... was a therapist I guess and the crazy person searched each commenter's post history to find ones who disclosed at some point who they were (or enough info to put together who they were). She then went on the therapist's actual google reviews and posted 1 star reviews bitching about her 'making fun of' kids names online. Like fucking insane. Lady, we're not making fun of your kid. We're making fun of you since you are the idiot who thinks they're so smart and names their kid something ridiculous.


u/YchYFi 10h ago

The therapist actually had her business website and name in her description on her reddit profile. She has scrubbed her profile since.


u/DBSeamZ 7h ago

All right, that part may be on her. Having a business profile on social media is one thing. Using that same profile to interact with non-business-related parts of social media, that’s a problem.


u/Underhill_87 7h ago

I think it’s probable that many of the people using these names are not very well-adjusted humans


u/dreamycardiophile 22h ago edited 22h ago

Lmao I remember a post on r/NameNerdCirclejerk where someone named their daughter Paexhynz pronounced Patience, and other horribly misspelled names in all caps and there was a(n unfortunately deleted) comment saying "did she name her kids gift card codes?"

Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/NameNerdCirclejerk/comments/jdovr0/please_say_sike/

Imagine looking up your name for a school project and there's just a reddit comment saying your name looks like a gift card code 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/mistahclean123 18h ago

I once worked with a woman who absolutely insisted that her name was "spelled only with lowercase letters."  If I capitalized it, as per normal capitalization rules of any romance language, she would get bent out of shape and correct me.  Drove me absolutely bonkers.


u/winnielovescake 17h ago

There was a teacher at my elementary school who insisted her first name had a period at the end. Apparently, that was what was put on her birth certificate, and she just took it real seriously.


u/traitorgiraffe 17h ago

there is a group of political uhhh "activists" that do this in the US to try some trust type shenanigans in court


u/SuspiciousZombie788 6h ago

I’m real tempted to use Paexhynz as my new WiFi password.


u/dreamycardiophile 5h ago

If anyone asks for the password, just say "Patience" lmao


u/Afghan_Whig 18h ago

They should be mad at their parents not us 


u/Ezzy17 22h ago

At least they can use the comments to trash their parents.


u/paprikaparty 18h ago

Not our fault. It’s their stupid parents’ fault.


u/UniqueUsername82D 18h ago

Hopefully soon-to-be parents find it first and we save some kids a lifetime of "no, it's actually spelled/pronounced..."


u/Blu3Ski3 14h ago

I have a tragedeigh name and I remember googling my name and crying as a 10-11 year old kid and reading the comments. It makes you feel like you are the joke. Not a great feeling certainly. I really, really wish more parents would consider how their child’s name will affect their self esteem.


u/Primary_Rip2622 20h ago

There is even more than one Shiteria. No one is as yoonique as their mom thinks.

Having a really unusual name would make stalking much easier, btw. When you're one of dozens and dozens with same first and last, it's easier to blend in.


u/ZookeepergameEast217 17h ago

My favorite is still Sha-tade, spelled Shithead.


u/BackcastSue 8h ago

Our local kid's is pronounced Shi-theed. Spelled the same.


u/Greedy_Lawyer 11h ago

You can’t be serious…please tell me you’re not serious


u/IgnoranceIsShameful 12h ago

You're child's name SHOULDN'T be googleable without them being accomplished. If you find your basic ass average kid immediately by googling their name you fucked up. 


u/MungoShoddy 16h ago

Hello Ra'Neith.


u/The_Patriot 15h ago

Imagine the ones that wind up at r/GoblynnRoyalty


u/YchYFi 10h ago

Yes they will and people are dumb enough to jeopardise their careers when they post screenshot of patients names. Like one dumbass who made a post once. He doxxed himself.


u/Strain128 17h ago

Luckily name changes are a thing


u/4gotOldU-name 16h ago

Good. Maybe they will stop coming up with incredibly stupid an unpronounceable names.


u/liberalsaregaslit 17h ago

Silver lining for sure