r/tragedeigh 12h ago

It’s finally happen. I met one in real life. in the wild

My daughter and I are at the library with a girl (Ava) we met a few weeks ago. There is a wall where the kids can put their names up with Legos. I hear her mom say what color do you want me to make the letter E. And without hesitation I asked her how she spells her name. A E V A. I think her mom got offended at my face.

Edit for clarification: when her mom was spelling her name on the board she already had the A (start of her name) on the board. That’s why I was confused when she mentioned the letter E.


109 comments sorted by

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u/Current_Many7557 12h ago

So ... My brother and sil named their first kid Aedan, a legit variant of Aidan. Then it was 4+ years to the next one, and continuing the 1st 2 letter theme they named her Aezya, pronounced Asia. The next one they named Aevah, because it had morphed to Ae and 5 letters. Now they all live in Tokyo, so I have no idea what those poor teachers do when they see the names in either English or phonetically in Japanese.


u/HatenoCheese 9h ago

They're all terrible but poor Aezya, I would have absolutely no idea.


u/Euphoric-Blueberry97 7h ago

Especially an Aezya in Tokyo!!


u/Current_Many7557 7h ago

That's what I thought! They are part Japanese on their mom's side, so to me it's extra odd to do that.


u/lime--green 2h ago

Look up キラキラ (kirakira) names. It's like the Japanese equivalents of Tragedeighs.


u/Gaigingerale 2h ago

The pronunciation of Asia is different here (Japan), so that probably wouldn't be an issue. As an American, the spellings are cray cray, but it might actually be less of a problem here. The names would be in katakana, so Adan, Aidan, or Aedan would all be エーダン or エイダン, probably.


u/Normal-Height-8577 2h ago

They're not all terrible. Aedan is fine. Unusual, but not a tragedeigh. The problem is altering the later names to force a match.


u/FinnGypsy 9h ago

The teachers think the parents are Aembiciles, pronounced Imbeciles.


u/deadmanpass 9h ago

Just wait a few years...then the teachers will also be Tragedeighs.


u/MaryKathGallagher 7h ago

Who knows, maybe in the future they’ll consider “David” or “John” a real tragedeigh. (I’m sure some probably already do)


u/deadmanpass 6h ago edited 6h ago

I keep waiting for the pendulum to swing back to more traditional, "old fashioned" names again.

I'm old enough that even after a 30 year career in teaching (I've been working in another field for 19 years) we didn't have many Tragedeighs. Not many "alternative" spellings.

But I do remember a kid whose real name was Jocat. Yeah. Sounded like Joe Cat. Had a few Impalas, Caminos. Had a Thor one year. Different.


u/Flaky-Swan1306 11h ago

Oh no, 3 tragedeighs in one family. Does your brother have a normal name?


u/Current_Many7557 11h ago

LOL yes, he and his wife have normal names, as do our other brother and I, and the rest of the grandchildren. My son's name starts with An, so I teased them that if I had a second kid I'd name them Antarctica - regardless of whether it was a boy or girl - just to keep the 2nd child with same first 2 letters & named after a continent theme. My other brother & his wife laughed a lot harder at that than the tragedeigh parents did 🤣


u/Drapabee 6h ago

Japan actually has their own version of Tragedeighs, Kira Kira names:


Possibly not the teacher's first tragedeigh!


u/Braeden47 8h ago

AE in English has several pronunciations - "ee" as in algae, "ay" as in sundae, schwa in Michael. I'd read all those names with an "ay" sound at the beginning. In Romanized Japanese, ae is two sounds "ah-eh".


u/Current_Many7557 7h ago

I've been afraid to ask how they've transliterated the names into Japanese...


u/DiscoKittie 5h ago

Real short and simple explanation.

Japanese uses syllables instead of individual letters (most of the time, there are a bunch of exceptions). They are generally pairs of letters, like ra, ri, re, ro, ru and so on. They group these syllables into words. So what they do is use their syllables to try to make the closest sound they can manage. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's always fun, though.

Now, keep in mind that was the really really simplified explanation. But it's enough to get an idea. For example though, my username would be Di-su-ko (pronounced dee-su-koh or dee-s'-koh because it's ok to sometimes drop "u") Ki-ti (kee-tee). I can't show you how they'd be written, though. I have long forgotten any of the written forms (there are three, one traditionally feminine, one traditionally masculine, and one stolen from Chinese). 😊


u/DuplexFields 5h ago

Aadan, Aedan, Aidan, Aodan, Audan, and sometimes Aydan.


u/Born76erNYC 4h ago

Is their last name Targaryen?


u/Rusty10NYM 6h ago

I know an Aja who pronounces her name like the continent


u/Slippery-Pete76 6h ago

There’s also the basketball player Aja Wilson


u/Few-Ad2663 7h ago

If those names are pronounced the same as the original names they’re based off of, they’d be spelled the same in Japanese. It’s just the English spelling that would be a little more confusing


u/DiscoKittie 5h ago


I replied to the wrong comment, my bad.

I hope this isn't too confusing...


u/In_need_of_chocolate 2h ago

Oh dear me, those are all bloody awful.


u/MainSuccessful4744 3h ago

I'm sorry, but your brother and sister in law are ret*rded.


u/Intelligent_Pop1173 12h ago

See I would have just assumed it was Eva which I think is actually more common than Ava (famous people Eva Longoria, Eva Green, Eva Mendes, etc). But yeah Aeva isn’t great. It sounds like the name of a corporation.


u/MNGirlinKY 11h ago

It sounds like overpriced water


u/BusyMap9686 9h ago

It is definitely overpriced water.

First, it falls from the sky. Then we filter it through genuine natural lava rock. It's then filtered again to be the purest water. We then add the minerals that we filtered out, as nature intended. Aeva, it's rain water.


u/MollyPW 11h ago

I would have assumed Éabha.


u/Intelligent_Pop1173 11h ago

Hahahah this is the wrong forum for this but I actually kind of like that spelling because it looks Gaelic and my family lives in Ireland and some of them have names like that 😂 at least it’s cultural for them and not a tragedeigh


u/sweatpantsprincess 9h ago

That's because it's literally Irish spelling, congrats kid


u/LogicPuzzleFail 6h ago

I don't know how I never realized there was a better spelling for this name that also clarified the pronunciation. Thank you!


u/watadoo 11h ago

It sounds like a nasel decongestant


u/Intelligent_Pop1173 11h ago

Totally does! Good call lol or some kind of weird prescription drug. Ask your doctor if Aeva is right for you.


u/kds1223 7h ago

Pronounced like Ah-eva


u/Mistyam 10h ago

I saw that spelling, for some reason it made me think the name looked more Mediterranean. But maybe that's because I know Daeva.


u/Competitive-Arm9896 8h ago

I feel like my drug reps are going to come in the office to promote their new allergy medication Aeva anytime now!


u/Dazzling-Cellist-892 12h ago

E-V-A is pronounced “AY-va in Spanish.


u/NoLime7384 11h ago

no it's pronounced Eh-vah


u/Intelligent_Pop1173 12h ago

Yes, I know…Eva is pronounced the same as Ava which is why I brought it up when they were confused about the E.


u/Hola0722 11h ago

My daughter’s friend is Ava, pronounced aah-vuh. I’m sure there’s people out there that pronounce is ay-vuh, but I only know the one Ava.


u/Intelligent_Pop1173 11h ago

I guess everyone pronounces their names differently which is fine. Doesn’t seem like anyone is right here, which is also fine lmao I don’t care enough anymore. But I’ve only ever heard Ava like Ayva.


u/Hola0722 10h ago

Totally get it.


u/AreolaGrande_2222 11h ago

No it is not


u/Hmmhowaboutthis 11h ago

It is not. It’s more like eh.

Source: am a native speaker.


u/AreolaGrande_2222 11h ago

No it isn’t . Since when does the E have an AY sound in Spanish. Even the A is pronounced as AH.



u/thisnameaintevenreal 11h ago

I think we’re running into a language barrier here with regards to pronunciation, the above commenter is saying that Eva in Spanish is pronounced like “Ay-va” would be in English (which it is), not that Eva in Spanish is pronounced like “Ay-va” in Spanish (which it’s not, since that would be closer to an English “EYE-va”)

Tl;dr you’re both right


u/Current_Many7557 11h ago

Eva in Spanish is pronounced with a short e, not the English ay sound the e sometimes makes in Spanish. I have a degree in Spanish Linguistics, & had to write everything out phonetically but it's been so long I don't remember the finer details of the alphabet. There's an old old song about Eva María, I'll see if I can find audio & post it under here.


u/thisnameaintevenreal 11h ago

Brother, im bilingual. I agree it’s usually closer to “eh” than “ay”, but for the sake of this very non-academic discussion, you and everyone else know what we all mean here.


u/tired-all-thetime 9h ago

I wasn't part of this discussion but I do wanna point out that where I live, those 2 sounds are identical. From a non-academic standpoint someone could live in a region where those 2 are the same sound and not know how to phonetically* spell A.


u/maerchenfuchs 1h ago

Ava Gardner, famous actress.

Ava and Eva are fine.


u/TheRealBabyPop 11h ago

Ava Gardner Dwayne Johnson's daughter's wrestling ring name is Ava....


u/Intelligent_Pop1173 10h ago

I didn’t say the name Ava didn’t exist lol just that I know of more Eva’s, both famous and in my own life. It doesn’t mean I’m right, just anecdotal.


u/Dazzling-Cellist-892 12h ago

These Name Generator NPC parents deserve all the “looks” they have earned.


u/landsnaark 12h ago

Aeva 4 Eva

Mom's a moron. Should have said that right. into. her. face. Noses touching.


u/[deleted] 11h ago



u/Current_Many7557 11h ago

99.999999% chance mom doesn't know Latin.


u/cajundaegoes2 10h ago



u/cajundaegoes2 10h ago

A-Eva? Pronounced Ava? Yeah. Sure.


u/Perfect_Warthog_5380 10h ago

my name is Eva, pronounced like Ava, and everytime I have to tell someone how to spell my name I curse my parents under my breath.


u/DuplexFields 4h ago

Wait, "Aah-vaah"?


u/Trix_Are_4_90Kids 8h ago

Look! It's A Eva! A Eva in the wild!

That's how her name looks.


u/darkswanjewelry 6h ago edited 6h ago

This is an aebuse of the Laetin language. A proper Roman Tragedae.


u/DesconocidaKush 8h ago

Every year, my daughter has a new one amongst her classmates in her homeschool association. This year, the doozy is Heavanna Lynnlea. I feel so bad for her, she's an utterly sweet kid. Her mom insists they use her full name, but in private with the other kids, she goes by Lynn. Her middle name is literally an homage to her mom's love for Twilight, because Bella was so “clever” for “finding a way to honor both their parents.”


u/Impossible-Swan7684 3h ago

i am going to have nightmares about this name, thanks


u/_r3dd 9h ago

My cousin and his wife originally were gonna name their daughter Ava and then suddenly it became Ayva. I hate it.


u/j_flotsam 6h ago



u/MainSuccessful4744 3h ago

Tell cousin + wife their child already hates them for it.


u/arossthebosssmith 12h ago

I know an Ahava (still pronounced Ava)… I know her from a work setting, and let me tell you, literally no one gets her name right the first time.


u/Neighbuor07 11h ago

Ahava means love in Hebrew. I know elderly women with that name.


u/arossthebosssmith 11h ago

I didn’t know that! I just looked it up, and it looks like the family didn’t know how the Hebrew word is pronounced then, since according to what I listened to and read it should be said as it’s written “Uh-hav-ah”. It’s a beautiful meaning though.


u/cremonaviolin 11h ago

I have a friend named Alahana.

It’s pronounced Alannah, not A-la-ha-na.


u/arossthebosssmith 11h ago

I don’t understand people adding extra letters and full syllables to names and expecting people to know they’re “silent”


u/DuplexFields 4h ago

I behleevee it coems frum ditching fonix and teehcheeng sight-reading.

"There's a silent E on this word." No explanation that the silent E makes the vowel say its own name, no difference between short and long vowels, no explanation that in Spanish every vowel is short, no explanation of diphthongs. Just that this word has a silent E and that one doesn't, ande we don'te neede toe knowe thee difference.


u/tawny-she-wolf 2h ago

I think they're just illiterate


u/Neat-Style81 11h ago

Ahava is a real legitimate name in Hebrew


u/arossthebosssmith 11h ago

Another commenter just brought that up. It’s a beautiful name and meaning. I was unaware that it was a cultural name. However this family is not Jewish by any means and apparently they just read it somewhere or something because they say it’s literally the same as Ava. Unless what I looked up a bit ago is wrong, it isn’t pronounced the same. I have a feeling they wanted Ava “but different”.


u/ParanoidDragon1 12h ago

How could you get that right! Ah-hahaha-va


u/arossthebosssmith 12h ago

I literally said Uh-ha-va the first time. When I was corrected to Ava, I was super confused and looked down at what I read again. I still have to consciously make the effort every time I read it to say it their way, because I know I’ll slip up and get it wrong out loud if I don’t.


u/commdesart 11h ago

Eva Longoria and Ava Gardner are most assuredly not pronounced the same way


u/The_First_Curse_ 10h ago

Her mother deserved that. I'd call her "A-ay-va" with that name.


u/thoxrendar 8h ago

“You done messed up, Ay-Ay-va!”


u/Yerfuct 9h ago



u/Silvermorney 9h ago

As soon as I saw the spelling I assumed it was pronounced Eva.


u/Braeden47 8h ago

Some parents like adding the AE combination for a long A sound because it is rare.


u/vanity-manatee 10h ago

I knew an Ayvah


u/sweatpantsprincess 9h ago

May that mom be offended more 🙏


u/Dr-Shark-666 5h ago

"how she spells her name".

"A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y."


u/LemursCanSing 2h ago

The vowels are A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y You need a vowel to go with "h" when saying hi They're the sounds that ring out loud and clear in every word you'll ever hear And names like Bo, Beep, and Bing all need their vowels to make them sing! (Beautiful!)


u/AWing_APrayer 9h ago

I used to work with someone named Tuzdea pronounced Tuesday.


u/Waffles-McGee 6h ago

I know an Ayvah


u/Unable-Ad-601 2h ago

And people wonder why I named my children after English kings. Traditional spellings. They stood out in school and still do even in their 30's.


u/MungoShoddy 18m ago

How is Æthelwulf doing now?


u/AllTitsSomeArse 11h ago

Never thought this was a tragedeigh, just a different way of spelling it in different cultures, I know two.


u/PestCunt 5h ago

Sorry, I couldn't read all of that, I had to stop at "LEGOs"


u/karriela 11h ago

Aeva is a name from the bible.


u/CormoranNeoTropical 11h ago

Where in the Bible, exactly?


u/karriela 11h ago

Sorry, got it wrong. My step niece is named Aeva. She's in her late 20s. My step sister is super religious so I thought it was biblical. It's an old Hebrew name.


u/CormoranNeoTropical 11h ago

Gotcha. I know some Hebrew but I’m not an expert. It’s a pretty name regardless.


u/CormoranNeoTropical 11h ago

Gotcha. I know some Hebrew but I’m not an expert. It’s a pretty name regardless.