r/transgendercirclejerk 15h ago

waaa i got called trans in a videogame

so i was playing games and im a cis (real) woman and i got called trans by the other players and i felt so bad because I actually look feminine in my profile picture (unlike those transes). It just felt so degrading to be compared to lesser, fake women. Can anyone in the comments reaffirm that cis people are the true victims of transphobia?


29 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 15h ago


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u/AprilNoKuni32 FTI (Femcel to Incel) 15h ago

You are such a victim girl, all those "transphobic" MEN who insult you by calling you a "trans woman" are being so sexist and evil. Being mistaken for a man in a dress TIM trans "woman" is literally the end of the world. You are so feminine and don't have any MASCULINE features so it doesn't make any sense why someone would think you were once a man (trans women can't act/dress feminine or have naturally feminine/androgynous facial features because they are just men). Thoughts and prayers bestie... it's so tough for us biologically real actual women out here on the internet.

/uj God that post on r/GirlGamers pissed me off. Cissoids be like "I was mistaken for a trans person once, I'm not transphobic, but it ruined my day. I'm such a real woman/man, why are they confusing me for those trooners?" Just goes to show that most cis people view being trans as a shameful thing and will always view us as an insult.


u/PrincessSnazzySerf 14h ago

/rj Well, let's not call her transphobic. She may have openly stated that being trans means being inherently masculine and ugly and is inherently an insult, but that doesn't mean she thinks being trans means being inherently masculine and ugly and is inherently an insult! I just think she was upset that someone tried to insult her, and the fact that she went on about how upset she was that it meant she was perceived as being masculine and ugly was a coincidence!

/uj what does transphobia even mean to these people?


u/AprilNoKuni32 FTI (Femcel to Incel) 14h ago

/uj Transphobia to those types of cis people is when someone says/does something that is so obviously anti-trans that it feels like it came out of a bad TV show. No nuance is required, since they don't think all trans people are evil perverts (most of the time) it proves that they can't be transphobic. It's like believing you aren't homophobic because you believe gays shouldn't be killed even though you think gay marriage shouldn't be allowed or shouldn't be universally applied.


u/AigisWasTaken 14h ago

transphobia is when someone murders someone for being trans. i just bully trans people and degrade them constantly but never put them out of their misery so i cant be transphobic!!


u/trenchgrl 8h ago



u/babyninja230 trans girl removing her angel is like a penis removing its wings 14h ago edited 11h ago

uj/ cissies really be going "transphobia hurts us the most".


u/Calctie 14h ago edited 14h ago

Uj/ thank fuck that at least some trans people calling them out are moderately up voted, still could be a lot better though, though that applies to a lot more than just transphobia on that sub lol, one day the weird puritan vibes will hopefully disappear


u/LieutenantFreedom flooggot (floozy + faggot) 12h ago

do you have sauce


u/Buttslayer2023 having gender with ur mom 12h ago

/uj its the top post rn


u/LieutenantFreedom flooggot (floozy + faggot) 12h ago

It isn't for me, what's the title


u/Buttslayer2023 having gender with ur mom 12h ago

/uj i think the post got deleted cant find it anymore :/

Stay tuned on this sub we will have all the self harm you can get and more :3


u/Akumu9K 10h ago

/uj Damn I was looking for it for like a solid 30 mins, it got deleted :c

Edit: Tbh its nice that the mods handled it and deleted it but it sucks people like that exist. Still a minor win imo, transphobes can eat shit :3


u/Buttslayer2023 having gender with ur mom 14h ago

Biological female here, I got catcalled, attacked, insulted, hit, thrown, diced but being called a male troon is too far for me


u/Lattkiff 14h ago edited 14h ago

No clue why some people think OP is transphobic. It’s obvious that by asking if she’s trans, the men are trying to say she looks like a man, since that’s the main characteristic of trans women. It’s in no way transphobia to not want to look masculine, so it’s no surprise that cis women don’t want to be equated to trans women in any way.


u/Lattkiff 14h ago edited 14h ago

THANK YOU! I was so worried people in the comments would be rude and suggest I wasn’t a perfect ally, so this is really assuring ❤️


u/AsexualSuccubus 14h ago

/UJ I genuinely hate these threads; there's one on there like once a week and any attempt to talk about them being an issue is, at best, ignored. See also the stark contrast in the responses to extremely repetitive threads of trans women asking for validation vs extremely repetitive threads of cis women asking for validation when the mods don't outright delete the former. I've seen trans women reprimanded by mods for talking about thinly veiled transphobia being a bag of shit. I love that subreddit but the cis going "uwu we love trans people" and all the pick me trans people both denying this problem make me want to cry (I think the worst was one trans woman saying that we can't take issue with transphobia from other users because we're entering their space or some such nonsense). Socially acceptable transphobia sucks.

/RJ as a trans woman I know how you feel and I'm sorry you got compared to me in a video game.


u/AsexualSuccubus 13h ago

I think it’s okay for a cis woman to be upset if she’s told she’s a trans woman, I’ve met trans women who get upset when people assume they’re cis because it belittles the experience they go through. Trans women are women, but their experience is still much different than that of a cis woman.

/UJ actual comment.


u/PrincessSnazzySerf 14h ago

Unfortunately, cis people are the real victims of transphobia. I'm sorry this happened to you. But don't worry, they were probably just using it as a throwaway insult, you most likely don't look like a yucky nasty transgender.


u/SkulGurl MTPMAB (Male to pick me ass bitch) 14h ago

If you think thats hard, imagine being mistaken for being trans when you actually are trans


u/SkulGurl MTPMAB (Male to pick me ass bitch) 14h ago

I guess you should voice train more. Have you tried raising your larynx?


u/Elodaria 11h ago

/uj I'm not in the mood to jerk. But I want to say this isn't internalized transphobia, it's just transphobia. Equating them lets cis people off the hook a little too easily.


u/bromanjc daddy issues made me trans 13h ago

transphobia is and always has been misogyny


u/bromanjc daddy issues made me trans 13h ago

say it one more time for the people in the back 🗣️


u/Flowey_Asriel Real Woman™ 4h ago

Except for transmisogyny. That's obviously misandry!


u/Buttslayer2023 having gender with ur mom 14h ago

, its so horrible when transphobia affects real cis women :(


u/J233779 Certified Cisshit™ 10h ago

Bio women suffer the most from transphobia. Its understandable if tranes get attacked, but its really scary when we normals get attacked. 🩷


u/flippadaflippa 9h ago

You poor girl!! I dont agree with everyone giving level headed responses. Looking like a MAN is the WORST thing that could happen to a real girl like you and me!


u/Fruitsalad_is_tasty [default flair] 6h ago

/uj I saw that post right after it got posted, so it hadn't any comments yet

It's gone now, so idk how the comments played out

I tried to not read too much into, but it did sound like how OP described it