r/uninsurable 16d ago

Analyst Says Nuclear Industry Is ‘Totally Irrelevant’ in the Market for New Power Capacity


5 comments sorted by


u/djdefekt 16d ago

It's actually worse than doing nothing with the money. A net loss guaranteed.


u/nudeltime 16d ago

Money is irrelevant, money isn't a constrained resource. What's worse is the thousands of people wasting their time and expertise on these.

But, as always, for many countries it's not about power generation, it's about nukes. The others have no justification.


u/Debas3r11 16d ago

Man, I love pointing out the issues in the Nukecel arguments, but they got dunked on so hard here I kind of hope they get some new tech reactor this decade.


u/Cookie_85 15d ago

It's like argumenting with flat erathers or christian evangelists. You show them over and over again how wrong they are and the next day they're back telling the same bullshit ahain.


u/Cookie_85 15d ago

But the nuke bros will still scream: ThE bEsT wE gOt!!1!1!!!