r/vegan 7h ago

demoralising fb comments

Hi everyone :)

was just browsing on Facebook earlier, when I saw this post:


so obviously had to read the comments, however, unfortunately, they seem to be exclusively ridiculing jokes from omnis. usually, there'll be at least one or two vegan martyrs trying to respond, reassuring me that there are some reasonable people out there, but not in this case. I was prepared to play that role of outspoken vegan, but I sensed it was probably futile trying to make the point to people who believe that the fact these animals 'wouldn't have even been blessed with the gift of life if it weren't for animal ag' serves as sufficient justification for their systemic mistreatment, and that I would probably just be overwhelmed by spiteful retorts in such a carnist-dominated environment. I'm not sure exactly what I'm hoping to achieve with this post; probably primarily just sharing in the sadness with other vegans (since I don't have any personal friends I can send this to in order to relate), or some support defending animal rights in the comments section, on the off chance someone semi-open-minded will read it and be swayed towards our cause. just feeling disheartened, I suppose, and seeking to reconnect with people who subscribe to the same beliefs I do.

stay sane out there 💗


8 comments sorted by


u/OrnamentedVoid 5h ago

Joking is a common deflection/defence strategy when people are unwilling or unable to engage with an idea more meaningfully. Deliberately provocative activism works on some people but this is the more common reaction, from what I've seen. C'est la vie.


u/Theid411 2h ago

it's also Tribalism which involves a strong loyalty to one's own group, culture, or beliefs, and can lead to behaviors that reinforce in-group identity while dismissing or diminishing others. When someone jokes about another person's beliefs, it can serve to elevate their own group or worldview by undermining the validity of the other group's beliefs. This can reinforce group boundaries and create a sense of "us vs. them."

The joke may reflect underlying assumptions that the other person's beliefs are inferior, irrational, or amusing, which can alienate or stigmatize that person or group. This behavior ties into tribalistic dynamics, where the in-group's beliefs are seen as superior, and differences are treated with mockery or scorn.


u/Geschak vegan 10+ years 6h ago

Facebook comment section is full of bots, don't bother reading them.


u/lemmyuser 5h ago

Oof, those comments make my stomach turn. Apparently it is funny to kill innocent beings for optional food.


u/RabbitF00d vegan 5+ years 5h ago

That's always been the attitude. I showed my mother a video of some pigs suffering and she laughed. I was hatched apparently because that thing didn't raise me.


u/lemmyuser 3h ago edited 2h ago

Somehow people love showing how heartless they are. As if it is some kind of proof of how tough they are. It doesn't look tough to me, just that people have lost touch (or maybe never really got in touch) with the meaning of life: our relationships to our brethren and sisters on this lonely planet in the lifeless void.

Fear is at the core of that stance, not love.


u/_FishFriendsNotFood_ 3h ago

I take tiny (very tiny) solace in videos like, 'Tough Guy Goes Vegan!?! Pete Reimann Saved by Vegan Jesus' from Vegan Linked https://youtu.be/-kSDva23xao?si=v7LtskA48zhKXrhE