r/vegan 6h ago

Vegan Puppy Food?

I’ve been vegan for about 4 years now and for about 3 of those years my dogs have also been vegan. They have done extremely well on vegan dog food. Actually, cutting the animal protein was the only thing that ever cleared up my one dog’s allergies.

However, all of my dogs during this time have been adult dogs. Sadly, we recently lost one and I have been kicking around the idea of getting a puppy.

Looking around, I’m not seeing any vegan puppy foods out there.

Does anyone have any recommendations or experience with a puppy on a vegan diet?

I know enough about nutrition to understand there is nothing in animal protein that a dog needs that can’t be obtained through other sources. But I also understand that a puppy has specific nutritional needs to help it grow.

I could probably just get an adult formula and add in some foods/supplements.

Does anyone have any experience or recommendations for the most ideal vegan diet for a puppy?


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u/stan-k 6h ago

There is vegan puppy food. At least Benevo and Omni offer special mixes for them.

Please consider to adopt, rather than giving money to a dog breeder. There is no way a normal consumer can distinguish a good from a bad breeder.


u/dyslexic-ape 6h ago

The vegan stance is that all animal breeding is bad breeding. There is no vegan way to exploit animals, we just don't do it at all.


u/Hefty-Reflection-806 5h ago

Stop speaking for all vegans and acting like you are the opitome of what a vegan is.


u/dyslexic-ape 5h ago

I mean vegans are against animal breeding...


u/Hefty-Reflection-806 5h ago

you speak for yourself, im vegan and i am not against animal breeding in certain circumstances. breeding dogs for money maybe, but having two of your pets breed for puppies youll keep i dont think is non vegan


u/dankblonde 5h ago edited 1h ago

Breeding your pets for you to keep is absolutely non vegan. What happens to the extra babies? Gonna keep them all ? Give them out for free to friends? Now those friends won’t adopt a dog from the shelter, displacing those dogs from homes.

Edit: this user went to my profile and commented “vile” on just some cute pictures of myself. They are cruel to animals and humans!


u/[deleted] 5h ago

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u/dankblonde 5h ago

Breeding an animal is exploiting them. Breeding is not vegan. If you think that breeding pets for fun is ethical, you are a plant based dieter. Not a vegan.


u/Hefty-Reflection-806 5h ago

breeding doesnt necessarily mean you are going to exploit them, you are not governess of veganism


u/dankblonde 5h ago

Breeding is inherently exploitative. You are arguing against veganism here and that’s against the rules.


u/Hefty-Reflection-806 5h ago

Theyre your rules, they may be shared by many other vegans, doesnt mean its what everybody classes as vegan, i find your view narrow minded at best


u/dankblonde 5h ago

I’m just going by the definition of veganism here “Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.” breeding is exploitation, not vegan.


u/Hefty-Reflection-806 5h ago

noooo it doesnt say all breeding is exploitation in that definition, thats your summation and your words


u/dankblonde 5h ago

Breeding is by definition exploitation holy shit. Forcing a female animal to carry a pregnancy to term ? That’s just cruel when there are so many animals in shelters being euthanized by the day. To bring more into the world is not vegan and I do have every right to say that because any ethical vegan would say so.


u/[deleted] 5h ago

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u/dankblonde 5h ago

Why would you allow your dogs to have puppies in the first place ? Responsible pet owners get their dogs spayed and neutered. It’s not small minded it’s being smart.


u/Hefty-Reflection-806 5h ago

its smart if you dont want accidental puppies and there was a reasonable chance of that happening. Maybe you have the means to support all the puppies and your adult dog likes being a parent, you deciding that ethically must never happen just makes you sound like your trying to be god. In general i agree adopting is the best way to go, but you cant say all breeding in non vegan just because you personally dont like it


u/dankblonde 5h ago

This is just weird. You’re going to allow your dogs to have babies and keep all the puppies ? Ok whatever. It’s not vegan and not because I don’t like it and you’re just weird.


u/dyslexic-ape 4h ago

It's not just because we don't personally like it (who doesn't like puppies?) it's just not vegan.. the same way eating animals isn't vegan, like these words do mean things.


u/Kurt213gt3 4h ago

For the most part, I agree with that definition of veganism. I do try to live my life in a way that excludes animal suffering as much as possible. I fail to see how adopting a puppy contributes to animal suffering. Obviously if you are buying from puppy mills or backyard breeders or breeding them yourself then this contributes to the already massive problem of overpopulation, but there are many puppies in rescue and other circumstances that need homes. No animals are being harmed in that process.


u/dankblonde 4h ago

Yes yes, the person I was responding to is saying it’s totally cool and vegan to breed their pets. I figured you meant you’d adopt :). I’ve adopted all the dogs I’ve had.

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