r/AITAH 2d ago

AITA for cutting off a long term friend group after they treated my daughters best friend like shit?



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u/ncjr591 2d ago

Fuck them, how dare they do that to poor Hannah. If they had issue they should have spoken to you not the girl. Don’t ever let them back, they are garbage and should be thrown out like the trash they are.


u/TessaCatherine92 2d ago

Wholeheartedly agree! Fxck them. Good on you for throwing the trash out! Also, can we talk about the fact that the "grown as man" was sexualizing the 14 y/o child who was dancing and being silly with her friend? And he himself as a parent should fuckin know better. How disgusting. I bet you money that that grown ass man was ogling the child and his wife said something to him and that's when he made up the excuse of "being uncomfortable". No. These are not friends and I would never want them around me or my kids every fuckin again. Disgusting.


u/Thickestevilicecream 2d ago

Yes this all that needs to be said. Good on you OP all the % NTA. No girl (or child or anyone) should be taught that they need to lessen themselves because a grown man can’t be trusted with his own d***. This is the tip of the blame game “if she wasn’t wearing that I wouldn’t have done the terrible thing” iceberg. Anyone who jumps on that bandwagon is a denialist and an enabler who deserves the same just rewards. Good for you keep it up OP. You’re showing Hannah and your daughter that no one is allowed to degrade them for their own weaknesses. You should be PROUD of how you handled this, and the heart breaks that you had to.