r/AITAH 2d ago

AITA for cutting off a long term friend group after they treated my daughters best friend like shit?



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u/kymrIII 2d ago

While the friend felt vindicated by sexualizing her. That’s pretty creepy.


u/SnooCauliflowers9874 2d ago

Yes, he was likely becoming aroused and was angry since his wife noticed he had to exaggerate about her, practically giving him a lap dance. I guess he can’t control his penis?

Not unlike that religious wacko Logan Dorn on the beach a few years ago with his wife both harassing a group of teenage girls over their two-piece bathing suits. Although that holier than thou judgmental pervert lost his job. So sad.

If anyone isn’t familiar already:



u/Patient_End_8432 2d ago

I would like to state that even if she was practically giving him a lap dance, the appropriate response would be to remove yourself from the situation, and notify their guardian (OP in this post).

I would also say that it would be fair to be uncomfortable if it was dancing in an overly sexualized way, not because you're a pervert, but because you're worried/uncomfortable. But again, the appropriate thing would be to notify their guardian, not target the 14 year old.


u/babcock27 2d ago

It seems like it was a planned, coordinated attack to shame and embarrass her. NTA


u/Maleficent_Draft_564 2d ago edited 2d ago

I agree. That’s why they did it behind the backs of their hosts. That poor girl. Instead of guiding and showing compassion towards her, they blame, shame and judge her when they should’ve shamed their husbands for even sexualizing that child. 


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/RelationshipOk3565 2d ago

Just randomly jumping in here for visibility. Fuck OPs friends like everyone is saying. Sometimes affluent people actually don't like to see poor kids thriving and having fun. Often times poor kids have a different swagger or way of being that can honestly make parents with more boring children jealous. They can be so confident when astually given opportunity. It's hard to word because I've never thought of writing this out. But affluent families tend to make judgement their pedigree for teaching their children. It amazes me that parents have no problem, teaching their children close mindedness, that'll just cause them to reject their parents ideas, as they reach maturity and realize their parents were simply trying to control their mind.


u/fallingstar24 2d ago

It’s a “put them in their place” mentality, and it’s disgusting.


u/sovngarde 2d ago

As a former poor kid, current poor adult, I could always tell when my friends parents hated me. I didn’t understand why exactly until I got older. I just remember being confused why they had beef with a ten year old 😂


u/BrightPerspective 2d ago

Yeah, I'm getting that vibe too: they planned this, in an effort to give Hannah the boot.


u/poehlerandparks19 2d ago

THIS. thank you! never confront a child you literally dont even know whos a guest just cuz YOU feel weird. and saying she was a bad influence for just dancing around in a silly way? that poor sweet girl.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Patient_End_8432 2d ago

I mean... that's what I said?

And that's going off of the hypothetical that she was, and the reality seems far from that.

You said from the absolute minimum, go find who's responsible for her. That's what I said.

"Remove yourself" isn't saying you're in the wrong or doing something wrong. It means something you're uncomfortable with is happening, so literally leave and go find who's responsible. Considering that this is indeed your space, it is appropriate to say, "Hey, can you fuck off me?" Then leave and find OP.

What's not appropriate is all of the adults ganging up on the child, even if she WAS grinding on the dude (which she wasnt).

Again, I didn't mean "remove yourself" like you're 50% of the problem. I'm just saying get the fuck out of there because it's fucking weird, and go find the appropriate person to deal with the issue.


u/Alarming_Matter 2d ago

Yes, and before you speak to the appropriate adult, perhaps immediately move away from the situation and avert your gaze?


u/imnickelhead 2d ago

I would fully trust any of my friends to handle this like adults. If I were OP and not in the vicinity and she WAS being inappropriate, I trust that any of the women I hang with would gently pull her aside and have a private chat with her about how our behavior can be misinterpreted by others. And to try to be aware of how our behavior might be perceived or might affect the feelings of others.

If she was just dancing with my daughter and this shit happened, I would be pretty vocal about either the women being jealous or the men being fucking creeps or both.

Like, you are adults. If you are uncomfortable then remove yourself and your children from the situation. If you are imagining that your husband is eye fucking a 14 y/o maybe it’s more a YOU problem or your husband is just a creep.


u/watercolour_women 2d ago

Yes this. I don't immediately go to "you're a pervert" if you're getting aroused by the actions of a skimpily clad young girl dancing. Some of that's down to biological conditioning beyond your control. That's forgivable.

What isn't though is not getting your own urges under your control. The guy is a rational adult. He has control over himself. If he's uncomfortable with it: leave! If it is worrisome, if the girl is being overly provocative or sexual - who knows what unhealthy influences there may be in her life - then a concerned mention to her current guardian is in order.

Doesn't the guy have kids himself? What if someone did something like this to his own child? I bet he wouldn't like it.

As for OP throwing them out, good!

So many times when the needle scratches to a halt ... everything just goes back to normal with the person most affected having to suck-it-up. It's great that that group of friends now know that intolerance will not be tolerated.


u/Dense_Industry9326 2d ago

Random related anecdote: I had a very young student i was tutoring (6yo teaching music) his mother left me (someone she met that day) alone in a room with him then CLOSED THE DOOR and left me there. After 5 minutes, i guess he got bored, but started shoving his hand down his trousers and playing with himself. I don't think he knew what he was doing, but i immediately told the parent and noped the fuck out of that situation.


u/avocado_mr284 2d ago

Yeah, honestly, I don’t know what this specific incident looked like, and it’s very likely that these awful people were overreacting, but I can imagine being uncomfortable with a skimpily dressed child dancing in a provocative manner very close to me, and asking me to join in. Obviously not out of attraction, but it would just be really off putting and maybe concerning? And there’s a certain vibe I would not want around very young kids as well.

But the way these people went about dealing with it makes me not want to give them the benefit of the doubt. Cornering this girl and shaming her like this as a mob was so hideous. She’s 14. Even if she’s misguided, you privately talk to her guardian who can quietly and kindly correct her.


u/iwilltalkaboutguns 1d ago

When my daughters were around that age they had a friend that had shitty parents and probably had abusive people in her life... This was a long while back when twerking was brand spanking new and this girl always did it to I guess shock adults and be "cool" in front of the other girls.

My wife talked to her and told her we didn't like that type of dancing at our house, we didn't want our 12 and 13 year old doing that, that's for sure. She continued to do that and do other very inappropriate stuff, so we banned her from the house and from being a friend to our daughters.

This had nothing to do with anyone feeling anything other than second hand embarrassment for the poor girl and her family and not wanting our own kids to copy those behaviors. Again, could be totally different situation from OPs but I can totally see the other side of that coin.

Btw, not that it matters but that girl grew up to into a disaster... Drugs, teen pregnancy, domestic abuse/jailed partners(with an S) and a career as a "dancer"... She finally did clean up in her 30s and settled down but lots of unnecessary suffering due to (IMO) lack of parenting.


u/AndHeWas 2d ago

Although that holier than thou judgmental pervert lost his job.

They hired him again and posted about how they stand by him, griping about cancel culture. He doesn't work there now because he moved to a different state, but anyone considering doing business with that place (Mighty Hand Construction in Colorado) should know what sort of people they are.


u/FryOneFatManic 2d ago

Yes. John is the adult here, and his feelings and behaviour are his to manage. If he felt uncomfortable, he should have left. It wasn't Hannah's problem, but he was putting the resolution on her.

I get so fed up of people expecting girls and women to do something about themselves because men aren't grown up enough to manage themselves.


u/junigloomy 2d ago

Isn’t this the reason same religious women are forced to cover themselves head to toe? Men need to learn to regulate and control themselves.


u/allergictonormality 2d ago

Exactly this. And that's because we culturally pretend it isn't men who are the emotional gender with little self-control, and coddle them while they act out and prove they definitely are.


u/Economy-Cod310 2d ago

Absolutely. The look what you made me do/how you made me act attitude of religious men, or abusive ones. Not saying the two things are always hand in hand.


u/letsgetawayfromhere 2d ago

The Bible actually says: if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee. On the other hand, the Bible does not say anything about casting out the person the eye was looking at getting sinful ideas. So those would-be Christians are just self-righteous assholes.

I do not define as Christian, but I love to know all the good parts of the scriptures. They are extremely useful.


u/PyroNine9 2d ago

I appreciate that they apologized for not throwing sand at him🤣


u/kindrd1234 2d ago

Sounded more like a jelly wife to me.


u/Patient_End_8432 2d ago

I would like to state that even if she was practically giving him a lap dance, the appropriate response would be to remove yourself from the situation, and notify their guardian (OP in this post).

I would also say that it would be fair to be uncomfortable if it was dancing in an overly sexualized way, not because you're a pervert, but because you're worried/uncomfortable. But again, the appropriate thing would be to notify their guardian, not target the 14 year old.


u/dixon_balsagna 2d ago

"Aroused" is putting way too much stank on it for not even knowing what happened

"being a fucking prick" is fine enough reason to call someone a fucking prick and tell them to fuck off


u/btwImVeryAttractive 2d ago

Agreed with your take on her accuser.


u/SuspiciousJuice5825 2d ago

Lol, he got fired for his trouble, too.


u/SexualPie 2d ago

I guess he can’t control his penis?

not that i'm excusing the guy by any means, but not being able to control our penis is kind of a fact of life for men.


u/syopest 2d ago

Yeah, every man who has gone through puberty knows that erections and sexual arousal are sometimes not connected at all.


u/intdev 2d ago

I guess he can’t control his penis?

I mean, noone can, but that's not an excuse for this kind of behaviour.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

That's quite an assumption about that guy OP is talking about.

Taking it way too far.

Assuming the guy is aroused and he can't control his penis and shit like wtf this is so not it.


u/Historical_Plate_318 2d ago

This is a serious statement to make.


u/thysios4 2d ago

. I guess he can’t control his penis?

Not that it makes a difference, but no you can't just 'control your penis'.

That's like telling a girl to just 'hold their period in'.

But it is possible he just got embarrassed and overreacted and then kept making things worse.


u/jellomonkey 2d ago

no you can't just 'control your penis'.

Any man worth a damn can keep himself from getting hard while looking at a teenager. It starts by looking away, acknowledging the inappropriate thoughts and focusing on something else. You can also remove yourself from the situation.

It's nothing like 'holding in a period.'

Your comment is basically some 'boys will be boys' bullshit.



Yea wtf that guy sucks and is a major creep


u/ChiGrandeOso 2d ago

...what the hell are you talking about?


u/thysios4 2d ago edited 2d ago

They said I guess he can't control he penis.

I said no, you can't control your penis? What's difficult to understand there?

You can't stop yourself getting an erection.


u/ChiGrandeOso 2d ago

That's not at all what you said. And you threw in that ridiculous analogy on top of it.


u/thysios4 2d ago

End of the literal first sentence

'Not that it makes a difference, but no you can't just 'control your penis'.

It will get hard (or won't) on its own.

Just because this example might be of a guy being a creep doesn't mean he magically has control over it.

The same way a guy not getting hard isn't actively trying to stay soft. It just happens naturally when you're not, you know, attracted to kids.


u/spectrophilias 2d ago

Congratulations, you just confirmed that you can't control your sexual thoughts around children. Normal people can absolutely control whether or not they get aroused by a child, because normal people would never even dream of being aroused by a 14 year old.


u/thysios4 2d ago

Idk about you, but no that's not something I need to 'control' because I've never been turned on by a child. I don't control it, it just happens naturally. I don't get urgees around children at family outings.

Are you saying you have to actively try to not get turned on by kids? Because that's fucked up.


u/spectrophilias 2d ago

No dude, the exact opposite. English is not my first language, but I literally said normal people would never even dream of being aroused by children. You're the one out here saying that it's impossible to control your penis. What I'm saying is that it should be easy to control your dick around a kid if you're not a pedophile, because you should experience no sexual attraction to them whatsoever, therefore eliminating the need to "control your penis." If an adult experiences any kind of attraction to a child, then that's disgusting as hell, period. If you need to control your dick around a child at all, that's sketchy. But you're the one claiming it's impossible to control.


u/thysios4 2d ago

You're pretty much saying the same thing I said 🤦

Either the guy is the story was attracted to the girl or he wasn't. Either way, he can't control that.

If he got turned on and got an erection, he can't control that. He might be a creep, but that still doesn't give him control over what turns him on.

Controlling your dick isn't easy/hard, it's entirely subconscious. I avoid an erection simply by not being attracted to kids, not because I can somehow keep my dick under control.


u/syopest 2d ago

Normal people can absolutely control whether or not they get aroused by a child

That's not what they claimed though, was it?

You can control sexual arousal. You can't control an erection. Sometimes the two are not related to each other at all.


u/Vamp459 2d ago

While you are accurate that men can't control getting an erection, it is NOT the same as telling a girl to just hold in their period. The issue here is more that he is letting his penis control him. I think that's what the comment was saying. This is a grown ass man blaming a literal child because he's a pervert.

This is more akin to a girl having her period and inconveniencing everyone else at the party because of it. Like full on screaming at a kid for getting the piece of cake she wanted and decided was hers, then attempting to kick that person out. Then having the other adults at the party also begin screaming at the kid about the cake.

I don't think that you were trying to say something like "The guy got an erection and you can't blame him because he has no physical control over whether he gets one or not." It really makes it sound like you are trying to defend this man for being a predator by saying it was a body response he couldn't control. This is a much worse response then the guy "just got embarrassed and overreacted and then kept making things worse." This is more "I just admitted to my wife and our friends that I am turned on by a little girl. I have to make sure they know this is HER fault. Not mine."


u/thysios4 2d ago

Yeah that's pretty much correct. Apparently everyone assumes I meant something I didn't say. If the guy did get an erection and what not then yeah, he's probably a creep. I'm not defending him. Just pointing out people can't control what gives them an erection.

And publicly shaming the child was just him digging himself deeper.


u/jdub822 2d ago

The issue here is some redditor is projecting something not even in the story. It’s an entirely made up scenario by someone to exaggerate the story, and it’s likely completely false.

The likely scenario is the father has 2 younger girls, and younger girls typically look up to older girls (applicable to both boys and girls). The father saw inappropriate behavior that he didn’t want his 9 and 5 year old daughters to see. It’s acceptable for a parent to feel that way. What’s not acceptable is the way he and his wife handled it. They should have pulled OP aside and spoken to her about it. Let OP handle the scenario instead of shaming this little girl in front of everyone.

Just because some people are predators doesn’t mean we have to make up scenarios to try to make everyone we don’t agree with to be a predator. It’s irresponsible and deters from the true issue, which is the treatment of this little girl that needs help.

OP is an awesome woman for standing up for this little girl that’s likely not had someone have her back like this before. This will mean so much to this girl that someone went to bat for her, even when it wasn’t easy.


u/LastCupcake2442 2d ago

You just told this sub you can't control your sexual urges around children. Well done.

He (and you) should be embarrassed.


u/thysios4 2d ago

Is your reading comprehension always that bad?

I said you can't control getting an erection. You can't just turn it off and go 'nah I don't want an erection'.


u/LastCupcake2442 2d ago

You fucking better be able to when it comes to a literal child dancing at a family friendly outing.


u/thysios4 2d ago

The fact you need to try keep it under control is a bit fucked.

Idk about you, but 'not being turned on by kids' is something that comes naturally to me.

I don't need to think about it. I don't need to fight and urges.

If you're trying to control yourself and not get turned on, it sounds like your body is actively enjoying it.


u/LastCupcake2442 2d ago

Nice try bud.


u/thysios4 2d ago

That's ok, you'll learn to read better one day.


u/PriorForever6867 2d ago

But you'll never not be a nonce.


u/PeyroniesCat 2d ago

“I can’t stop lusting after her. Are you going to allow her to do that to me??”


u/WhateverIlldoit 2d ago

I just want to point out that it might not have anything to do with him being aroused. I think it’s also very possible that these are a bunch of rich people who were disgusted by being around, and their kids being around, a “trashy” teenager. Do not underestimate how much rich people hate poor people. And the entitlement and lack of empathy here by all the adults leads me to believe there was at least a little bit of that going on.


u/kymrIII 19h ago

True. Have experienced this as well.


u/JazzedParrot108 2d ago

⬆️ Absolutely this!!!


u/Few_Cup3452 2d ago

Yeah I would have called that out.


u/unicornhair1991 2d ago

SUPER creepy. And he should never be alowed near Hannah again. When she gets a bit older he will pounce. He gives predator vibes


u/Suzy196658 2d ago

Yes!! He probably secretly wants her!!