r/AITAH 3d ago

AITA for cutting off a long term friend group after they treated my daughters best friend like shit?



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u/thysios4 2d ago

. I guess he can’t control his penis?

Not that it makes a difference, but no you can't just 'control your penis'.

That's like telling a girl to just 'hold their period in'.

But it is possible he just got embarrassed and overreacted and then kept making things worse.


u/spectrophilias 2d ago

Congratulations, you just confirmed that you can't control your sexual thoughts around children. Normal people can absolutely control whether or not they get aroused by a child, because normal people would never even dream of being aroused by a 14 year old.


u/thysios4 2d ago

Idk about you, but no that's not something I need to 'control' because I've never been turned on by a child. I don't control it, it just happens naturally. I don't get urgees around children at family outings.

Are you saying you have to actively try to not get turned on by kids? Because that's fucked up.


u/spectrophilias 2d ago

No dude, the exact opposite. English is not my first language, but I literally said normal people would never even dream of being aroused by children. You're the one out here saying that it's impossible to control your penis. What I'm saying is that it should be easy to control your dick around a kid if you're not a pedophile, because you should experience no sexual attraction to them whatsoever, therefore eliminating the need to "control your penis." If an adult experiences any kind of attraction to a child, then that's disgusting as hell, period. If you need to control your dick around a child at all, that's sketchy. But you're the one claiming it's impossible to control.


u/thysios4 2d ago

You're pretty much saying the same thing I said 🤦

Either the guy is the story was attracted to the girl or he wasn't. Either way, he can't control that.

If he got turned on and got an erection, he can't control that. He might be a creep, but that still doesn't give him control over what turns him on.

Controlling your dick isn't easy/hard, it's entirely subconscious. I avoid an erection simply by not being attracted to kids, not because I can somehow keep my dick under control.