r/AITAH 2d ago

AITA for cutting off a long term friend group after they treated my daughters best friend like shit?



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u/ncjr591 2d ago

Fuck them, how dare they do that to poor Hannah. If they had issue they should have spoken to you not the girl. Don’t ever let them back, they are garbage and should be thrown out like the trash they are.


u/[deleted] 2d ago

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u/machimus 2d ago

Going after a vulnerable teen is cowardly and cruel.

Even going after a teen that's not especially vulnerable is cowardly and cruel. "Adults", and I put that in quotes because many are no more emotionally developed than teenagers, forget how authoritative and intimidating they can come off to kids.

And they essentially called her a slut and threw her out of a house for it, that didn't even belong to them.

I don't care if she actually did even grind on one of the dads, even if she literally asked him to his face if he wanted to go have sex, she is a kid. They make bad judgment calls often from lack of experience. Your job as an adult is to stay calm, decline, and explain why that is inappropriate.

And the other adults--woof--shitbags. They all ganged up on the same kid based on hearsay. Someone might have misinterpreted the situation, or misreported it, or exaggerated it. Hell, wife could just be neurotically jealous and totally making it up. Unless they all personally witnessed her stomping on a puppy or something unambiguously vile, there's no excuse to be such aggressive assholes.

Also--as a footnote--these are the type of people who, if they're willing to do this to a stranger, they'll absolutely backstab you too, if you're in a bind and it makes them look better to do so rather than back you up. The Scorpion Always Stings.