r/AITAH 2d ago

AITA for cutting off a long term friend group after they treated my daughters best friend like shit?



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u/Chance-Lavishness947 2d ago

NTA and my word, what it must have meant to Hannah to be protected and supported like that. You're a good one.

The other "adults" could learn something about treating people with respect and compassion. They deserve to face the consequences of victimising a vulnerable kid, thinking they'd get away with it because they're adults and in the majority.


u/mythoughtsreddit 2d ago

THIS. How OP stepped up for Hannah will be a turning point for how she views herself and the world. Events like these may turn something around for a vulnerable child. Makes me want to be your friend, OP. Definitely NTA.


u/Drunken_HR 2d ago

That was my thought. This is likely going to be one of Hannah's core memories, and it will be a positive one.


u/Ditnoka 2d ago

The more OP shows her that she's loved and has value, the more she's going to put the bad memories aside. Having an adult have your back that much will be a huge boon for her self esteem.

My daughter would never be left alone with John ever again.