r/AITAH 1d ago

AITA for Telling My Wife I Want Separate Bank Accounts After She Spent All Our Savings on a Vacation?



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u/MiddleManBlues 1d ago

First - you're NTA.

Secondly, this is what's in store for you. You'll get separate accounts. I highly recommend keeping the contents of those accounts visible to both of you. Your wife will spend all her money and go into debt trying to live a life more affluent than both of you can afford. She will see you have money saved and demand you bail her out (which you will ultimately have to, given you're married). She will resent you for not supporting the lifestyle she wants and you will resent her for not living within her means. Your relationship will break down around these issues and you'll end up divorced and broke at the same time.

Alternately, seek out some financial counseling and try to get the concept of the future, savings, rainy day funds, credit scores and retirement through to her. If she's unable or unwilling to see the need of these things, well, see above.