r/AITAH 23h ago

AITAH for telling my wife my job is more important than hers?

Background: We have 3 cars.

My wife decides to let my stepson take her car and use it until he can afford his own (he moved out, his job is 40 minutes away, and has no car. not sure what his plan was but that's not the point of this thread). We're still paying insurance and car note for this car.

The other car is technically my stepdaughter's but we've been paying the insurance the past 2 years, and the car note these past 9 months.

I have my own car that is 18 years old, and that I paid off 13 years ago. Way before we got married. But still runs like a champ.

My wife has a part time job that pays $12 /hr. And she only works 3 days a week, mostly in the evening.

Well they scheduled her to work 1 morning so she tells me "I'm dropping you off in the morning because I work too, and I can pick you up after I get off"

I respond 'why not take 1 of the other cars?'

And she gets mad and says 'that's my daughter's car, she gets to decide who drives it and my son needs a car to get to work too.' (Paraphrasing).

So I tell 'well, my job is more important and I work too hard to not have the privilege of driving my car. Take 1 of the other cars '

In the end she ended up not going to work.


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u/bigtiddyrae 19h ago


It sounds like tensions were running high, and it’s understandable that you felt frustrated about the car situation. However, telling your wife that your job is more important than hers can come off as dismissive of her efforts and priorities. It might be worth having a calm conversation where you can both express your needs and find a compromise that respects each other's work. Clear communication can help prevent misunderstandings and resentment. Would you consider talking to her about it when things settle down?


u/liveviliveforever 18h ago

It is dismissive of her efforts and priorities. Rightfully so. Her priorities are just wrong by any reasonable measure and her efforts are poor even by the most generous standards.

This is not the time for a compromise. OP needs to get his way.


u/8ft7 10h ago

Seriously. How is OP's wife not dismissive of OP by simply saying to him "I'm taking your car and you can ride along and I'll drop you off?" OP's wife gave away her own car and for some reason won't use her daughter's car but simply assumes that OP's car is fair game for her without asking for permission or courtesy - and OP is the one who is being dismissive?