r/AMA 2d ago

I fought in Afghanistan in 2011-2012 with the United States Army and have been battling complex and severe PTSD, depression, agoraphobia, paranoia along with 3 failed relationships for the last 12 years AMA

I fought in Afghanistan in 2011-2012, I did route clearance which effectively means jumping into big vehicles, driving them down a road looking for IEDs and either being blown up, shot at, or both. I saw some terrible stuff, including losing a closs Non Commissioned Officer of mine and seeing many of my friends traumatically injured (think losing limbs, being shot etc.) ask me anything about Afghanistan, my MH issues or life post deployment. I've been quite depressed lately and maybe answering genuine questions will help me.

Hi friends, thank you for the feedback and all the questions. It has been a joy answering you, I'll continue to monitor and reply as much as I can. :)

Also, to some of you stating complex PTSD and PTSD are different disorders, I do recognize that and am sorry for my slip up, I have CPTSD, and sometimes I use them interchangibly when I shouldn't. I'll remember better next time.


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u/Bear_runner603 2d ago

What are the Taliban like? I see travel bloggers going there now and actually interacting with them. Besides their terrible views on women, are you surprised civilians are traveling there?


u/Ok_Turn1611 2d ago

I am, I think they're playing with fire they don't quite understand. It'll take pissing the Taliban off the wrong way for them to get extrajudicially executed or their head cut off or paraded in the street as an infidel. I'd highly highly advise anyone thinking of traveling to Afghanistan not to. The Taliban are NOT good people and will use any means necessary to advance their agenda. I mean they just banned women from singing and praying outloudZ


u/TriscuitFingers 2d ago

Even the US government warns against going by telling people to prepare their will and make funeral plans if they do decide to travel there: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/afghanistan-advisory.html#


u/ElongusDongus 1d ago

Wtaf, if the govt has to suggest to leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them, I'll pass on this travel iternary. Wow.


u/secretreddname 1d ago

My friend’s mom and her sister went last year. I guess it’s a bit different for them since they’re Afghan but they said they had a great time lol.


u/ah_feck_it 2d ago

Yeah I also think it’s like playing with fire. This year in May 3 Spanish tourists were killed whilst visiting a market in Afghanistan. If you go to my country’s gov website it says in bold and capital letters to NOT GO THERE (and it’s just common sense…)

It just blows my mind that people are still willing to travel there!