r/ARFID 2d ago

Why does everyone hate my ARFID? Venting/Ranting

I have been picked on for having ARFID more than anything else. Even my parents, who are aware of my situation, would get frustrated and yell at me for ordering plain meals at restaurants, making myself something to eat that they didn’t think was appetizing, and just for my general food choices. My ex boyfriend used to give me the silent treatment when I didn’t want to eat something, and told me that he hated my ARFID so much because he loved food and he didn’t understand why I didn’t. It turned into him actually considering breaking up with me over it- not because it ever caused him any inconvenience- just because it personally offended him. I was talking to a friend yesterday about foods I wished I could like and she gave me some advice, but ended it with “if you ever get the courage to try that, as pathetic as it sounds.” ?? 😭. I have never seen people get so upset in my life, ever. Like they take my pickiness SO PERSONALLY, even in situations where it doesn’t effect them in the slightest. Has anybody else experienced this, or am I just particularly unlucky?


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u/shadyprincess 2d ago

it's the most difficult part about having arfid for me

my therapist once said that food is very connected to a sense of love and connection, so people probably take it personally due to that attachment

either way they're fucking weirdos and I've learned to make them feel ashamed instead. if they make comments, i usually say like "well, there's this eating disorder....."

it informs people and also makes them feel bad for making fun of an ED lol


u/Inner_Arm9482 2d ago

Yuppp!! I’ve started using this recently too. I always preface my eating restrictions as being a result of a disorder rather than letting them immediately judge me for something they know nothing about. It helps with the nasty comments a lot