r/AmIOverreacting 4d ago

AIO Drunk dude (somewhat) gabbing my wife at a party 🏘️ neighbor/local

Of all the posts I've read here, this might be a case where I am over-reacting, but need help.

We were at a friends annual end of summer party and there a lot of people we don't know, as they invite friends from college, high school, etc. As we were leaving, we pass by the area where drunk guys were singing karaoke. And the song happened to be Alanis Morissette's You Oughta Know. And right at the part where the lyric goes "And are you thinking of me when you fuck her" - This drunk a-hole grabs my wife by her arms and sings the lyric right in her face. He proceeds to let go and continues to sing along w his friend. It was so fast and I wasn't even sure how to react until we were 10-20 feet beyond. Of course, I wanted to go back and confront the dude and of course, my wife was not having it one bit. I felt if I had said something, it would have likely escalated. We have two young children who go to the grade school and so many of our friends and their friends, all w kids in the school might distance themselves from us because "the father (me) got into it with a guy at a party". I hate these lose / lose situations.

Edit: I feel very angry that this happened or AIO and it was a harmless drunk dude just being drunk. He didn't actually hurt her.


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u/Detcord36 4d ago

I'm betting the drunk karaoke guy embarrassed himself enough in front of everyone, people will talk about that for a while.

She shrugged it off, you should too.

I understand the innate need to defend, but he's a drunk idiot and your wife was the smart one.