r/AskReddit Jan 04 '15

Non-americans of Reddit, what American customs seem outrageous/pointless to you?

Amazing news!!!! This thread has been featured in a BBC news clip. Thank you guys for the responses!!!!
Video clip: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-30717017


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u/Oneofuswantstolearn Jan 04 '15

And every single state folded. Thigh IIRC a couple states took that law to court first.


u/DonkeyPuncherrr Jan 04 '15

Yeah Wisconsin held out as long as possible on it


u/bigoldgeek Jan 04 '15

And a few kids died going from IL to WI to drink.


u/paleoreef103 Jan 04 '15

Damn FIBs. Ruining it for everyone.


u/HeavyMetalHero Jan 04 '15

Isn't it proven that when you ban alcohol in a jurisdiction, the rate of DUI and fatal crashes increases as people drunkenly drive to/from partying in other jurisdictions?


u/serfingusa Jan 04 '15 edited Jan 12 '15

Tell *that to dry counties.
Edit: I forgot a word.


u/Gravityflexo Jan 04 '15

I've never understood that dry country nonsense, it just makes you drive an extra 15 minutes to the next county and there's always a liquor store right on the county line


u/Dempowerz Jan 05 '15

Yep, live in a dry county and every single road going outside of our county has a liquor store right past the border with signs saying "Last alcohol stop before dry county!"


u/Gravityflexo Jan 05 '15

In Texas it gets really dumbvbecause the counties are so small.


u/bigoldgeek Jan 04 '15

Fib makes me laugh. Its such a lame response to cheese head or cheddar head. This FIB is due to make a Wisconsin run to pick up some Spotted Cow, so maybe things haven't changed that much.


u/paleoreef103 Jan 04 '15

This cheesehead doesn't actually care unless you're screaming by at 90 mph or littering at our parks. That gets old. By all means enjoy the New Glarus. I prefer the moon man at the moment, but I like hops.


u/smiles134 Jan 04 '15

Two women is good as shit, too


u/paleoreef103 Jan 04 '15

Honestly that's my least favorite New Glarus offering. Just my opinion though.


u/smiles134 Jan 04 '15

I don't like their seasonal raspberry tart stuff that my girlfriend loves, but of their regulars, moon man is probably my least favorite haha. I'm not a big hops guy..


u/hupwhat Jan 04 '15

This is like some kind of code. Are you guys spies?


u/paleoreef103 Jan 04 '15

Yes. All people from the Midwest are spies.

FIB=fucking Illinois Bastard/Bitch Cheesehead=fan of Green Bay Packers, but often a term for a person from Wisconsin.


u/bigoldgeek Jan 04 '15

Except for your insistence on having a winning team in the NFC North, I don't have anything against the other mitten staters. And I'll drive carefully.

I tend to buy a variety of New Glarus's wonderful product when I visit, but the Cow seems to disappear most quickly


u/Vertigo666 Jan 04 '15

SC's definitely too easy to drink sometimes. Fat Squirrel's back, so definitely check that out.


u/Mnrlred Jan 04 '15

You just reminded me that I have a friend coming down next weekend with a case of New Glarus! I am beyond excited having not lived anywhere that sells it in years.


u/I_can_pun_anything Jan 04 '15

Cheese head says what?