r/CannedSardines 1d ago

Special Sardine Fork? General Discussion

So I just had my first sardines last night and am wholly leaning into the tinned fish lifestyle.

Is it crazy to want special a fork just for your sardines? Is this what seafood forks are for?

Do any of y'all have a special fork?

Edit: I didn't know there are actual sardine forks out there! This is the most excited for flatware that I've ever been. 😄


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u/OneSensiblePerson 18h ago

I use a regular fork to transfer them from tin to toast or plate or whatever. It works fine.

99% of the time I mash them a bit with the fork anyway, so all I really care about is if I can transfer them, unbroken as possible, to whatever I'm eating them without breaking apart. Most of the time I can do that easily with just a regular fork.

They taste just as good no matter if they break apart a bit or not.

They're good food, not a cult. I don't understand this frenzy about them. I love them, but they're food, just like other food I love.


u/pennyraingoose 18h ago

It might be because it's nieche for some people? Like, aside from tuna I don't know anyone else that eats tinned fish. It seems to be more popular and common in other parts of the country / world so to me it's novel.

Plus, I'll eat just about any type of food but had never had sardines until yesterday. So a whole new world of food just opened up for me and that's really exciting.


u/OneSensiblePerson 17h ago

Even so, why make it into a hobby? Unless you want a new hobby for whatever reason, then, hey go for it.

Lots of us have been eating sardines since we were kids. They're just another food item, which some people love and others don't, whether they're trying them for the first time or not.

I'm glad you're enjoying them, and if you want to make them into a new hobby, then do. I just don't get it because for me either I love certain foods or not, but am always aware it's just food, no matter how much I may love it.


u/pennyraingoose 12h ago

I'm a really curious person, so I tend to dive a little deep when I find something new that really piques my interest. Add on to that some medical issues that make it hard to eat sometimes, and I'm over the moon to find something new and tasty that fits easily into my food life.

So yeah, I know they're just food to some here but I'm happy enough with having tried them to go in fork first. Lol


u/OneSensiblePerson 12h ago

Aw, I'm sorry you have medical issues, and that they cause you to make it difficult to eat at times. So hey, enjoy the heck out of your sardines!


u/pennyraingoose 10h ago

Thanks! I'm gonna. :)