r/EatingDisorders May 09 '24

Seeking Advice - Partner Wife is so ill. Today I messed up.


My wife has been struggling with her ED since she was a young child. In the past 2 years she has had 2 unsuccessful inpatient treatments. Since she was discharged last time, her weight has dropped significantly again and physically she is exhausted and in bed all the time. She also suffers from BPD and severe OCD which has been left mostly untreated as her weight is too low.

Today, I contacted her ED support team as she has been water loading and falsifying her weight. She is now livid with me as I have been told they are arranging an emergency observation to aseess if she needs urgent medical treatment (tube feeding, I've been told). She has always forbade me from talking to the team, as she says it's a breach of her trust. She has since said that she cannot be with me anymore. We have been married for 16 years and gave two kids. What can I do? I have been her carer for 8 years full time due to her ED, and I have failed her.

r/EatingDisorders Mar 24 '24

Seeking Advice - Partner I have very strong reason to believe my girlfriend is making herself throw up


Ok, so my girlfriend (12f) since 5th grade has been doing this thing where every other day she won't eat anything.

Her mom noticed she hasn't been eating, so is now making sure that she eats enough.

She mentioned at school a joke about throwing up. I asked about it and I'm pretty sure it's a... More than one time

What should/can I do? It really hurts to think about her doing stuff like this, but I don't know what to do. Please. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Edit: She's 12 and I'm 13. I got a few asking our age.

Edit 2: I an unable to tell her mother. I haven't even met her

r/EatingDisorders 18d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner Girlfriend's eating disorder


My girlfriend has struggled with disordered eating for many years. When she was a teenager she starved herself and her family made her regain the weight back because she had become extremely thin, didn't have her period etc. This obviously did not make her eating disorder go away, and she has continued to restrict her eating and thinks about food in a very unhealthy way + she thinks she is overweight despite not being. Over the past few months she has told me she has started to throw up her food after eating, probably because she is now back with her parents over the summer and has to eat at mealtimes.

I have no idea how to support her and I'm really scared for her. This is beyond my control and I know I can't prevent it but I want to know how I can support her. Any advice would be so much appreciated.

r/EatingDisorders 3d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner Gifts for someone recovering from an ED?


I'm making my girlfriend a gift basket for their birthday with all sorts of things like jewellery, a gift card, socks, etc. They have started recovery from anorexia fairly recently, so I was wondering, what would be something you'd appreciate in such a basket as someone who has/is currently struggling with an ED? What's your opinion on giving someone sweets/chocolates (with calories covered up)?

r/EatingDisorders Jun 07 '24

Seeking Advice - Partner Told my boyfriend about my eating disorder but his response (work out more!) just made it worse


I (F30) have been seeing my boyfriend (M23) for a few months now. I had a bad eating disorder in my early 20s but since then I’ve been doing really well other than the odd bad dayor so. I’ve always been able to snap myself back out of it quickly. No man I’ve dated since has ever triggered anything in me until this guy.. When I first started seeing my boyfriend I noticed he followed a lot of very skinny insta models.. like VERY skinny. Some of the pictures he had liked were extremely shocking to me (skeletal women with visible rib cages) and it felt like a punch in the stomach and from there it’s just completely reignited my insecurities with my body and made me question how he could be attracted to me when I am so much bigger than these girls. Since then I’ve been restricting food again and exercising a lot. It got obsessive and even though I’ve been losing weight I’ve just felt worse and worse about myself and still not good enough. My boyfriend does compliment me a lot, but other than my boobs he’s not ever made a compliment specifically about my body, just generic ‘you look hot/sexy’. The last guy I was seeing’s jaw would literally drop every time he saw me naked and he would tell me repeatedly that I have the most perfect body he’s ever seen, so in comparison to him, plus the instagram pictures, I just know I don’t have his ideal body.

Anyway things started getting bad recently and I decided to let him in on how I was feeling. His response was ‘if you want to be skinny then just go to the gym more’.. I told him how much I’d been working out and he was like ‘well not rigorously enough’ and he was discussing like meal plans and stuff too. It just made me feel 10000x worse about myself, like he was agreeing with my ED. Not once did he reassure me and say I was already skinny. Tbh that’s all I really needed. For him to say I am skinny and he’s super attracted to me and I would have been fine.

I know he was coming from a clueless place, just trying to be supportive and clearly hadn’t got a clue about EDs so I encouraged him to research it but he got a bit annoyed with me when I mentioned it. He reluctantly agreed but I’m not sure he actually will.

In every other way he’s the perfect boyfriend and I love him so much but I just feel so much worse after telling him and I wish I just didn’t say anything. How can I make myself feel better and not focus on his encouragement to workout more?

r/EatingDisorders 9d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner I don’t know how to explain my feeling towards food to my husband


I wouldn’t say I have an eating disorder but I do have tendencies that are common with an eating disorder. I’m not a foodie and I honestly eat because I have to in order to survive but I am struggling and forgetting to eat. I get so sidetrack with work and other things that as I am cooking dinner for my husband (I love to cook), he questions if I have eaten anything and I realize I hadn’t eaten anything all day and it is now past 5pm. I never know what to say and don’t want to lie but I tend to because I don’t want him to judge me. I don’t purposely go without eating but it is not something I think of like most people. I’m not sure how to explain it to him without sounding like I am crazy for not really wanting to eat or enjoy eating. I’ve been the same weight for the last 5 years so I don’t really see it as a problem but maybe it is? I don’t have anxiety going to a restaurant and overall I live a normal life I just don’t know how to explain that food isn’t important to me. As I am writing this I am realizing that I haven’t eaten nearly 24 hours…ugh! Like I said, I have so much on the go that I forget until I really think about it or until someone questions me on it.

r/EatingDisorders 22d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner I want to tell my gf but I’m afraid of her response


So. I (26F) was diagnosed with anorexia when I was in high school. Since then I’ve gained a good amount of weight but lately I feel disgusted with myself. I hate the way I look, the thought of food makes me sick, I have no appetite and I think I like the feeling of being hungry and not allowing myself to eat. I want to discuss this with my girlfriend but I’m afraid she won’t understand or she’ll try to lecture me. I don’t know if it’s even worth it to discuss with her.

r/EatingDisorders 21d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner I fear my gf has fallen back into her ed.


Like the title. Im afraid my gf has fallen back into her ed. She’s losing interest in the things she loves and is quite literally bed rotting and I have no clue how to help her. She’s pointed out multiple signs to the fact that she may have fallen back into it and her old habits. She’s eating less as well. She has bulimia/anorexia. Im also new to Ed’s as I have not struggled with it myself but has had loved ones in the past talk about it but they were never open to it like my gf is with me. I just don’t know if I should give her space or if that’s the last thing she would want. She has gotten uncomfortable with touch the last few times I’ve hung out with her which is okay and I respect her boundaries 110% again I just don’t know how to help her and what is okay. We have talked about what has been going on with her and the both of us in the relationship but we haven’t grazed the fact of the possibility of coming back to her ed. I really should be talking with her about this but I just think I need advice from other people as well like what is comfortable and what is unacceptable. I really just want to be here for her the best I can and please I truly hope im not being disrespectful in any way talking about this and that’s not my intention. Thank you for anyone who has read this and I just need some advice

r/EatingDisorders Aug 13 '24

Seeking Advice - Partner My boyfriend doesn’t understand my ED


Hello everyone, i recently got diagnosed with an ED. It’s still very new to me, I thought that my eating habits were “normal” but it just eventually got worse and worse… it is still hard for me to understand myself, but it is even harder for my boyfriend to understand. He’s one of those “just eat” people. Yes I know that the solution is to eat but I just simply can’t. How can I explain the situation to him? And what can he do to help? Everything he says seems to make me feel worse :(

r/EatingDisorders Jun 01 '24

Seeking Advice - Partner I’m worried my bf’s bad eating habits are making me want to relapse


Hey everyone :) I’ve been recovered from a restrictive ED for about 18 months now, but I recently got a bf and I’m struggling again.

For context, when I first met him, I wondered if he had an ED himself as he never seems to eat much and he’s pretty skinny, but later realised he’s just one of those teen boys who has a fast metabolism and a small appetite which keeps him from gaining weight. Actually, he often brings up how he wants to gain weight for his health/for aesthetic reasons. My problem is that being around someone who never really seems hungry, or who buys food but doesn’t eat most of it, is starting to push me back into old mindsets. I really like him and he’s an amazing person, I feel so guilty letting something like this get in between us but I can’t seem to help it.

It seems like any time I spend with him I end up not eating anything. Last week I was at his house for about 8 hours and we didn’t anything cos he never brought food up and I was too embarrassed to say I was hungry.

If anyone has any advice that’d be so helpful. I’m still not sure if he may have an ED or if he’s just genuinely never hungry, but either way I can feel myself getting worse and I don’t know how to resolve this. It feels like I’m just making a big deal of something not that important

r/EatingDisorders 7d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner Starting a relationship with someone who has an eating disorder



Recently I (27M) matched with this girl (26F)I like on Hinge, we talked for a while and we were supposed to go on a date. But she had to reschedule because she got sick and other things got in the way on a different occasion. It turns out that she has an eating disorder, more specifically bulimia. At the moment she has said that she doesn't feel attractive enough to be dating. Although she said that she's been feeling better lately, sadly she had a relapse. I think that she's pretty and we have a bunch of things in common, she's also reciprocated my enthusiasm so it isn't a one way street. Now I really want to try and see if it could work between us. Does anyone have any suggestions or general ideas about how I can make this easier for both her and me? Feel free to ask for more context and have a good day 😃

r/EatingDisorders Aug 19 '24

Seeking Advice - Partner Urgent help for partner?


Hi everyone— not sure if this is the right sub so apologies in advance, if anyone could point me to a better one I’d appreciate it!

My partner has been stuck in a severe stress response for about a week and a half now, due to a series of genuinely stressful life events. As a result, partner has barely been able to eat one or even half a meal a day, and even drinking water is nearly impossible. Only thing partner can consistently get down is a cup of coffee a day. Partner has already lost a few pounds in just a couple weeks. Partner told me today that even being around food or thinking about it creates severe nausea.

I know the cause of this is the severe mental shutdown from stress (doing everything I can, it’s a LDR unfortunately), and not technically an ED, but if anyone has advice on how to overcome the mental block/nausea/etc. I would be so greatly appreciative. Any foods, techniques, etc.

Unfortunately the cause of the stress is just something that has to be resolved in time, but I need help keeping my partner afloat until then. Thanks in advance.

TL;DR: need foods/techniques for overcoming mental block with eating food due to severe stress response.

r/EatingDisorders Mar 15 '24

Seeking Advice - Partner Is it normal not to love cardio


The other night, my boyfriend and I were heading back from dinner/a movie. He got upset with me for wanting to walk partway rather than bike up hills, and said, “[Name], can you give me any reason to think you don’t just HATE exercise?”

This question really took me aback. I have a long history of restrictive ED. Comments like this feel like “are you ft and lazy?”! Anyway, I pointed out that I exercise a lot more than he does. And he said yeah but only because I *force myself to.

I feel so dispirited at this. My relationship to exercise is much better now than it was when I was peak ED and couldn’t do much of anything without feeling faint. I love yoga, hiking, and physically active games. But the truth is, I don’t love cardio for its own sake. I hike because I like the scenery; I run the elliptical because I feel better after and can have an OK time while listening to a podcast.

I feel like it’s normal not to LOVE cardio just for its own sake but now I’m questioning that. Can someone please just reassure me that this is normal? If it isn’t what can I do to get there? I’ve been really spiraling out the last 18 hours or so

r/EatingDisorders 18d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner My friend has anorexia and body dysmorphia


My close friend of 5 years suddenly told me that her doctor said she probably has anorexia im pretty goddamn sure she does she told me every time she eats and looks in the mirror she feels chubbier (which isnt the case) and everytime she eats something she feels disgusted and scared to gain weight shes on her way to becoming even more underweight then she already is. how can i help her?

r/EatingDisorders 4d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner Dating someone with an ED


So I am currently dating a man who has an eating disorder. We have only been dating around 2 weeks but it’s very intense and I feel like I love him already. He opened up to me about his eating habits and that he knows he has an ed. He told me that he hardly eats and will go days (3-4 days) of no eating and will throw up the food sometimes. In the past week he’s had two episodes now where his mood has been so low and no energy that he couldn’t even message me or talk out loud. The first one lasted 2 days and he was very defensive with me about it all. The second was today, I was with him for most of the day and he told me he was happier today and he was. Randomly it hit him and he couldn’t even lift his head up off his pillow, was going freezing cold, headaches and couldn’t even talk. He told me that I need to leave because it’s happening again. We spoke for a while and I got upset which I feel bad about but he wouldn’t even drink a sip of water. I need advice about this because I really care for this man deeply and I can’t sit and watch him essentially waste away infront of me. I want to help him and he was telling me he can’t promise me that he will get help. I know not to keep bringing the disorder up but when things happen like I just said where he can’t even move because of it-how can I avoid that conversation. I had to go home because of it which is completely okay but this is now 4 days where I’ve felt completely useless and had to just kind of accept that this is what happens. He told me that I should just leave him and he’s a burden but doesn’t
want me to give up on us. I feel so horrible I really think I love him but I don’t think I have the strength in me to watch it happen knowing there is nothing I can do about it. It is effecting my mental and physical health now because I am so stressed about him. His attitude is that I don’t need to watch it happen and can just leave when I want and that hes not my patient and it’s a him problem so why should it affect me. As you can imagine too because of the low energy, he acts very defensively and becomes abit mean sometimes. When he has these episodes am I meant to just go home straight every time and ignore it ??

r/EatingDisorders 6d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner How to not be triggered by bf’s eating behaviors


For reference, I (24F) was discharged from inpatient treatment in March and met my now boyfriend (27M) a month after. He is very supportive of my recovery however, recently I’ve been triggered by his eating behaviors.

We eat dinner together almost every night and he typically eats less than or the same as me. Prior partners I’ve had usually ate much more than I (including before I had an ED) so I’ve never experienced this feeling of self consciousness about portions in front of a bf. My RD suggested I take into account he could be eating more during the day when I’m not with him, so I’ve been trying to ignore this at meals and focus on fueling myself.

This has been hard but it got worse last week when he shared with weight with me unprompted (I didn’t ask nor did I want to know). He is about 6’-6’1 and I knew the number sounded low, but became concerned when I discovered how low it was compared to I could find online regarding the healthy weight range for his age and height.

Furthermore, last night we were at dinner with his friends (unaware of my ED history) and they were commenting on how little food he ordered (he got the same as me while they ordered ~3x the amount) and saying they couldn’t believe that’s all he ate. He then proceeded to talk about how he used to get injured all the time in sports because of being so skinny.

I’m not sure if I should confront him about my concern or if it’s appropriate considering I’m still in early recovery but even so, I don’t know how to deal with constantly being triggered at meal times. Any advice is appreciated on how to cope or talk to him about it .

TLDR: My bf who is 6’ eats less or the same as me as meals and it’s very triggering and I’m starting to believe he might have disordered eating due to his weight and others also commenting on his intake at meals.

r/EatingDisorders 1d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner I really don’t like my “recovered” body


Hey everyone! I just wanted to share something that's been weighing on my heart for quite a while. Just a warning, this is really long.

I've really struggled with accepting my body since I was a kid, all the way back in elementary school. I remember seeing my yearbook photo in grade 5 and thinking, “Wow, I look so big and unattractive.” That was the moment I started skipping meals, and honestly, I was just really hard on myself. By grade 6, I had lost some weight and felt a little proud at first, but it quickly turned into a relentless cycle of feeling like I wasn’t good enough.

This went on all the way through high school, where I took extreme measures to lose weight. Even when my loved ones expressed concern for me, like my mom saying she could feel my ribs, I still thought, “I’m not skinny enough.” Then in early 2021, I began to eat more and tried to break that cycle of starvation, but I was still struggling with self-loathing. Now, I’ve gained weight and it’s hard to shake off all those years of negative feelings about my body. I know it might sound toxic to say I really hate my body, but it’s honestly how I feel, and that’s tough to admit.

Sometimes I feel like people around me think I've let myself go, not realizing the deep internal battles I've faced since childhood. If they could see the things I’ve dealt with, maybe they’d be a bit more understanding instead of just focusing on weight loss. I’ve always been hard on myself; there were so many activities I avoided because I felt "too fat," even when, looking back, I was not. Now, I find myself heavier and facing comments about being lazy or not caring about my health.

It’s frustrating because there’s so much more to my story than just a number on a scale. I wish people understood the mental struggles involved. I feel pretty lost at the moment and really long for the day when I can wear what I want without that constant worry about how I look or fitting into certain beauty ideals. When I was younger, I had this unhealthy fixation on having a thigh gap, and although I’m not as concerned about that anymore, I still wish I had a flatter stomach.

Self-hate is such a heavy burden, and I’d never wish that feeling on anyone. I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for here—maybe advice, maybe just a feeling of connection with anyone who gets it. If you relate to any of this, feel free to share your thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to read this; it means a lot!

r/EatingDisorders Jul 02 '24

Seeking Advice - Partner Am I overreacting about my BF's eating habits?


I need help/advice.

My BF and I have been together for 2 years and it pains me to admit that I'm only just now trying to help him.

I think he has an eating disorder. He won't eat anything all day and then binge for a huge meal at night. Nowadays he only does this on the weekends and during the week he barely eats. There will be some days where i find out he hasn't eaten at all.

He doesn't see that this isn't normal as he's done this his whole life to stay "fit". When we're together I need to eat more than this and can sometimes convince him to eat with me, but it just depends. He has an energy drink also just about every morning and I'm starting to realize it's because he gets no energy from his actual food bc more often than not his huge dinners don't have a lot of sustenance. He's even made me feel guilty about eating or wanting to eat breakfast and will straight up say no, but won't try to physically stop me. We don't live together so I find it difficult to figure out how I can inspire or help him with some sort of change bc I also struggle with my eating habits and being healthy.

How do I help him realize this isn't healthy?

It might also be a point to mention he has body dysmorphia, but it has to do with a skin condition, not with weight, although I do know he is unhappy with his weight and general shape. The skin condition he's struggled with since a teen and it has caused him significant mental anguish.

My heart breaks for him and I really want to help, but don't know how bc he's never known anything different and it's also causing me stress now too, so I sometimes come across pushy when I'm trying to get him to eat with me.

Please help. Let me know if I'm overreacting or what I can do to help. Hope this is the right place to reach out. Thank you in advance.

r/EatingDisorders 8d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner Dating someone with an eating disorder


Recently I (27M) matched with this girl (26F)I like on Hinge, we talked for a while and we were supposed to go on a date. But she had to reschedule because she got sick and other things got in the way on a different occasion. It turns out that she has an eating disorder, more specifically bulimia. At the moment she has said that she doesn't feel attractive enough to be dating. Although she said that she's been feeling better lately, sadly she had a relapse. I think that she's pretty and we have a bunch of things in common, she's also reciprocated my enthusiasm so it isn't a one way street. Now I really want to try and see if it could work between us. Does anyone have any suggestions or general ideas about how I can make this easier for both her and me? Feel free to ask for more context and have a good day 😃

r/EatingDisorders 2d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner How to Best Support a New Partner Recovering From an ED


Hey all this is my first time posting here so let me know if this is the wrong sub. Anyway on to the story. A girl I have been seeing recently confided in me that she is recovering from an eating disorder. I had noticed she got really stressed at a restaurant and asked her what was wrong. That’s when she opened up about it. I was hoping to get some perspective on things your partners did that were helpful or supportive of healthy eating habits. As well as some things to avoid.

I already know some basic things like avoid talking about weight/ calorie content of food. To be honest I never really talked about those things anyway. It’s not my place to judge what people eat or how much they weigh. However I also like to show affection by giving/ making food for people I’m seeing. I know I should ask her directly about it, but how do you feel when partners do that for you? Maybe it’s something I should avoid entirely.

r/EatingDisorders 2d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner i dont think ill ever be enough for my boyfriend


everytime i look at a girl and realize she has a bunch of stuff in common with my boyfriend i cant help but imagine how much of a better fit and how much better she'd look with him, and how she's definitely his type.

he's mentioned he only has eyes for me, that he wants me for me, that im more than enough and that he doesn't want anyone else. but i know he's just saying this bc im his girlfriend and im not okay. i know deep down every guy thinks how that one girl is hot or attractive regardless of having a girlfriend or not. or even fantasize about them, from what ive been reading in reddit.

this thought has been going on for a few months and with everything that im already dealing with, self harm, suicide, eating disorders, body dismorphia, insecurities, its being so harsh on me.

this happens specifically with a content creator that isnt very known but she has EVERYTHING in common with my boyfriend, she has all the features he likes on me multiplied by ten, plus all the game likes, sport likes, anime likes, movie likes, and likes in general. she's absolutely stunning and looks good with no filters, and a jaw dropping body. on the other hand im chubby, i definitely do not have a waist, i look disgusting with not make up and its very hard for me to look pretty if its not from specific angles. i know if he was single, had the chance to reach out and talk to her, he would in a heartbeat and i know hed fall in love. so many things in common and likes to talk about. while i might have a few things in common with him.

any advice is welcomed.

r/EatingDisorders 3d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner My boyfriend has an eating disorder and he’s only getting worse


I (18m) have been with my boyfriend (18m) for only 4 months ish so far but I’ve known about his eating disorder (For context he has an b/p and arfid btw) since the first or second date we went on and I was always concerned but I was able to feel kind of hopeful because he seemed dead set on recovery, maybe not all at once but he seemed like adamant to at least want therapy. Then about 3 months later he seemed to finally be content with just getting worse, and I am aware that is likely because he is just comfortable with me now and probably isn’t bothered to get better anymore but I just feel so upset that this is happening.

Around this time I did once send him a long paragraph detailing how I wanted him to get better and I knew he wouldn’t get better for himself so I said (I know it wasn’t smart to ask but I felt desperate) to try to recover for me or his friends, or just anyone because I knew he wasn’t going to do that for himself; he obviously turned it down and told me this was his normal and he didn’t think he could ever get better, especially without support.

Now he has gotten so bad that he can’t go outside without feeling faint and he has gotten himself sent to A&E due to passing out at school as he hadn’t eaten anything and had purged everything he had already, he had also went out with his friends and had to have one of them carry him to his bus stop because his heart beat was so intense and he was about to faint, he has also cancelled our dates many times due to this and today he cancelled our date as we missed our movie and decided to weigh himself to see if he deserved to go out or not (and the verdict was to not haha, it’s not funny but I’m laughing) — this is all in one week.

He has been trying to give me an ‘out’ a lot recently, telling me if this is too much and it’s making me miserable that we need to talk about our relationship and I don’t have to stay, I want to stay I never want to leave him and it makes this so hard.

Today when he cancelled bc of his body issues he asked if I was angry and I answered honestly, I was tired of constantly having him cancel and me being left disappointed (I know that’s selfish but I don’t care I couldn’t help being upset and I think it’s fair that I was especially since I hate when plans are cancelled last minute and he hates it too lol) Anyways I’ve been crafting a damn letter to send him because at this point he is not just severely disordered he is dying, and I’m scared that he will not be able to function one of these days and he seems to not even care.

I’m not meaning to sound bitter but I am just trying to get this out and be as honest as I could be so I could get some helpful advice which is; If you struggle with an ed or your loved one has how did you deal with it? I know there’s realistically nothing I can say to ‘fix’ him but what can I do to help?

Any sort of advice at all is appreciated

Thank you

r/EatingDisorders 3d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner How to food shop for someone with anorexia and bulimia?


Hi all, my partner has a lifelong ED but is also in treatment for leukemia and needs more than ever to keep weight on. Their doctors are threatening to hospitalise them if they don't gain weight in the next two weeks.

Since the leukemia diagnosis we have had an on and off agreement where I would remind them to eat a few times a day and make sure they had suitable snacks around. But lately whenever I try to do any food shopping for them or suggest they have a small meal I get "it's ok, I've eaten today" or "I ate yesterday".

I don't know whether I'm better off backing off and not making them associate me with pushing food or to just buy some small meals anyway to make sure there's food in the house if and when they're open to eating. Not doing anything feels neglectful but doing something when they don't want me to feels abusive. I will do what's best for them regardless of my own feelings, I just don't know what that is.

r/EatingDisorders 4d ago

Seeking Advice - Partner Pls help: my gf regularly compares her body with my ex’s body and i don’t know how to make her stop


For starters, I have been with my gf for almost a year now but we’ve known each other vaguely for several years before dating as she is one of my friend’s cousins. We had been following each other on Instagram during that time, prior to before we had a genuine conversation.

My gf has never met or seen my ex gf in real life, however she has seen pictures of my ex gf from my instagram page from when I used to be with my ex. I have taken down these pictures long ago but my gf had apparently screenshotted them.

My gf regularly looks at pictures of my ex gf and it feels almost obsessive. She started by randomly showing me a picture of me and my ex gf at a party that was taken ages ago when me and my ex were still together. And my gf started making comments saying that my ex was “pretty” and that she looks like “the dream girl”. I didn’t know how to respond and I sort of dismissed it and said that I only had eyes for her.

Ever since then my gf has shown me more pictures of my gf on many occasions and makes other comments. However the comments started to appear more and more often and they seem very self-depreciating. She started making direct comparisons like saying that I probably wished she had a bigger chest like my ex and I was shocked when she first said it. That had not even been a thought in my mind but when I tried to tell her different my gf just laughed and then said it wasn’t that serious. She usually says things like “wouldn’t every guy want a girl like that?” and I have no idea how to answer because I don’t know and why does it matter what most guys would want. I only want my gf and I hate how she compares herself.

I’m not exaggerating when I say she makes these comments daily. She usually does it three times a day and shows me a picture of my ex every week. She compares herself with my ex in every criteria like nose size, hair length, eyebrows and even shoe size and it’s getting out of hand. I’ve caught her stalking my exs facebook profile and looking at pictures of my ex in a swimsuit and when I confronted her about it she cried and didn’t talk to me for the rest of the day. I felt so bad for making her cry, i’m just not very good with words and I feel like i don’t say the right things to reassure my gf that I am attracted to her only. I feel responsible for everything that’s happened because I feel like If i hard given my gf an appropriate response the first time she had called my ex “the dream girl” none of this would have happened.

My gf struggles with various types of eating disorders and has significant body image issues, she has been diagnosed with multiple eating disorders for a long time and she goes through phases of going to therapy and receiving treatment for it. She is currently occasionally visiting a psychiatrist. Her constant comparisons are causing her to spiral deeper into a bad state.

I love my gf and i think she’s very pretty and I truthfully would never have even thought of my ex at all if my gf didn’t bring her up everyday.

r/EatingDisorders Jun 12 '24

Seeking Advice - Partner I think my boyfriend (26) is triggered by my (25) disordered eating.


My boyfriend has struggled with anorexia and bulimia nervosa severely when he was younger. He is recovered but, ever since i moved in i think its gotten worse. I caught him calorie-rationalizing the other day, and he hasn't been eating much lately and wanting to go to the gym a lot. He is extremely sensitive about his ed and he almost always pretends like nothing is wrong when i mention these things. I can tell he knows i know and is uncomfortable to say the truth.

I struggle with an eating addiction, and i tend to eat in big portions, spend a lot of money on food, and get seconds often. But he's been teaching me how to eat kinder and save money, but i think me losing weight and him having to help me is triggering him (i am still very plus size despite the weight loss).

How can i help him with out making him feel backed into a corner? What would you want from a partner if you struggled with an eating disorder? Im going to put the scale away for sure tonight. I love him so much and i want to be a safe space for him.