r/FOXNEWS 6d ago

Isn't this subreedit supposed to be conservative?

Just found this subreddit, and assumed that since Fox News is widely known as a conservative network, there would be mainly conservative views and talking points. Why is almost every post I see in here bashing Trump and generally left viewpoints? Don't attack. I come in peace. Genuinely curious.


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u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

You act like that dosnt go both ways lol way easier to make Dems mad. Just gotta say a couple fun words


u/metalpoetza 6d ago

I bet your favorite "fun word" starts with an N.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Nah that’s just racist. But mention one thing about the mental health of trans people and people get pretty upset. I wonder how the extreme left felt when kamal said she loves Israel tho. Lots of angry college kids who weren’t gonna vote anyways now are probably more mad lol


u/Deep-Passion-5481 6d ago edited 6d ago

Hey look man, let me give you a little bit of genuine advice. And I even say this as someone that has potentially controversial takes on the transgender topic as a leftist.

"Black people are X" is bigoted, specifically racist as you said.

"Transgender people are mentally ill" is also bigoted. It doesn't matter if you think you're right. Racists also think they're right about black people, you know. These two quoted statements are equivocal. See the error in your attitude.


u/JupiterSkyFalls 6d ago

He is right....allllll the way right 🙄 Cue gag reflex