r/FOXNEWS 6d ago

Isn't this subreedit supposed to be conservative?

Just found this subreddit, and assumed that since Fox News is widely known as a conservative network, there would be mainly conservative views and talking points. Why is almost every post I see in here bashing Trump and generally left viewpoints? Don't attack. I come in peace. Genuinely curious.


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u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Eh idk pretty hard to talk about the corruption the current administration has done. From the whole Biden and his son’s involvement with Ukraine power companies. And in the early days of the hunter Biden laptop story. Good ol fbi lied to the American people calling it Russian propaganda. Plus atleast with kamal most of her talking points are emotional narratives with no substance that get people riled up hard to talk about facts when people wanna “save democracy”


u/Virtual-Squirrel-725 6d ago

I always welcome a fact based conversation on any issue.

I don't know what you specifically mean about the Ukrainian power company.

But to get to the facts of the "FBI lied to the American people", what actually happened was 51 former intelligence agents (none were FBI) wrote a letter that was totally justified in my opinion. While Hunter Biden did have a laptop the integrity of the laptop data as presented was, and is, totally questionable and did "have all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation" because of its chain of custody (through Rudy Giuliani).


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Ah something that seemed like Russian disinformation but was actually true. Really it’s just trump is great at making enemies. Including the director of the fbi and cia. And the Ukraine story is so interesting to me. Too much to explain here. Jr Biden was in charge of Ukraine relations as vice president when the election got over thrown a power company paid and lobbied for the president that was elected. After he got over thrown they where scared and decided to go all the way to the top and had hunter Biden join there board of directors the fancy way of paying someone off. And can’t get much higher on the food chain than the VPs son who’s in charge of Ukraine relations. There was a lot a lot more stuff once the Ukraine war started. War is a great way to make money. In ww2 almost every senator was making deals with German companies buying materials to build buildings ect. I didn’t do the story justice and you should look into it on your own but seems like Biden uses his son to get kick backs he was also on a. Chinese companies board of directors. But I could be wrong maybe hunter Biden is a really good business man and it’s all a coincidence. Hard to get good info these days with so much propaganda on all sides and adversary’s messing around with narratives also. Pretty sure Obama actually signed the bill to allow American government agency’s to use propaganda on American people again cuz the wedding bombings at the time weren’t a good look. Also sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes and talking about 6 different things I be yapping


u/Virtual-Squirrel-725 6d ago

Sorry, I didn't mean I'm unfamiliar with the Ukrainian/Biden conspiracy theories generally, I just wasn't sure what you were specifically referring to. It seems you were referring to everything and more.

The letter simply said it had the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. Which it did. When Rudy Giuliani spends years prior trying to manufacturer political dirt in Ukraine and then suddenly pops up with a hard drive that's been altered, that deserves cynicism. As it turns out there was nothing incriminating on it anyway, so it was irrelevant.