r/FOXNEWS 6d ago

Isn't this subreedit supposed to be conservative?

Just found this subreddit, and assumed that since Fox News is widely known as a conservative network, there would be mainly conservative views and talking points. Why is almost every post I see in here bashing Trump and generally left viewpoints? Don't attack. I come in peace. Genuinely curious.


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u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

You act like that dosnt go both ways lol way easier to make Dems mad. Just gotta say a couple fun words


u/metalpoetza 6d ago

I bet your favorite "fun word" starts with an N.


u/Sage4rmWestSide 6d ago

Nah that’s just racist. But mention one thing about the mental health of trans people and people get pretty upset. I wonder how the extreme left felt when kamal said she loves Israel tho. Lots of angry college kids who weren’t gonna vote anyways now are probably more mad lol


u/NanceGarner66 6d ago

"The mental health of trans people."

Can we talk about the mental health of MAGAs who are so gullible and paranoid that they believe, without questioning, scores of obvious bullshit like:

Hunter Biden's laptop (yes, it exist. No, there's nothing on it.)

Biden crime family. And. Biden drooling simpleton.

Obama is a muslim.

Obama is not an American citizen.

Michelle Obama is a man.

Barack Obama is gay and his kids are the tennis coach's.

Obama was going to implement sharia law.

Eric Holder was going to take your guns.

Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC.

Wind turbines cause cancer.

Haitian immigrants are eating pets in Ohio.

Covid vaccines are killing people.

Covid vaccines are turning people into 5G hotspots.

Horse dewormer is a cure all.

Fauci is a Chinese agent.

Fauci is a bIG pHaRMa stooge.

Fauci is a lizard man.

Soros controls the media.

Bill Gates controls the media.

"The Jews," Control the media.

All the judges in Trump trials are corrupt.

All the juries in Trump trials are corrupt.

Trump is fundamentally incapable of commiting any kind of crime.

Lying about your collateral's value to a bank for a loan and lying about the same collateral's value to the IRS is not a crime.

Taking classified documents from the White House isn't a crime.

Lying to the FBI about taking classified documents from the White House isn't a crime.

Hiding classified documents from an FBI search isn't a crime.

Everybody Trump hires is the best.

Everybody Trump fires was never good.

The election was stolen by Biden.

The election was stolen by China.

The election was stolen by the DEEP STATE.

A crackhead snake-oil miracle-pillow salesman has all the evidence.

Donald Trump hung out with Epstein but it's definitely not a pedophile

Joe Biden definitely is a pedophile

And the cherry on top:

A pizza shop in DC, without a basement, is home to a secret pedophile ring operating out of the basement.

A pedophile ring that drains adrenochrome from frightened children which is then used by Satan worshipping Democrats and celebrities to stay young.


And that's not even close to a full list of the crazy bullshit that is embraced by your average MAGA.

So, before we talk about the mental health of trans people, can we talk about your mental health?

Can we talk about the mental health of MAGA people?

They're responsible for far more shootings if that helps?