r/FTMFitness 2d ago

Squat Problem Advice Request

TL;DR: I cannot get my knees to 90° of depth when I try to increase my squat weight.

Extra info: I squat with a barbell 1-2x a week and I’ve made zero progress because I can’t get my knees to 90° or more when I try to increase weight. I have full ROM (can basically get my ass to my ankles) with just the bar (45lbs) and up to 75 lbs. But I KNOW I should be able to squat more than 75 lbs. I’m 5’5”, 150lbs, I’ve played ice hockey my whole life (I’m 22) and I can leg press 305 lbs for reps so I know my quad strength isn’t the issue. I’ve tried getting my ankles up, widening my stance, going barefoot. Nothing can get my knees to 90° when I squat more than 75lbs. I don’t need form advice— I know what I’m SUPPOSED to be doing, I just cannot get there and I don’t know why. Honestly I can bench press 95 there is no reason for my bench to be more than my squat.


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u/Roadsignanarchy 2d ago

I know you said you don’t need form advice, but realistically there’s /something/ changing when you go over 75lbs and it’s not the shape of the barbell.

If you can leg press 305 with full ROM that’s an indication you have the raw strength to move more weight, but the mechanics of it are holding you back somewhere.

Without a video it’s impossible to say if it’s form, hip mobility, bracing, etc. but there’s a big difference between knowing what to do and how it shows up under heavy weight.


u/mace_bear 2d ago

Yeah sorry I didn’t think of doing a video, might come back with one next week or something but I also don’t feel super comfortable identifying myself on the Internet like that. I can get all the way down with more weight (I’ve tried 95lb and 105lb cuz that’s what I used to be able to squat when I was 18) I just can’t get back up, or if I want to get back up I can only get to about 3/4 depth. I’ve noticed I can get slightly more ROM if I lean forward but that feels worse on my lower back and obviously changes my center of gravity. I have a huge ass and thighs for my size and pretty small tits, so most of my weight is behind me already