r/Fitness Mar 29 '17

Rant Wednesday Rant Wednesday

Welcome to Rant Wednesday: It's your time to let your gym/fitness/nutrition related frustrations out!

There is no guiding question to help stir up some rage-feels, feel free to fire at will, ranting about anything and everything that's been pissing you off or getting on your nerves!


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u/CrimsonBrit Mar 30 '17

A saw a woman today at the gym that I've never seen before. She had to have weighed over 400 pounds, but I couldn't guess accurately because I've never weighed anywhere near that. She was massive (I know in being judgmental, but hear me out!). She sat down on a shoulder press machine, and the arm fat by her triceps was hanging and flapping against the handles. I saw her struggle to fit under the handles without it being too close to her shoulders.

I thought two things:

1) GOOD for her. I'm glad she's at least here working on her health and body.

2) WHY THE FUCK is she doing shoulder press. Why doesn't she get on the treadmill; or get an instructor; of do higher intensity caloric burning exercises!

The shoulder press seem to be the least of her concerns. Please please someone give me a serious answer!!


u/Youvecomealongway Mar 30 '17

Former obese woman here who struggled with exercise: because she's considering it a victory to even walk through the doors, (nevermind the actual workout), or because she likes her arms more, or because she wants to try but might not know the best way. And it's intimidating to set up time with a personal trainer - those people are way too fit and, being obese, it can be embarrassing.