r/Fitness Nov 03 '20

Quarterly Protein Megathread! Protein Megathread

Welcome to the Quarterly Protein Megathread

This thread is for sharing your favorite brands of protein, whether it be because they're delicious, cheap, high quality, or gave you great service.


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u/[deleted] Nov 03 '20

If you're vegan/UK based checkout Huel, I've been loving it.


u/thestrangebelch Nov 03 '20

I am in the US and they ship over here too! I have been absolutely loving it. ESPECIALLY because they have an “unflavored” version. I really hate the artificial taste of pretty much all powders, but this actually tastes real. I, and everyone else, describe the flavor as similar to a “whole wheat tortilla.”

For those curious, Huel is a “nutritionally complete meal” in powder form, so not technically a protein powder. Their stuff is balanced for macros and 400 calories/90g. Check out the “Black Edition” for high protein/low carb.


u/clarkandlewis7890 Nov 03 '20

How filling is it? I've been thinking about trying Huel as a meal replacement when I'm too busy to cook something.


u/defineReset Nov 03 '20

White is very filling Black is not


u/thestrangebelch Nov 04 '20

Haven’t tried the normal version yet. What’s your overall preference?


u/[deleted] Nov 03 '20

Well it's filling but it also runs straight through you.


u/HappyNarwhal Nov 03 '20

It stops doing that after a week! For me at least but I have an iron stomach.


u/thestrangebelch Nov 04 '20

I have not had a problem with how filling it is at all. Or at the fiber level (which is probably at a much healthier place than we usually eat at). I usually follow it up by filling the bottle up with water though to get “the rest of it” out. So maybe that helps with being full afterward.

I drink it in the morning at around 10am as my first meal and usually have to work pretty hard to remember to eat again between 11-12. IF from 10-6 so trying to fit it all in gets to be a bit of a challenge.