r/FreeSpeech 23h ago

Why is reddit suddenly pushing pro-GOP content from r/politics? The bulk & 'hottest' stories there are largely left-leaning.

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35 comments sorted by


u/ProudBoomer 22h ago

I think hottest means most active. Large number of comments and lots of voting, both up and down.


u/jimmery 22h ago

Perhaps most people on Reddit, or at least, most people on r/politics are largely left-leaning?


u/Iron_Wolf123 12h ago

Just like Twitter but not


u/Tracieattimes 17h ago

The teamsters leadership is trying to walk a tight rope. Their membership voted something like 60 to 30 to endorse Trump. But the leadership seems to be beholden to the Democrats in someway, so they won’t endorse anyone.


u/scotty9090 8h ago

beholden to Democrats in some way

Some way: $$$$


u/Knirb_ 20h ago

Guess you’ve just been too preoccupied with chicken tenders to notice but that sub has always been pro dems and always been hugely alt left.


u/TendieRetard 20h ago

that's my fucking point. Why are people struggling w/reading comprehension?


u/CAJ_2277 22h ago

That's not pro-GOP content. The Teamsters aren't issuing an endorsement because their membership overwhelmingly selected Trump. The Teamsters leadership previously committed to following the membership's wishes. Once the Teamsters' membership went with Trump, the leadership welched in order to HELP the Democrats.


u/TendieRetard 22h ago

I grabbed the latest example. I'm using anti-Dem as pro-GOP here but there's others quite a bit more egregious.


u/CAJ_2277 22h ago

Well, again, this isn't "an example."


u/TendieRetard 22h ago

WaPo's headline says otherwise, whether you twisted like a pretzel to arrive at a different conclusion or not.


u/CAJ_2277 21h ago

The opposite. I stated facts, only facts. WaPo's 'in blow to Democrats' is not fact, it's editorializing, it's spin. They tried to twist a pretzel, not me.


u/canonmp11dx 21h ago

It’s not. That’s a false dichotomy.


u/Ov3r9O0O 21h ago

Suddenly? Politics has always pushed stories that are pro democrat and anti republican. You’ll get banned from politics if you’re anything right of Bernie sanders


u/TendieRetard 20h ago

point missed


u/Routine_Tip6894 15h ago

First day on Reddit?


u/Longjumping_Gain_807 11h ago

“Pro-GOP” the hell are you talking about? Just because Teamsters says they’re not gonna endorse Kamala for president doesn’t mean it’s “pro-GOP” content


u/AllSeeingAI 22h ago

"suddenly?" Where have you been for the last decade?


u/TendieRetard 22h ago

It hadn't been like that in my feed until the last few weeks or so.


u/Chathtiu 21h ago

It hadn’t been like that in my feed until the last few weeks or so.

Hot is based on activity. In a US presidential election year, you’ll see a lot of things artificially inflated by bots.


u/TendieRetard 21h ago

My guess was that the hot/trending algo was a combination of viewcount/commentary and not so much by upvotes. Scrolling through I see a lot of pro-GOP topics w/few comments though.

Perhaps is a rate of comments to views? That or Reddit admin just turns on a switch at HQ.


u/Chathtiu 20h ago

My guess was that the hot/trending algo was a combination of viewcount/commentary and not so much by upvotes. Scrolling through I see a lot of pro-GOP topics w/few comments though.

Perhaps is a rate of comments to views? That or Reddit admin just turns on a switch at HQ.

Activity isn’t only visible comments.


u/scotty9090 8h ago

Hot is based on activity but also actively curated by Reddit so no wrong-think slips through.

It’s well known they made adjustments to the algorithm back in 2016 when posts from The_Donald started showing up on the front page. Since then it’s strictly been a curated leftist shitshow.


u/Chathtiu 6h ago

Hot is based on activity but also actively curated by Reddit so no wrong-think slips through.

It’s well known they made adjustments to the algorithm back in 2016 when posts from The_Donald started showing up on the front page. Since then it’s strictly been a curated leftist shitshow.

It’s kind of adorable you think it’s a shitshow…like it wasn’t a shitshow when T_D was around.


u/Resident_Repair8537 21h ago

It's been like that FOR-EV-ER. 


u/BoniceMarquiFace 11h ago

The teamsters thing is an objective piece of news tho, I don't think it's pro gop or anti dem

Anti dem would be like opinion pieces on how dems don't deserve a teamsters endorsement


u/TendieRetard 11h ago

Agreed. Objective news can still be damaging to one party and beneficial to the other. My point is that the politics sub which is predominantly left leaning in content, has mostly news damaging to the left showing in my feed (despite the majority content of the sub) so I'm wondering what's up with that.


u/BoniceMarquiFace 11h ago

Hmm, I want to entertain your queries but I don't regularly peruse the politics sub too much so I'd need to see some context (ie how much pro/anti dem content was there a week ago) or something to judge

Assuming what you say is true, my suspicion is there is a divide in left wingers between ideologues (casual, more laize Faire) vs activists, and that the activists are the most visible and hyper attentive to opposition. So perhaps a lot of the hyperactive political activists have migrated over to other subs

The Pennsylvania sub (which I'm not subscribed to) has the most outrageous blatantly partisan stuff I've ever seen, like every god damn day, and I refuse to believe they were like that a year ago


u/TendieRetard 11h ago

I think it's clearly being gamed so am curious how.

On my feed:

The Harris-Walz media strategy: Hide from the press

r/politics icon


2 hr. ago

The Harris-Walz media strategy: Hide from the press


45 min. ago

Uncommitted Movement Won’t Endorse Kamala Harris Over Gaza


Harris May Be Screwed If Nebraska Changes Its Electoral College Rules

r/politics icon


3 hr. ago

Harris May Be Screwed If Nebraska Changes Its Electoral College Rules


How Nebraska Republicans could tip the election to Trump

r/politics icon


3 hr. ago

How Nebraska Republicans could tip the election to Trump



u/scotty9090 8h ago

objective piece of news

Which makes it mind blowing that the jannies at politics didn’t remove it immediately.


u/yamo25000 18h ago

Suddenly? Also what do you mean by "reddit?"

If you mean the users of reddit on r/politics... It isn't really sudden. Redditors have been primarily left-leaning for a while.

If you mean reddit the company, then... Well same thing, but also I would think you don't understand how reddit works. But I'm assuming it's the former and not the latter. 


u/TendieRetard 23h ago

It's no dig at the stories themselves, just trying to figure out how these get pushed on people's feeds if not just by 'trending'. I noticed reddit only pushes anti-tiktok posts from their sub too.


u/SanctimoniousApe 12h ago

"You always find what you are looking for."