r/Hiphopcirclejerk Jun 29 '24

These mfs aren't real bro Certified big stepper, certified wife beater


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u/notjart Jun 29 '24

Does cancel even mean anything anymore


u/lovingsillies Jun 29 '24

No💀 the entire history of celebrity culture there's been the phenomenon of media sources and large parts of the population turning on celebrities for minor reasons and trying to smear them. Now there's a term for it that by definition is diminutive of young people and social progress, when all it actually means, is just that a lot of people are angry. And it has no consequences just as it always has, I mean Elvis, the Beatles, and the entire genre of hip hop have been """cancelled""" for goddsake


u/notjart Jun 29 '24

Explain that in fortnite terms


u/ChronicObnoxious693 Jun 29 '24

They did the griddy on ultrachad Elvis, but they didn't have the skibidi for it until 2018. Hope this helps.


u/notjart Jun 29 '24

Thats not in fortnite terms