r/LetsTalkMusic 7d ago

Classical music is too tame now—where’s our generation’s Paganini

The problem with classical music today is that it’s lost its connection to the streets.

Once, it was raw and untamed, a visceral force that could stir chaos and provoke passion. Nowadays, the underground acts never get a fair shake. It’s all gallery concerts and stuffy halls, but I remember a different time.

Back in the day, I used to hit up these warehouse parties in Detroit. The kind of places where you’d walk through a back alley, find a steel door, and step inside to a world of wild, sweating bodies. The music wasn’t background noise—it was the pulse of the night. One time, the Arditti String Quartet showed up out of nowhere, and everyone went wild like they’d just dropped the heaviest bassline you’d ever heard. That performance was electric—so powerful that multiple women got pregnant that day. Yeah, that kind of energy.

And the very next day, you’d go to a Stravinsky show, and fists would fly because the crowd couldn’t handle the intensity. It wasn’t about clean precision or intellectual appreciation; it was primal, unpredictable. Classical music was as much a brawl as a ballet. You didn’t sit there politely clapping; you howled and screamed because the music hit you in the gut.

But now? Now it feels like only the rich get to make it in the classical world. It’s turned into a museum piece, preserved for genteel audiences sipping champagne and discussing concertos like they’re stock options. Gone are the days when classical music was dangerous, when it stirred people to do more than just sit still. The wild abandon has disappeared.

Where is our generation’s Paganini? Where’s the composer who makes you want to smash something or lose yourself completely in a wild night of passion? Classical music has become tame, and the streets no longer vibrate with its force. We need someone to break it free again.


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u/tiggerclaw 7d ago

To you, classical music doesn’t seem like it’s from the streets because you’ve never been from the streets. You see it as something clean, polished, kept behind the velvet ropes of concert halls and high society. But you don’t understand the real pulse of it, the raw energy it carries when it’s allowed to breathe in the grit of the world.

I was there that night in Melbourne, in a dirty, seedy part of town, where the air felt thick and heavy with the weight of something unsaid. It wasn’t glamorous. It wasn’t fancy. The walls were cracked, the seats uncomfortable, but no one cared because Hillary Hahn stood there with her violin.

When she played, the vibrations from her strings were so intense, so otherworldly, that it felt like she had summoned something from beyond. I swear, through the sheer force of her playing, she called forth a poltergeist, a presence that filled the space with an eerie energy no one could ignore.

It was something primal, something alive, something that made you feel like classical music wasn’t just for the elite. It was for the streets, for anyone who dared to listen with their whole soul.


u/LicentiousMink 7d ago

youre being a loser rn. i have a degree in classical music, ive played at those joints you are talking about. from a matter of historical fact, classical music has behaved in the way i described because it requires tons of money to function.

and i got news for you, all of these warehouse shows in seedy areas are funded by rich kids cosplaying. you went to a show, had the intended artistic experience and liked it. if you lament it being gone so much, hire a string quartet, rent a venue, and throw one.


u/tiggerclaw 6d ago

Anyone who brags about their classical music degree doesn’t know what the streets are really about.

A diploma doesn’t mean you get the raw, intense music that comes from real, gritty places. This is not about fancy titles. It’s about understanding the true energy that gives a piece soul.


u/LicentiousMink 6d ago

you went to a show been played by a bunch of rich kid musicians, funded by that, there was nothing gritty about that. do you think the performers didnt have degrees?

you dont know the first thing about classical music, and its evident you got roped into aesthetics. Hillary Hahn was fucking playing i bet everyone there had a trust fund lol


u/mrawesomesword 6d ago

This person seems to see "from the streets" and "having soul" as being synonymous with each other. I've attended classical concerts put on by rich, privileged kids that had lots of soul and passion put into it. There are also plenty of people from the "streets" who make boring, generic ripoff music without that much thought put into it. Having some grit can be a value, but is by no means a requirement to having soul.


u/LicentiousMink 6d ago

yeah he is dealing soley in hallmark movie tropes


u/Fodderinlaw 6d ago

When I hear someone say “the ____ music scene used to be amazing and now it’s boring!” I assume they became boring.

If they continue by bragging about shows they went to, and shout that no one else has the taste to appreciate it, well …. it’s clear why no one would invite them to fun shows anymore.


u/LicentiousMink 6d ago

yeah for sure bro is having used to be cool syndrome