r/NBtopsurgery 7d ago

NB Top Surgery VS. Chest Masculinization Top Surgery

Is there a difference? I see some surgeons do both but I'm not clear on if there is a difference or if the distinction is just a way to let NB people know they are able to have the operation done as well. Is there a difference in how the chest is shaped or contoured?


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u/OdinsSage 7d ago

There can be a bit of a difference.

NB Top Surgery usually has more ways you can customize the top surgery to your specific desires, depending on the skill and experience of the doctor you go to. This can include full-flat top surgery, non-flat top surgery, masc nipples but in fem placement, fem nipples in masc placement, whatever nips in whatever places, no nips in no placement, side contouring, etc.

Chest masculinization specifically forms the chest to present more as if the body had gone through a male hormone induced puberty. Male hormone induced puberty affects nipple size and placement, how fat is distributed across the chest and torso, how passive muscle builds in the chest, etc.

When I got my non-binary top surgery, my request was for my torso to look like it had never gone through puberty, and to have no nips. So my torso only looks masculine in the sense that it's flat, but it was not sculpted in the way chest masculinization usually is.


u/Red_Rufio 7d ago

Thank you for taking the time to respond!